Florida Statutes
Part I - Construction Liens (Ss. 713.001-713.37)
713.24 - Transfer of liens to security.

(1) Any lien claimed under this part may be transferred, by any person having an interest in the real property upon which the lien is imposed or the contract under which the lien is claimed, from such real property to other security by either:
(a) Depositing in the clerk’s office a sum of money, or
(b) Filing in the clerk’s office a bond executed as surety by a surety insurer licensed to do business in this state,
either to be in an amount equal to the amount demanded in such claim of lien, plus interest thereon at the legal rate for 3 years, plus $1,000 or 25 percent of the amount demanded in the claim of lien, whichever is greater, to apply on any attorney’s fees and court costs that may be taxed in any proceeding to enforce said lien. Such deposit or bond shall be conditioned to pay any judgment or decree which may be rendered for the satisfaction of the lien for which such claim of lien was recorded. Upon making such deposit or filing such bond, the clerk shall make and record a certificate showing the transfer of the lien from the real property to the security and shall mail a copy thereof by registered or certified mail to the lienor named in the claim of lien so transferred, at the address stated therein. Upon filing the certificate of transfer, the real property shall thereupon be released from the lien claimed, and such lien shall be transferred to said security. In the absence of allegations of privity between the lienor and the owner, and subject to any order of the court increasing the amount required for the lien transfer deposit or bond, no other judgment or decree to pay money may be entered by the court against the owner. The clerk shall be entitled to a service charge for making and serving the certificate, in the amount of up to $20, from which the clerk shall remit $5 to the Department of Revenue for deposit into the General Revenue Fund. If the transaction involves the transfer of multiple liens, an additional charge of up to $10 for each additional lien shall be charged, from which the clerk shall remit $2.50 to the Department of Revenue for deposit into the General Revenue Fund. For recording the certificate and approving the bond, the clerk shall receive her or his usual statutory service charges as prescribed in s. 28.24. Any number of liens may be transferred to one such security.

(2) Any excess of the security over the aggregate amount of any judgments or decrees rendered plus costs actually taxed shall be repaid to the party filing the same or her or his successor in interest. Any deposit of money shall be considered as paid into court and shall be subject to the provisions of law relative to payments of money into court and the disposition of same.
(3) Any party having an interest in such security or the property from which the lien was transferred may at any time, and any number of times, file a complaint in chancery in the circuit court of the county where such security is deposited, or file a motion in a pending action to enforce a lien, for an order to require additional security, reduction of security, change or substitution of sureties, payment of discharge thereof, or any other matter affecting said security. If the court finds that the amount of the deposit or bond in excess of the amount claimed in the claim of lien is insufficient to pay the lienor’s attorney’s fees and court costs incurred in the action to enforce the lien, the court must increase the amount of the cash deposit or lien transfer bond. Nothing in this section shall be construed to vest exclusive jurisdiction in the circuit courts over transfer bond claims for nonpayment of an amount within the monetary jurisdiction of the county courts.
(4) If a proceeding to enforce a transferred lien is not commenced within the time specified in s. 713.22 or if it appears that the transferred lien has been satisfied of record, the clerk shall return said security upon request of the person depositing or filing the same, or the insurer. If a proceeding to enforce a lien is commenced in a court of competent jurisdiction within the time specified in s. 713.22 and, during such proceeding, the lien is transferred pursuant to this section or s. 713.13(1)(e), an action commenced within 1 year after the transfer, unless otherwise shortened by operation of law, in the same county or circuit court to recover against the security shall be deemed to have been brought as of the date of filing the action to enforce the lien, and the court shall have jurisdiction over the action.
History.—s. 1, ch. 63-135; s. 15, ch. 65-456; s. 35, ch. 67-254; s. 6, ch. 77-354; s. 6, ch. 87-74; s. 813, ch. 97-102; s. 8, ch. 98-135; s. 111, ch. 2003-402; s. 73, ch. 2004-265; s. 11, ch. 2005-227; s. 38, ch. 2008-111; s. 24, ch. 2019-58.
Note.—Former s. 84.241.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title XL - Real and Personal Property

Chapter 713 - Liens, Generally

Part I - Construction Liens (Ss. 713.001-713.37)

713.001 - Short title of part.

713.01 - Definitions.

713.012 - Written notices, demands, or requests.

713.015 - Mandatory provisions for direct contracts.

713.02 - Types of lienors and exemptions.

713.03 - Liens for professional services.

713.04 - Subdivision improvements.

713.05 - Liens of persons in privity.

713.06 - Liens of persons not in privity; proper payments.

713.07 - Priority of liens.

713.08 - Claim of lien.

713.09 - Single claim of lien.

713.10 - Extent of liens.

713.11 - Liens for improving land in which the contracting party has no interest.

713.12 - Liens for improving real property under contract with husband or wife on property of the other or of both.

713.13 - Notice of commencement.

713.132 - Notice of termination.

713.135 - Notice of commencement and applicability of lien.

713.14 - Application of money to materials account.

713.15 - Repossession of materials not used.

713.16 - Demand for copy of contract and statements of account; form.

713.165 - Request for list of subcontractors and suppliers.

713.17 - Materials not attachable for debts of purchaser.

713.18 - Manner of serving notices and other instruments.

713.19 - Assignment of lien.

713.20 - Waiver or release of liens.

713.21 - Discharge of lien.

713.22 - Duration of lien.

713.23 - Payment bond.

713.235 - Waivers of right to claim against payment bond; forms.

713.24 - Transfer of liens to security.

713.245 - Conditional payment bond.

713.25 - Applicability of ch. 65-456.

713.26 - Redemption and sale.

713.27 - Interplead.

713.28 - Judgments in case of failure to establish liens; personal and deficiency judgments or decrees.

713.29 - Attorney’s fees.

713.30 - Other actions not barred.

713.31 - Remedies in case of fraud or collusion.

713.32 - Insurance proceeds liable for demands.

713.33 - Disbursing agent and others may rely on owner’s notices.

713.345 - Moneys received for real property improvements; penalty for misapplication.

713.346 - Payment on construction contracts.

713.3471 - Lender responsibilities with construction loans.

713.35 - Making or furnishing false statement.

713.37 - Rule of construction.