Florida Statutes
Part I - International Banking Corporations (Ss. 663.001-663.181)
663.174 - Repudiation; lease, lessee, or lessor; real or personal property.

(1) If the office repudiates a lease of an international banking corporation, the real or personal property under which the corporation was a lessee, the lessor under such lease shall be entitled to file a claim with the office for the lesser of:
(a) The amount designated as liquidated damages contained in the lease between the corporation and the lessor;
(b) The amount equal to 1 year’s rent under the terms of the repudiated lease; or
(c) An amount equal to the rent for the remaining term of the lease.

(2) If the office repudiates the lease of an international banking corporation for the rental of real property under which the corporation was the lessor and the lease was not in default at the time of the repudiation, the lessee under such lease may:
(a) Treat the lease as terminated by such repudiation and vacate the premises; or
(b) Remain in possession of the leasehold interest for the balance of the term of the lease, and for any renewal or extension of such term that is enforceable by such lessee under applicable noninsolvency law, unless the lessee defaults under the terms of the lease after the date of such repudiation. If the lessee remains in possession of the leasehold interest, the lessee shall continue to pay to the office the contractual rent pursuant to the terms of the lease after the date of the repudiation of such lease and may offset against such rent payment any damages which may accrue due to nonperformance of any obligation of the corporation under the lease after the date of repudiation.
The office shall not be liable to the lessee for any damages arising after such date as a result of the repudiation other than the amount of any offset allowed under this paragraph. Nothing in this subsection prohibits the office from entering into a new contract with the lessee for the rental of the leasehold which was the subject of the repudiated lease.

(3) Except as otherwise provided, notwithstanding any provision in an unexpired lease or other contract or in applicable law, a contract or unexpired lease of an international banking corporation may not be terminated or modified by any party other than the office without the concurrence of the office, and any right or obligation under such contract or lease may not be terminated or modified, at any time after the office has taken possession, solely pursuant to a provision in such contract or lease purporting to allow termination or modification upon the office’s taking possession or upon the insolvency or liquidation or deterioration of the financial condition of the corporation.
(4) Nothing in this section affects the right of a party to contract with an international banking corporation to seek performance of such contract or damages under such contract in any other jurisdiction; provided, the office shall not be liable for the performance of such contract or damages under such contract in any other jurisdiction.
(5) The rights granted in this section are in addition to any other rights available to the office under common law or any other law.
History.—s. 4, ch. 97-109; s. 1837, ch. 2003-261.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title XXXVIII - Banks and Banking

Chapter 663 - International Banking

Part I - International Banking Corporations (Ss. 663.001-663.181)

663.001 - Purpose.

663.01 - Definitions.

663.02 - Applicability of the financial institutions codes.

663.021 - Civil action subpoena enforcement.

663.03 - Applicability of the Florida Business Corporation Act.

663.04 - Requirements for carrying on financial institution business.

663.05 - Application for license; approval or disapproval.

663.055 - Capital requirements.

663.06 - Licenses; permissible activities.

663.0601 - After-the-fact licensure process in the event of the acquisition, merger, or consolidation of international banking corporations.

663.061 - International bank agencies; permissible activities.

663.062 - International representative offices; permissible activities.

663.063 - International administrative offices.

663.064 - International branches; permissible activities; requirements.

663.065 - State-chartered investment companies; formation; permissible activities; restrictions.

663.07 - Asset maintenance or capital equivalency.

663.08 - Certification of capital accounts.

663.083 - Lending limits.

663.09 - Reports; records.

663.10 - Conversion of license.

663.11 - Termination of international banking corporation’s charter or authority.

663.12 - Fees; assessments; fines.

663.13 - Rules; exemption from statement of estimated regulatory costs requirements.

663.14 - Foreign travel expenses.

663.16 - Definitions; ss. 663.17-663.181.

663.17 - Liquidation; possession of business and property; inventory of assets; wages; depositing collected assets; appointing agents; appointment of judges.

663.171 - Liquidation; repudiation of contracts.

663.172 - Liability on repudiation or termination of contracts.

663.173 - Qualified financial contract; net obligation and net entitlement.

663.174 - Repudiation; lease, lessee, or lessor; real or personal property.

663.175 - Liquidation; continuation, stay, and injunction.

663.176 - Liquidation; notice of possession.

663.177 - Disposition of property held as bailee or depositary; opening of safe-deposit boxes; disposal of contents.

663.178 - Claims; valuation; priority; listing; filing; objection; endorsement; adverse interest.

663.18 - Fees.

663.181 - Manner and time within which taking possession may be tested.