Florida Statutes
Part I - International Banking Corporations (Ss. 663.001-663.181)
663.02 - Applicability of the financial institutions codes.

(1) International banking corporations having offices in this state are subject to all the provisions of the financial institutions codes as though such corporations were state banks, except where it may appear, from the context or otherwise, that such provisions are clearly applicable only to banks organized under the laws of this state or the United States. Without limiting the foregoing general provisions, it is the intent of the Legislature that the following provisions are applicable to such banks or trust companies: s. 655.031, relating to administrative enforcement guidelines; s. 655.032, relating to investigations, subpoenas, hearings, and witnesses; s. 655.0321, relating to hearings, proceedings, and related documents and restricted access thereto; s. 655.033, relating to cease and desist orders; s. 655.037, relating to removal by the office of an officer, director, committee member, employee, or other person; s. 655.041, relating to administrative fines and enforcement; s. 655.50, relating to the control of money laundering and terrorist financing; and any law for which the penalty is increased under s. 775.31 for facilitating or furthering terrorism. International banking corporations do not have the powers conferred on domestic banks by s. 658.60, relating to deposits of public funds. Chapter 687, relating to interest and usury, applies to all bank loans.
(2) Neither an international bank agency nor an international branch shall have any greater right under, or by virtue of, this section than is granted to banks organized under the laws of this state. Legal and financial terms used herein shall be deemed to refer to equivalent terms used by the country in which the international banking corporation is organized. This chapter and the financial institutions codes may not be construed to authorize any international banking corporation to conduct trust business, as defined in s. 658.12, from an office in this state except for those activities specifically authorized by s. 663.061(5).
History.—s. 1, ch. 77-157; ss. 83, 151, 152, ch. 80-260; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; s. 4, ch. 83-129; s. 21, ch. 89-229; s. 1, ch. 91-307; ss. 1, 3, 151, ch. 92-303; s. 414, ch. 96-406; s. 5, ch. 97-109; s. 15, ch. 2001-64; s. 1815, ch. 2003-261; s. 130, ch. 2005-2; s. 3, ch. 2010-9; s. 25, ch. 2014-91; s. 5, ch. 2017-83.
Note.—Former s. 659.67(2).

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title XXXVIII - Banks and Banking

Chapter 663 - International Banking

Part I - International Banking Corporations (Ss. 663.001-663.181)

663.001 - Purpose.

663.01 - Definitions.

663.02 - Applicability of the financial institutions codes.

663.021 - Civil action subpoena enforcement.

663.03 - Applicability of the Florida Business Corporation Act.

663.04 - Requirements for carrying on financial institution business.

663.05 - Application for license; approval or disapproval.

663.055 - Capital requirements.

663.06 - Licenses; permissible activities.

663.0601 - After-the-fact licensure process in the event of the acquisition, merger, or consolidation of international banking corporations.

663.061 - International bank agencies; permissible activities.

663.062 - International representative offices; permissible activities.

663.063 - International administrative offices.

663.064 - International branches; permissible activities; requirements.

663.065 - State-chartered investment companies; formation; permissible activities; restrictions.

663.07 - Asset maintenance or capital equivalency.

663.08 - Certification of capital accounts.

663.083 - Lending limits.

663.09 - Reports; records.

663.10 - Conversion of license.

663.11 - Termination of international banking corporation’s charter or authority.

663.12 - Fees; assessments; fines.

663.13 - Rules; exemption from statement of estimated regulatory costs requirements.

663.14 - Foreign travel expenses.

663.16 - Definitions; ss. 663.17-663.181.

663.17 - Liquidation; possession of business and property; inventory of assets; wages; depositing collected assets; appointing agents; appointment of judges.

663.171 - Liquidation; repudiation of contracts.

663.172 - Liability on repudiation or termination of contracts.

663.173 - Qualified financial contract; net obligation and net entitlement.

663.174 - Repudiation; lease, lessee, or lessor; real or personal property.

663.175 - Liquidation; continuation, stay, and injunction.

663.176 - Liquidation; notice of possession.

663.177 - Disposition of property held as bailee or depositary; opening of safe-deposit boxes; disposal of contents.

663.178 - Claims; valuation; priority; listing; filing; objection; endorsement; adverse interest.

663.18 - Fees.

663.181 - Manner and time within which taking possession may be tested.