Florida Statutes
Part I - General Provisions (Ss. 501.001-501.171)
501.015 - Health studios; registration requirements and fees.

(1) Register each of its business locations with the department in a form and manner as required by the department.
(2) Remit an annual registration fee of $300 to the department at the time of registration for each of the health studio’s business locations.
(a) The department shall waive the initial registration fee for an honorably discharged veteran of the United States Armed Forces, the spouse or surviving spouse of such a veteran, a current member of the United States Armed Forces who has served on active duty, the spouse of such a member, the surviving spouse of a member of the United States Armed Forces if the member died while serving on active duty, or a business entity that has a majority ownership held by such a veteran or spouse or surviving spouse if the department receives an application, in a format prescribed by the department. The application format must include the applicant’s signature, under penalty of perjury, and supporting documentation. To qualify for the waiver:
1. A veteran must provide to the department a copy of his or her DD Form 214, as issued by the United States Department of Defense, or another acceptable form of identification as specified by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs;
2. The spouse or surviving spouse of a veteran must provide to the department a copy of the veteran’s DD Form 214, as issued by the United States Department of Defense, or another acceptable form of identification as specified by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, and a copy of a valid marriage license or certificate verifying that he or she was lawfully married to the veteran at the time of discharge; or
3. A business entity must provide to the department proof that a veteran or the spouse or surviving spouse of a veteran holds a majority ownership in the business, a copy of the veteran’s DD Form 214, as issued by the United States Department of Defense, or another acceptable form of identification as specified by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, and, if applicable, a copy of a valid marriage license or certificate verifying that the spouse or surviving spouse of the veteran was lawfully married to the veteran at the time of discharge.

(b) The department shall waive the registration renewal fee for a registrant who:
1. Is an active duty member of the United States Armed Forces or the spouse of such member;
2. Is or was a member of the United States Armed Forces and served on active duty within the 2 years preceding the renewal date. To qualify for the fee waiver, a registrant who is a former member of the United States Armed Forces who served on active duty within the 2 years preceding the expiration date of the registration must have received an honorable discharge upon separation or discharge from the United States Armed Forces; or
3. Is the surviving spouse of a member of the United States Armed Forces if the member was serving on active duty at the time of death and died within the 2 years preceding the date of renewal.
A registrant seeking such waiver must apply in a format prescribed by the department, including the applicant’s signature, under penalty of perjury, and supporting documentation.

(3) File a security as required by s. 501.016 at the time of registration.
(4) Post at the registration desk or front desk, whichever is more prominent, at each business location the proof of registration certificate provided by the department at the time of registration or renewal.
(5) Include the registration number issued by the department in all printed advertisements, contracts, and publications utilized by the health studio for a business location.
(6) Be considered a new health studio and shall be subject to the requirements of s. 501.016 each time the health studio changes ownership or, in the case of corporate ownership, each time the stock ownership is changed so as to effectively put the health studio under new management or control, notwithstanding the provisions of s. 501.016(8). A change of ownership does not occur within the meaning of this subsection if:
(a) Substantially the same stockholders form a new corporate entity;
(b) In the opinion of the department, the change does not effectively place the health studio under new management and control; and
(c) The health studio has a satisfactory complaint history with the department.

(7) A person applying for or renewing a local business tax receipt to engage in business as a health studio must exhibit an active registration certificate from the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services before the local business tax receipt may be issued or reissued.
(8) All moneys collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the General Inspection Trust Fund.
History.—s. 5, ch. 90-312; s. 14, ch. 91-201; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 56, ch. 92-291; s. 1, ch. 93-116; s. 7, ch. 97-250; s. 18, ch. 2012-67; s. 22, ch. 2014-147; s. 12, ch. 2016-166; s. 31, ch. 2018-7.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title XXXIII - Regulation of Trade, Commerce, Investments, and Solicitations

Chapter 501 - Consumer Protection

Part I - General Provisions (Ss. 501.001-501.171)

501.001 - Florida Anti-Tampering Act.

501.005 - Consumer report security freeze.

501.0051 - Protected consumer report security freeze.

501.011 - Credit cards; unsolicited delivery or mailing prohibited.

501.0113 - Unsolicited goods; no obligation on part of recipient.

501.0115 - Service station credit cards and franchise agreements; certain restrictions on sales and purchasers prohibited.

501.0117 - Credit cards; transactions in which seller or lessor prohibited from imposing surcharge; penalty.

501.0118 - Restrictions on information printed on receipts for payment-card transactions; penalties.

501.012 - Health studios; legislative findings.

501.0125 - Health studios; definitions.

501.013 - Health studios; exemptions.

501.014 - Health studios; powers and duties of the department.

501.015 - Health studios; registration requirements and fees.

501.016 - Health studios; security requirements.

501.017 - Health studios; contracts.

501.018 - Health studios; change of ownership or location.

501.019 - Health studios; penalties.

501.021 - Home solicitation sale; definitions.

501.022 - Home solicitation sale; permit required.

501.025 - Home solicitation sale; buyer’s right to cancel.

501.031 - Home solicitation sale; written agreement.

501.035 - Home solicitation sale; exclusions.

501.041 - Home solicitation sale; restoration of down payment.

501.045 - Home solicitation sale; duty of buyer.

501.046 - Home solicitation sale; duty of businesses conducting home solicitation sales.

501.047 - Home solicitation sale; prohibited practices.

501.052 - Home solicitation sale; enforcement authority; injunctive relief.

501.053 - Home solicitation sale; judicial review.

501.055 - Home solicitation sale; penalties.

501.057 - Commercial Weight-Loss Practices Act; short title.

501.0571 - Commercial Weight-Loss Practices Act; definitions.

501.0573 - Weight-loss provider requirements.

501.0575 - Weight-Loss Consumer Bill of Rights.

501.0577 - Commercial Weight-Loss Practices Act; exemptions.

501.0579 - Commercial Weight-Loss Practices Act; unlawful practices.

501.0581 - Commercial Weight-Loss Practices Act; civil remedies.

501.0583 - Selling, delivering, bartering, furnishing, or giving weight-loss pills to persons under age 18; penalties; defense.

501.059 - Telephone solicitation.

501.122 - Control of nonionizing radiations; laser; penalties.

501.135 - Consumer unit pricing.

501.137 - Mortgage lenders; tax and insurance payments from escrow accounts; duties.

501.1375 - Deposits received for purchase of residential dwelling units; placement in escrow; waiver; exceptions.

501.1377 - Violations involving homeowners during the course of residential foreclosure proceedings.

501.138 - Advertising of previews or trailers; standards.

501.141 - Delivery of crated goods; written statement of satisfaction; right to cancel.

501.142 - Retail sales establishments; preemption; notice of refund policy; exceptions; penalty.

501.145 - Bedding Label Act.

501.155 - Electronic dissemination of commercial recordings or audiovisual works; required disclosures; injunctive relief.

501.160 - Rental or sale of essential commodities during a declared state of emergency; prohibition against unconscionable prices.

501.164 - Civil penalties.

501.165 - Automatic renewal of service contracts.

501.171 - Security of confidential personal information.