Florida Statutes
Chapter 376 - Pollutant Discharge Prevention and Removal
376.85 - Annual Report.

History.—s. 13, ch. 97-277; s. 61, ch. 2010-205.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title XXVIII - Natural Resources; Conservation, Reclamation, and Use

Chapter 376 - Pollutant Discharge Prevention and Removal

376.011 - Pollutant Discharge Prevention and Control Act; Short Title.

376.021 - Legislative Intent With Respect to Pollution of Coastal Waters and Lands.

376.031 - Definitions; Ss. 376.011-376.21.

376.041 - Pollution of Waters and Lands of the State Prohibited.

376.051 - Powers and Duties of the Department of Environmental Protection.

376.065 - Operation of Terminal Facility Without Discharge Prevention and Response Certificate Prohibited; Penalty.

376.07 - Regulatory Powers of Department; Penalties for Inadequate Booming by Terminal Facilities.

376.0705 - Development of Training Programs and Educational Materials.

376.071 - Discharge Contingency Plan for Vessels.

376.09 - Removal of Prohibited Discharges.

376.10 - Personnel and Equipment.

376.11 - Florida Coastal Protection Trust Fund.

376.12 - Liabilities and Defenses of Responsible Parties; Liabilities of Third Parties; Financial Security Requirements for Vessels; Liability of Cargo Owners; Notification Requirements.

376.121 - Liability for Damage to Natural Resources.

376.123 - Claims Against the Florida Coastal Protection Trust Fund.

376.13 - Emergency Proclamation; Governor’s Powers.

376.14 - Vessels; Financial Responsibility; Claims Against Providers of Financial Responsibility; Service of Process Against Responsible Parties.

376.16 - Enforcement and Penalties.

376.165 - “Hold-Harmless” Agreements Prohibited.

376.19 - County and Municipal Ordinances; Powers Limited.

376.20 - Limitation on Application.

376.205 - Individual Cause of Action for Damages Under Ss. 376.011-376.21.

376.207 - Traps Impregnated With Pollutants Prohibited.

376.21 - Construction of Ss. 376.011-376.21.

376.25 - Gambling Vessels; Registration; Required and Prohibited Releases.

376.30 - Legislative Intent With Respect to Pollution of Surface and Ground Waters.

376.301 - Definitions of Terms Used in Ss. 376.30-376.317, 376.70, and 376.75.

376.302 - Prohibited Acts; Penalties.

376.303 - Powers and Duties of the Department of Environmental Protection.

376.304 - Review and Analysis of Disposal Materials or Byproducts; Disposal at Designated Local Government Solid Waste Disposal Facilities.

376.305 - Removal of Prohibited Discharges.

376.306 - Cattle-Dipping Vats; Legislative Findings; Liability.

376.307 - Water Quality Assurance Trust Fund.

376.30701 - Application of Risk-Based Corrective Action Principles to Contaminated Sites; Applicability; Legislative Intent; Rulemaking Authority; Contamination Cleanup Criteria; Limitations; Reopeners.

376.30702 - Contamination Notification.

376.3071 - Inland Protection Trust Fund; Creation; Purposes; Funding.

376.30713 - Advanced Cleanup.

376.30714 - Site Rehabilitation Agreements.

376.30715 - Innocent Victim Petroleum Storage System Restoration.

376.30716 - Cleanup of Certain Sites.

376.3072 - Florida Petroleum Liability and Restoration Insurance Program.

376.3073 - Local Programs and State Agency Programs for Control of Contamination.

376.3075 - Inland Protection Financing Corporation.

376.3077 - Unlawful to Deposit Motor Fuel in Tank Required to Be Registered, Without Proof of Registration Display.

376.3078 - Drycleaning Facility Restoration; Funds; Uses; Liability; Recovery of Expenditures.

376.30781 - Tax Credits for Rehabilitation of Drycleaning-Solvent-Contaminated Sites and Brownfield Sites in Designated Brownfield Areas; Application Process; Rulemaking Authority; Revocation Authority.

376.3079 - Third-Party Liability Insurance.

376.308 - Liabilities and Defenses of Facilities.

376.309 - Facilities, Financial Responsibility.

376.311 - Penalties for a Discharge.

376.313 - Nonexclusiveness of Remedies and Individual Cause of Action for Damages Under Ss. 376.30-376.317.

376.315 - Construction of Ss. 376.30-376.317.

376.317 - Superseded Laws; State Preemption.

376.320 - Applicability.

376.321 - Definitions; Ss. 376.320-376.326.

376.322 - Powers and Duties of the Department.

376.323 - Registration.

376.324 - Containment and Integrity Plan.

376.325 - Alternative to Containment and Integrity Plan Requirements.

376.326 - Application of S. 376.317.

376.40 - Petroleum Exploration and Production; Purposes; Funding.

376.41 - Minerals Trust Fund.

376.60 - Asbestos Removal Program Inspection and Notification Fee.

376.70 - Tax on Gross Receipts of Drycleaning Facilities.

376.71 - Registration Fee and Gross Receipts Tax; Exemptions.

376.75 - Tax on Production or Importation of Perchloroethylene.

376.77 - Short Title.

376.78 - Legislative Intent.

376.79 - Definitions Relating to Brownfields Redevelopment Act.

376.80 - Brownfield Program Administration Process.

376.81 - Brownfield Site and Brownfield Areas Contamination Cleanup Criteria.

376.82 - Eligibility Criteria and Liability Protection.

376.83 - Violation; Penalties.

376.84 - Brownfield Redevelopment Economic Incentives.

376.85 - Annual Report.

376.91 - Statewide Cleanup of Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances.