Florida Statutes
Chapter 376 - Pollutant Discharge Prevention and Removal
376.306 - Cattle-Dipping Vats; Legislative Findings; Liability.

(1) The Legislature finds that:
(a) In excess of 3,200 cattle-dipping vats were constructed in the state as a result of local, state, and federal programs, conducted from 1906 through 1961, for the prevention, suppression, control, or eradication of the disease commonly known as tick fever by eradicating the cattle fever tick, the arthropod vector organism responsible for transmission of the disease.
(b) Most cattle-dipping vats were constructed with public funds and operated under local, state, and Federal Government supervision and control.
(c) Most vats were used to dip cattle and other livestock owned by several different persons, irrespective of ownership of the property on which the vat was located.
(d) Throughout most of the tick eradication program, the state established criteria for chemical solutions to be used in the vats; annually bid, purchased, and distributed materials to be used in said chemical solutions; and expressly authorized use of chemicals, including, but not limited to, various arsenicals, DDT, and Toxaphene.
(e) Cattle-dipping vats are located on lands presently both privately and publicly owned.
(f) Participation in the cattle fever tick eradication program was mandated by state law. Livestock owners who failed to participate were subjected to criminal penalties, including fines and imprisonment, and civil penalties, including, but not limited to, condemnation and killing of their livestock, payment of costs for the killing and disposal of carcasses by the sheriff or her or his deputies, and payment of fees for dipping performed by the state.
(g) Private owners of property upon which cattle-dipping vats are located should not be held liable for any costs, damages, or penalties arising or resulting from participation in the cattle fever tick eradication program.

(2) Any private owner of property in this state upon which cattle-dipping vats are located shall not be liable to the state under any state law, or to any other person seeking to enforce state law, for any costs, damages, or penalties associated with the discharge, evaluation, contamination, assessment, or remediation of any substances or derivatives thereof that were used in the vat for the eradication of the cattle fever tick. This provision shall be broadly construed to the benefit of said private owner.
History.—s. 1, ch. 96-351; s. 48, ch. 97-96.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title XXVIII - Natural Resources; Conservation, Reclamation, and Use

Chapter 376 - Pollutant Discharge Prevention and Removal

376.011 - Pollutant Discharge Prevention and Control Act; Short Title.

376.021 - Legislative Intent With Respect to Pollution of Coastal Waters and Lands.

376.031 - Definitions; Ss. 376.011-376.21.

376.041 - Pollution of Waters and Lands of the State Prohibited.

376.051 - Powers and Duties of the Department of Environmental Protection.

376.065 - Operation of Terminal Facility Without Discharge Prevention and Response Certificate Prohibited; Penalty.

376.07 - Regulatory Powers of Department; Penalties for Inadequate Booming by Terminal Facilities.

376.0705 - Development of Training Programs and Educational Materials.

376.071 - Discharge Contingency Plan for Vessels.

376.09 - Removal of Prohibited Discharges.

376.10 - Personnel and Equipment.

376.11 - Florida Coastal Protection Trust Fund.

376.12 - Liabilities and Defenses of Responsible Parties; Liabilities of Third Parties; Financial Security Requirements for Vessels; Liability of Cargo Owners; Notification Requirements.

376.121 - Liability for Damage to Natural Resources.

376.123 - Claims Against the Florida Coastal Protection Trust Fund.

376.13 - Emergency Proclamation; Governor’s Powers.

376.14 - Vessels; Financial Responsibility; Claims Against Providers of Financial Responsibility; Service of Process Against Responsible Parties.

376.16 - Enforcement and Penalties.

376.165 - “Hold-Harmless” Agreements Prohibited.

376.19 - County and Municipal Ordinances; Powers Limited.

376.20 - Limitation on Application.

376.205 - Individual Cause of Action for Damages Under Ss. 376.011-376.21.

376.207 - Traps Impregnated With Pollutants Prohibited.

376.21 - Construction of Ss. 376.011-376.21.

376.25 - Gambling Vessels; Registration; Required and Prohibited Releases.

376.30 - Legislative Intent With Respect to Pollution of Surface and Ground Waters.

376.301 - Definitions of Terms Used in Ss. 376.30-376.317, 376.70, and 376.75.

376.302 - Prohibited Acts; Penalties.

376.303 - Powers and Duties of the Department of Environmental Protection.

376.304 - Review and Analysis of Disposal Materials or Byproducts; Disposal at Designated Local Government Solid Waste Disposal Facilities.

376.305 - Removal of Prohibited Discharges.

376.306 - Cattle-Dipping Vats; Legislative Findings; Liability.

376.307 - Water Quality Assurance Trust Fund.

376.30701 - Application of Risk-Based Corrective Action Principles to Contaminated Sites; Applicability; Legislative Intent; Rulemaking Authority; Contamination Cleanup Criteria; Limitations; Reopeners.

376.30702 - Contamination Notification.

376.3071 - Inland Protection Trust Fund; Creation; Purposes; Funding.

376.30713 - Advanced Cleanup.

376.30714 - Site Rehabilitation Agreements.

376.30715 - Innocent Victim Petroleum Storage System Restoration.

376.30716 - Cleanup of Certain Sites.

376.3072 - Florida Petroleum Liability and Restoration Insurance Program.

376.3073 - Local Programs and State Agency Programs for Control of Contamination.

376.3075 - Inland Protection Financing Corporation.

376.3077 - Unlawful to Deposit Motor Fuel in Tank Required to Be Registered, Without Proof of Registration Display.

376.3078 - Drycleaning Facility Restoration; Funds; Uses; Liability; Recovery of Expenditures.

376.30781 - Tax Credits for Rehabilitation of Drycleaning-Solvent-Contaminated Sites and Brownfield Sites in Designated Brownfield Areas; Application Process; Rulemaking Authority; Revocation Authority.

376.3079 - Third-Party Liability Insurance.

376.308 - Liabilities and Defenses of Facilities.

376.309 - Facilities, Financial Responsibility.

376.311 - Penalties for a Discharge.

376.313 - Nonexclusiveness of Remedies and Individual Cause of Action for Damages Under Ss. 376.30-376.317.

376.315 - Construction of Ss. 376.30-376.317.

376.317 - Superseded Laws; State Preemption.

376.320 - Applicability.

376.321 - Definitions; Ss. 376.320-376.326.

376.322 - Powers and Duties of the Department.

376.323 - Registration.

376.324 - Containment and Integrity Plan.

376.325 - Alternative to Containment and Integrity Plan Requirements.

376.326 - Application of S. 376.317.

376.40 - Petroleum Exploration and Production; Purposes; Funding.

376.41 - Minerals Trust Fund.

376.60 - Asbestos Removal Program Inspection and Notification Fee.

376.70 - Tax on Gross Receipts of Drycleaning Facilities.

376.71 - Registration Fee and Gross Receipts Tax; Exemptions.

376.75 - Tax on Production or Importation of Perchloroethylene.

376.77 - Short Title.

376.78 - Legislative Intent.

376.79 - Definitions Relating to Brownfields Redevelopment Act.

376.80 - Brownfield Program Administration Process.

376.81 - Brownfield Site and Brownfield Areas Contamination Cleanup Criteria.

376.82 - Eligibility Criteria and Liability Protection.

376.83 - Violation; Penalties.

376.84 - Brownfield Redevelopment Economic Incentives.

376.85 - Annual Report.

376.91 - Statewide Cleanup of Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances.