Florida Statutes
Chapter 30 - Sheriffs
30.50 - Payment of Salaries and Expenses.

(1) The sheriff shall requisition and the board of county commissioners shall pay him or her, at the first meeting in October of each year, and each month thereafter, one-twelfth of the total amount budgeted for the office; provided, that at the first meeting in January of each year, the board shall, at the request of the sheriff, pay one-sixth of the total appropriated, and one-twelfth each month thereafter, which payments shall be not more than the total appropriation. Provided further that any part of the amount budgeted for equipment shall be paid at any time during the year upon the request of the sheriff.
(2) The sheriff shall deposit the county warrant or warrants in his or her official bank account as provided in s. 30.51(3) and draw his or her own checks thereon in payment of the salaries of the sheriff and his or her deputies, clerks, and employees and the expenses of office. All salaries paid shall be supported by payrolls, and all expenses paid shall be supported by approved bills; provided, that the sheriff may draw a check to himself or herself for the expense of an investigation, and may note on the voucher only the information that he or she may consider proper to divulge.
(3) The sheriff may set up a revolving fund for payment in cash of small items. The revolving fund shall be reimbursed from time to time by payment of the vouchers representing the cash payments.
(4) The sheriff shall keep necessary budget accounts and records, and shall charge all paid bills and payrolls to the proper budget accounts. The reserve for contingencies, or any part thereof, may be transferred to any of the budget appropriations, in the discretion of the sheriff. With the approval of the board of county commissioners, or of the budget commission if there is a budget commission in the county, the budget may be amended as provided for county budgets in s. 129.06(2).
(5) All expenses incurred in the fiscal year for which the budget is made shall be vouchered and charged to the budget for that year, and to carry out this purpose the books may be held open for 30 days after the end of the year.
(6) All unexpended balances at the end of each fiscal year shall be refunded to the board of county commissioners, and deposited to the county fund or funds from which payment was originally made.
History.—s. 4, ch. 57-368; s. 189, ch. 95-147.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title V - Judicial Branch

Chapter 30 - Sheriffs

30.01 - Bond of Sheriffs; Small Counties.

30.02 - Bond of Sheriffs; Large Counties.

30.03 - Obligation of Sureties.

30.04 - Justification of Sureties.

30.05 - Surety Companies.

30.06 - Liability of Sureties.

30.07 - Deputy Sheriffs.

30.071 - Applicability and Scope of Act.

30.072 - Definitions.

30.073 - Appointment; Probation; Regular Appointment.

30.074 - Regular Appointee Status.

30.075 - Review Boards.

30.076 - Appeal.

30.077 - Conduct of Hearing.

30.078 - Continuation of Appointment After a Change in Sheriff.

30.079 - Effects of Act; No Property Interest or Expectancy in Office; Sheriff’s Authority.

30.09 - Qualification of Deputies; Special Deputies.

30.10 - Place of Office.

30.12 - Power to Appoint Sheriff.

30.14 - Succession of Office.

30.15 - Powers, Duties, and Obligations.

30.20 - False Return.

30.21 - Failure to Pay Over Money.

30.22 - When Sheriff May Accept Service.

30.231 - Sheriffs’ Fees for Service of Summons, Subpoenas, and Executions.

30.24 - Transportation and Return of Prisoners.

30.27 - Constructive Mileage Not to Be Charged.

30.29 - Sheriffs May Furnish Vital War Industries Guard Service Against Sabotage.

30.2905 - Program to Contract for Employment of Off-Duty Deputies for Security Services.

30.291 - Closing of Public Facilities Upon Threat of Violence.

30.30 - Writs, Process; Duties and Liabilities in Levying.

30.46 - Sheriffs; Motor Vehicles Color Combination; Badges; Simulation Prohibited; Penalties.

30.48 - Salaries.

30.49 - Budgets.

30.50 - Payment of Salaries and Expenses.

30.501 - Bailiffs’ Meals and Lodging.

30.51 - Fees and Commissions.

30.52 - Handling of Public Funds.

30.53 - Independence of Constitutional Officials.

30.555 - Liability Insurance.

30.56 - Release of Traffic Violator on Recognizance or Bond; Penalty for Failure to Appear.

30.60 - Establishment of Neighborhood Crime Watch Programs.