Florida Statutes
Part I - Military Code (Ss. 250.01-250.5206)
250.44 - Military equipment regulations; penalties.

(1) Any person who sells, offers for sale, barters, exchanges, pledges, loans, gives away, secretes, or retains after demand is made by civil or military officers of the state, any clothing, arms, military outfits or property furnished by or through the state to any member of the militia, or who receives by purchase, barter, exchange, pledge, loan, or gift any such clothing, arms, military outfits or property commits theft as provided in chapter 812.
(2) All members of the Florida National Guard who, due to their military responsibilities, have been entrusted any military property, must account for such property according to applicable rules and regulations or special orders made by superior authority. Such military property may not be removed without proper authority. Any person who fails to account for or return to proper military authority any property in that person’s possession to which the state military authorities are entitled, or who conceals or converts the property to the person’s own use, commits theft as provided in chapter 812. Any prosecution under this section may be abated upon making full satisfaction for such property to the military authorities of the state and paying all court costs resulting from the prosecution.
(3) The clothing, arms, military outfits, and property furnished by or through the state to any member of the militia, may not be sold, bartered, loaned, exchanged, pledged, or given away. A person who is not a member of the military forces of this state or the United States, or an authorized agent of this state or the United States, who possesses clothing, arms, military outfits, or property that is unlawfully disposed of has no right, title, or interest therein, and the clothing, arms, military outfits, or property shall be seized and taken wherever found by any civil or military officer of the state and delivered to any commanding officer or other authorized officer who must make an immediate report to the Adjutant General. The possession of any such clothing, arms, military outfits, or property by any person not a member of the military forces of this state, or any other state, or of the United States, is presumptive evidence of such sale, barter, loan, exchange, pledge, or gift and is punishable as provided in chapter 812.
History.—ss. 61, 62, ch. 8502, 1921; s. 9, ch. 12089, 1927; CGL 2072, 8128; s. 1, ch. 25112, 1949; s. 147, ch. 71-136; s. 8, ch. 91-139; s. 40, ch. 2003-68.
Note.—Former ss. 250.68, 250.69.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title XVII - Military Affairs and Related Matters

Chapter 250 - Military Affairs

Part I - Military Code (Ss. 250.01-250.5206)

250.01 - Definitions.

250.02 - Militia.

250.03 - Military law of the state.

250.04 - Naval militia; marine corps.

250.05 - Department of Military Affairs.

250.06 - Commander in chief.

250.07 - Florida National Guard; composition; departmental organization.

250.08 - Florida National Guard organized.

250.09 - Appropriations, property, and equipment.

250.10 - Appointment and duties of the Adjutant General.

250.115 - Department of Military Affairs direct-support organization.

250.116 - Soldiers and Airmen Assistance Program.

250.12 - Appointment of commissioned and warrant officers.

250.16 - Authority to incur charge against state.

250.175 - Trust funds; authorization; name; purpose.

250.18 - Commissioned officers and warrant officers; clothing and uniform allowance.

250.19 - Expenses for travel on military business.

250.20 - Armory operations; allowances.

250.22 - Retirement.

250.23 - Pay for state active duty.

250.24 - Pay and expenses; appropriation; procedures.

250.25 - Governor and Chief Financial Officer authorized to borrow money.

250.26 - Transfer of funds.

250.28 - Military support to civil authorities.

250.29 - Duty of officer receiving order to provide emergency aid to civil authority; penalty for failure to comply.

250.30 - Orders of civil authorities; tactical direction of troops; efforts to disperse before attack.

250.31 - Liability of members of the organized militia; defense of actions or proceedings.

250.32 - Commanding officer’s control of arms sales.

250.33 - Powers of commanding officer on state active duty.

250.34 - Injury or death on state active duty.

250.341 - Cancellation of health insurance.

250.35 - Military justice.

250.351 - Courts-martial; jurisdiction.

250.36 - Mandates and process.

250.37 - Expenses of courts-martial.

250.375 - Medical officer authorization.

250.38 - Liability.

250.39 - Penalty for contempt.

250.40 - Armory Board; creation; membership, terms, and compensation; duties and responsibilities.

250.43 - Wearing of uniform and insignia of rank; penalty.

250.44 - Military equipment regulations; penalties.

250.45 - Military uniform discriminated against; penalty.

250.46 - Salaried employees not entitled to additional pay.

250.47 - Governor’s permission for unit to leave state.

250.48 - Leaves of absence.

250.481 - Reserve components; employment discrimination prohibited.

250.4815 - Professional license of servicemember not to expire while member on federal active duty.

250.482 - Troops ordered into state active service; not to be penalized by employers and postsecondary institutions.

250.483 - Active duty; licensure or qualification.

250.49 - Annual encampment.

250.51 - Insult to troops; penalty.

250.52 - Unlawful to persuade citizens not to enlist; penalty.

250.5201 - Stay of proceedings where troops called out into state active duty or active duty.

250.5202 - Actions for rent or possession by landlord during state active duty.

250.5204 - Installment contracts for purchase of property; penalty.

250.5205 - Mortgages, trust deeds, etc.; penalty.

250.5206 - Family Readiness Program.