Florida Statutes
Chapter 215 - Financial Matters: General Provisions
215.75 - Bonds Securities for Public Bodies.

History.—s. 20, ch. 69-230.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title XIV - Taxation and Finance

Chapter 215 - Financial Matters: General Provisions

215.01 - Fiscal Year.

215.02 - Manner of Paying Money Into the Treasury.

215.03 - Party to Be Reimbursed on Reversal of Judgment for State.

215.04 - Department of Financial Services to Report Delinquents.

215.05 - Department of Financial Services to Certify Accounts of Delinquents.

215.06 - Certified Accounts of Delinquents as Evidence.

215.07 - Preference of State in Case of Insolvency.

215.08 - Delinquent Collectors to Be Reported to State Attorney.

215.09 - Delinquent Collectors; Forfeiture of Commissions.

215.10 - Delinquent Collectors; Suspension.

215.11 - Defaulting Officers; Department of Financial Services to Report to Clerk.

215.12 - Defaulting Officers; Duty of Clerk.

215.15 - School Appropriations to Have Priority.

215.16 - Appropriations From General Revenue Fund for Public Schools, State Institutions of Higher Learning, and Community Colleges; Reduction.

215.179 - Solicitation of Payment.

215.18 - Transfers Between Funds; Limitation.

215.195 - Agency Deposits Relating to the Statewide Cost Allocation Plan.

215.196 - Architects Incidental Trust Fund; Creation; Assessment.

215.197 - Federal Grants Trust Fund.

215.198 - Operating Trust Fund.

215.199 - Audit and Warrant Clearing Trust Fund.

215.20 - Certain Income and Certain Trust Funds to Contribute to the General Revenue Fund.

215.211 - Service Charge; Elimination or Reduction for Specified Proceeds.

215.22 - Certain Income and Certain Trust Funds Exempt.

215.23 - When Contributions to Be Made.

215.24 - Exemptions Where Federal Contributions or Private Grants.

215.245 - Contracts With Federal Government; Indemnification Authorized in Certain Circumstances.

215.25 - Manner of Contributions; Rules and Regulations.

215.26 - Repayment of Funds Paid Into State Treasury Through Error.

215.28 - United States Securities, Purchase by State and County Officers and Employees; Deductions From Salary.

215.31 - State Funds; Deposit in State Treasury.

215.311 - State Funds; Exceptions.

215.32 - State Funds; Segregation.

215.3206 - Trust Funds; Termination or Re-Creation.

215.3207 - Trust Funds; Establishment; Criteria.

215.3208 - Trust Funds; Legislative Review.

215.321 - Regulatory Trust Fund.

215.322 - Acceptance of Credit Cards, Charge Cards, Debit Cards, or Electronic Funds Transfers by State Agencies, Units of Local Government, and the Judicial Branch.

215.34 - State Funds; Noncollectible Items; Procedure.

215.35 - State Funds; Warrants and Their Issuance.

215.36 - State Funds; Laws Not Repealed.

215.37 - Department of Business and Professional Regulation and the Boards to Be Financed From Fees Collected; Deposit of Funds; Service Charge; Appropriation.

215.405 - State Agencies and the Judicial Branch Authorized to Collect Costs of Fingerprinting.

215.42 - Purchases From Appropriations, Proof of Delivery.

215.422 - Payments, Warrants, and Invoices; Processing Time Limits; Dispute Resolution; Agency or Judicial Branch Compliance.

215.425 - Extra Compensation Claims Prohibited; Bonuses; Severance Pay.

215.43 - Public Bonds, Notes, and Other Securities.

215.431 - Issuance of Bond Anticipation Notes.

215.44 - Board of Administration; Powers and Duties in Relation to Investment of Trust Funds.

215.4401 - Board of Administration; Public Record Exemptions.

215.441 - Board of Administration; Appointment of Executive Director.

215.442 - Executive Director; Reporting Requirements; Public Meeting.

215.444 - Investment Advisory Council.

215.45 - Sale and Exchange of Securities.

215.47 - Investments; Authorized Securities; Loan of Securities.

215.4701 - Trademarks, Copyrights, or Patents.

215.4702 - Investments in Publicly Traded Companies Operating in Northern Ireland.

215.471 - Divestiture by the State Board of Administration; Reporting Requirements.

215.472 - Prohibited Investments.

215.4725 - Prohibited Investments by the State Board of Administration; Companies That Boycott Israel.

215.473 - Divestiture by the State Board of Administration; Sudan; Iran.

215.474 - Analyses of Technology and Growth Investments.

215.475 - Investment Policy Statement.

215.4754 - Ethics Requirements for Investment Advisers and Managers and Members of the Investment Advisory Council.

215.4755 - Certification and Disclosure Requirements for Investment Advisers and Managers.

215.48 - Consent and Ratification of Appropriate Board, Agency, or of the Judicial Branch.

215.49 - Making Funds Available for Investment.

215.50 - Custody of Securities Purchased; Income.

215.51 - Investment Accounts; Changes, Notice, Etc.

215.515 - Investment Accounts; Charges for Services.

215.52 - Rules and Regulations.

215.53 - Powers of Existing Officers and Boards, the Judicial Branch, and Agencies Not Affected.

215.55 - Federal Use of State Lands Trust Fund; County Distribution.

215.551 - Federal Use of State Lands Trust Fund; County Distribution; Requests by Counties.

215.552 - Federal Use of State Lands Trust Fund; Land Within Military Installations; County Distribution.

215.555 - Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund.

215.5551 - Reinsurance to Assist Policyholders Program.

215.556 - Exemption.

215.557 - Reports of Insured Values.

215.5586 - My Safe Florida Home Program.

215.5588 - Florida Disaster Recovery Program.

215.559 - Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program.

215.5595 - Insurance Capital Build-Up Incentive Program.

215.55952 - Annual Report on Economic Impact of a 1-in-100-Year Hurricane.

215.56005 - Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation.

215.5601 - Lawton Chiles Endowment Fund.

215.5602 - James and Esther King Biomedical Research Program.

215.56021 - Exemptions From Public Records and Public Meetings Requirements; Peer Review Panels.

215.57 - Short Title.

215.58 - Definitions Relating to State Bond Act.

215.59 - State Bonds, Revenue Bonds; Issuance.

215.60 - State Bonds for Financing Road Acquisition and Construction.

215.605 - State Bonds for Right-of-Way Acquisition or Bridge Construction.

215.61 - State System of Public Education Capital Outlay Bonds.

215.615 - Fixed-Guideway Transportation Systems Funding.

215.616 - State Bonds for Federal Aid Highway Construction.

215.617 - Bonds for State-Funded Infrastructure Bank.

215.618 - Bonds for Acquisition and Improvement of Land, Water Areas, and Related Property Interests and Resources.

215.619 - Bonds for Everglades Restoration.

215.62 - Division of Bond Finance.

215.63 - Transfer to Division of Assets and Liabilities of the Revenue Bond Department of Development Commission.

215.64 - Powers of the Division.

215.65 - Bond Fee Trust Fund, Expenditures; Schedule of Fees.

215.655 - Arbitrage Compliance Program, Expenditures; Schedule of Fees.

215.66 - Request for Issuance of Bonds; Procedure Requirements.

215.67 - Issuance of State Bonds.

215.68 - Issuance of Bonds; Form; Maturity Date, Execution, Sale.

215.684 - Limitation on Engaging Services of Securities Broker or Bond Underwriter Convicted of Fraud.

215.69 - State Board of Administration to Administer Funds.

215.70 - State Board of Administration to Act in Case of Defaults.

215.71 - Application of Bond Proceeds.

215.72 - Covenants With Bondholders.

215.73 - Approval of Bond Issue by State Board of Administration.

215.74 - Pledge of Constitutional Fuel Tax; Consent by Counties and State Agency Supervising State Road System.

215.75 - Bonds Securities for Public Bodies.

215.76 - Exemption of Bonds From Taxation.

215.77 - Trust Funds.

215.78 - Remedies.

215.79 - Refunding Bonds.

215.80 - Annual Report.

215.81 - Pledge of State.

215.82 - Validation; When Required.

215.821 - Issuance of Bonds by State Agencies.

215.83 - Construction of State Bond Act.

215.835 - Rulemaking Authority.

215.84 - Government Bonds; Maximum Rate of Interest.

215.845 - Certain Special Laws Establishing Interest Rates on Bonds Prohibited.

215.85 - Direct Deposit of Public Funds.

215.86 - Management Systems and Controls.

215.89 - Charts of Account.

215.90 - Short Title.

215.91 - Florida Financial Management Information System; Board; Council.

215.92 - Definitions Relating to Florida Financial Management Information System Act.

215.93 - Florida Financial Management Information System.

215.94 - Designation, Duties, and Responsibilities of Functional Owners.

215.95 - Financial Management Information Board.

215.96 - Coordinating Council and Design and Coordination Staff.

215.962 - Standards for State Agency Use of Card-Based Technology.

215.964 - Process for Acquisition of Commodities or Services That Include the Use of Card-Based Technology.

215.965 - Disbursement of State Moneys.

215.966 - Refinancing of Bonds.

215.97 - Florida Single Audit Act.

215.971 - Agreements Funded With Federal or State Assistance.

215.98 - State Debt Fiscal Responsibility.

215.981 - Audits of State Agency Direct-Support Organizations and Citizen Support Organizations.

215.985 - Transparency in Government Spending.