Florida Statutes
Chapter 215 - Financial Matters: General Provisions
215.64 - Powers of the Division.

(1) To sue and be sued in the corporate name of the division and to adopt a corporate seal.
(2) To issue any bonds of the state heretofore or hereafter authorized by law or by the State Constitution, and to issue bonds on behalf of any state agency heretofore or hereafter authorized by law upon application of such state agency. Such bonds issued on behalf of a state agency may be issued in the name of the State of Florida, or in the sole name of such state agency if required by law.
(3) To exercise all of the powers relating to the issuance of bonds of any state agency, the terms and details thereof, the security pledged therefor, and the rights and remedies relating to the holders of said bonds as fully and to the same extent as such state agencies could exercise such powers under the statutes in effect at the time of the issuance of such bonds relating to such state agencies, and it is hereby expressly provided that all pledges or security for bondholders and all covenants and agreements made pursuant to this act, whether such bonds are issued directly in the name of the State of Florida or in the name of the State of Florida on behalf of the state agency, shall be and constitute valid and legally binding pledges and covenants of both the State of Florida and the state agency and shall be fully enforceable by any holder of such bonds against either the state or such agency or the state and such agency jointly.
(4) To employ the services of a director of the division to be designated by the Governor with the concurrence of the board. The director may also serve as general counsel of the division and as assistant secretary of the board and in such capacities shall be authorized to perform duties provided by appropriate regulations or resolutions of the board under conditions and limitations included therein.
(5) To employ or retain persons, firms, or corporations as engineers, attorneys, financial advisers or consultants, and such other consultants and employees as it may deem necessary or advisable for the carrying out and performing of the duties and obligations of the division, and to fix and determine the compensation of all such persons, firms, or corporations.
(6) To prepare resolutions and all other necessary proceedings for approval by the board relating to the authorization, validation, issuance and sale of any bonds to be issued by the state and any bonds to be issued for and on behalf of any state agency. Any resolution or other proceedings had or taken by the board or the division on behalf of any state agency shall be deemed to be the resolution or other proceedings of such state agency as fully and to the same extent as if such state agency had originally adopted such resolution or other proceedings.
(7) To sell at such place or places and under such terms and conditions as the board shall determine in conformity with this act, all state bonds authorized by law and the bonds issued on behalf of any state agency as provided in this act.
(8) To request any state agency on behalf of which the division is issuing bonds to adopt any necessary resolutions or other proceedings and to take any necessary actions in connection with the issuance of such bonds, and no resolution or other proceeding shall be adopted or action taken by any state agency relating to bonds of such state agency which the division has been requested to issue without the approval and consent of the board.
(9) To exercise the power of eminent domain, as provided by s. 288.15(2), to carry out the objects and purposes of the State Bond Act and to take such other proceedings and actions as may be necessary to perform and carry out the provisions of this act. It is hereby expressly declared that it is the intent of this act that the division have all the powers necessary or advisable to enable the board and the division to carry out and perform the powers provided in this act, and this act shall be construed liberally to effectuate such purpose.
(10) To remit the proceeds of any bonds sold for any state agency for use in the manner provided in proceedings adopted by such state agency and approved and consented to by the board, or adopted by the board on behalf of such state agency, and to remit the proceeds of any state bonds for use in the manner provided in the acts of the Legislature and the proceedings approved by the board authorizing the issuance of such state bonds. The division is authorized to retain from the proceeds of any state bonds or bonds issued on behalf of any state agency the amount of its fees, costs and expenses in connection with all proceedings and acts taken in connection with the authorization, issuance and sale of such bonds, including a proportionate part of the general overhead costs of the operation and administration of the division in its carrying out of the purposes of this act. The determination of the division as to the proper proportion and amount of such fees, costs and expenses to be charged against each issue of bonds shall be final and conclusive when approved by the board.
(11) To exercise control over the state’s arbitrage compliance program by taking responsibility for and having full and final authority over such program as provided by rule or resolution of the division. Such authority shall include, but shall not be limited to, the power to direct the actions of any governmental agency on behalf of which the division has issued bonds, or any state agency, with respect to the recordkeeping, investment, disbursement, computation, and rebate functions concerning bond proceeds, any funds which the Internal Revenue Service may consider to be bond proceeds, or any other funds which the division deems necessary, to the extent required to ensure compliance by such agency with federal arbitrage law.
(12) For purposes of any investigation or proceeding conducted by the division, to administer oaths, take depositions, issue subpoenas, and compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, papers, documents, and other evidence.
History.—s. 9, ch. 69-230; s. 5, ch. 73-135; s. 5, ch. 89-287.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title XIV - Taxation and Finance

Chapter 215 - Financial Matters: General Provisions

215.01 - Fiscal Year.

215.02 - Manner of Paying Money Into the Treasury.

215.03 - Party to Be Reimbursed on Reversal of Judgment for State.

215.04 - Department of Financial Services to Report Delinquents.

215.05 - Department of Financial Services to Certify Accounts of Delinquents.

215.06 - Certified Accounts of Delinquents as Evidence.

215.07 - Preference of State in Case of Insolvency.

215.08 - Delinquent Collectors to Be Reported to State Attorney.

215.09 - Delinquent Collectors; Forfeiture of Commissions.

215.10 - Delinquent Collectors; Suspension.

215.11 - Defaulting Officers; Department of Financial Services to Report to Clerk.

215.12 - Defaulting Officers; Duty of Clerk.

215.15 - School Appropriations to Have Priority.

215.16 - Appropriations From General Revenue Fund for Public Schools, State Institutions of Higher Learning, and Community Colleges; Reduction.

215.179 - Solicitation of Payment.

215.18 - Transfers Between Funds; Limitation.

215.195 - Agency Deposits Relating to the Statewide Cost Allocation Plan.

215.196 - Architects Incidental Trust Fund; Creation; Assessment.

215.197 - Federal Grants Trust Fund.

215.198 - Operating Trust Fund.

215.199 - Audit and Warrant Clearing Trust Fund.

215.20 - Certain Income and Certain Trust Funds to Contribute to the General Revenue Fund.

215.211 - Service Charge; Elimination or Reduction for Specified Proceeds.

215.22 - Certain Income and Certain Trust Funds Exempt.

215.23 - When Contributions to Be Made.

215.24 - Exemptions Where Federal Contributions or Private Grants.

215.245 - Contracts With Federal Government; Indemnification Authorized in Certain Circumstances.

215.25 - Manner of Contributions; Rules and Regulations.

215.26 - Repayment of Funds Paid Into State Treasury Through Error.

215.28 - United States Securities, Purchase by State and County Officers and Employees; Deductions From Salary.

215.31 - State Funds; Deposit in State Treasury.

215.311 - State Funds; Exceptions.

215.32 - State Funds; Segregation.

215.3206 - Trust Funds; Termination or Re-Creation.

215.3207 - Trust Funds; Establishment; Criteria.

215.3208 - Trust Funds; Legislative Review.

215.321 - Regulatory Trust Fund.

215.322 - Acceptance of Credit Cards, Charge Cards, Debit Cards, or Electronic Funds Transfers by State Agencies, Units of Local Government, and the Judicial Branch.

215.34 - State Funds; Noncollectible Items; Procedure.

215.35 - State Funds; Warrants and Their Issuance.

215.36 - State Funds; Laws Not Repealed.

215.37 - Department of Business and Professional Regulation and the Boards to Be Financed From Fees Collected; Deposit of Funds; Service Charge; Appropriation.

215.405 - State Agencies and the Judicial Branch Authorized to Collect Costs of Fingerprinting.

215.42 - Purchases From Appropriations, Proof of Delivery.

215.422 - Payments, Warrants, and Invoices; Processing Time Limits; Dispute Resolution; Agency or Judicial Branch Compliance.

215.425 - Extra Compensation Claims Prohibited; Bonuses; Severance Pay.

215.43 - Public Bonds, Notes, and Other Securities.

215.431 - Issuance of Bond Anticipation Notes.

215.44 - Board of Administration; Powers and Duties in Relation to Investment of Trust Funds.

215.4401 - Board of Administration; Public Record Exemptions.

215.441 - Board of Administration; Appointment of Executive Director.

215.442 - Executive Director; Reporting Requirements; Public Meeting.

215.444 - Investment Advisory Council.

215.45 - Sale and Exchange of Securities.

215.47 - Investments; Authorized Securities; Loan of Securities.

215.4701 - Trademarks, Copyrights, or Patents.

215.4702 - Investments in Publicly Traded Companies Operating in Northern Ireland.

215.471 - Divestiture by the State Board of Administration; Reporting Requirements.

215.472 - Prohibited Investments.

215.4725 - Prohibited Investments by the State Board of Administration; Companies That Boycott Israel.

215.473 - Divestiture by the State Board of Administration; Sudan; Iran.

215.474 - Analyses of Technology and Growth Investments.

215.475 - Investment Policy Statement.

215.4754 - Ethics Requirements for Investment Advisers and Managers and Members of the Investment Advisory Council.

215.4755 - Certification and Disclosure Requirements for Investment Advisers and Managers.

215.48 - Consent and Ratification of Appropriate Board, Agency, or of the Judicial Branch.

215.49 - Making Funds Available for Investment.

215.50 - Custody of Securities Purchased; Income.

215.51 - Investment Accounts; Changes, Notice, Etc.

215.515 - Investment Accounts; Charges for Services.

215.52 - Rules and Regulations.

215.53 - Powers of Existing Officers and Boards, the Judicial Branch, and Agencies Not Affected.

215.55 - Federal Use of State Lands Trust Fund; County Distribution.

215.551 - Federal Use of State Lands Trust Fund; County Distribution; Requests by Counties.

215.552 - Federal Use of State Lands Trust Fund; Land Within Military Installations; County Distribution.

215.555 - Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund.

215.5551 - Reinsurance to Assist Policyholders Program.

215.556 - Exemption.

215.557 - Reports of Insured Values.

215.5586 - My Safe Florida Home Program.

215.5588 - Florida Disaster Recovery Program.

215.559 - Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program.

215.5595 - Insurance Capital Build-Up Incentive Program.

215.55952 - Annual Report on Economic Impact of a 1-in-100-Year Hurricane.

215.56005 - Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation.

215.5601 - Lawton Chiles Endowment Fund.

215.5602 - James and Esther King Biomedical Research Program.

215.56021 - Exemptions From Public Records and Public Meetings Requirements; Peer Review Panels.

215.57 - Short Title.

215.58 - Definitions Relating to State Bond Act.

215.59 - State Bonds, Revenue Bonds; Issuance.

215.60 - State Bonds for Financing Road Acquisition and Construction.

215.605 - State Bonds for Right-of-Way Acquisition or Bridge Construction.

215.61 - State System of Public Education Capital Outlay Bonds.

215.615 - Fixed-Guideway Transportation Systems Funding.

215.616 - State Bonds for Federal Aid Highway Construction.

215.617 - Bonds for State-Funded Infrastructure Bank.

215.618 - Bonds for Acquisition and Improvement of Land, Water Areas, and Related Property Interests and Resources.

215.619 - Bonds for Everglades Restoration.

215.62 - Division of Bond Finance.

215.63 - Transfer to Division of Assets and Liabilities of the Revenue Bond Department of Development Commission.

215.64 - Powers of the Division.

215.65 - Bond Fee Trust Fund, Expenditures; Schedule of Fees.

215.655 - Arbitrage Compliance Program, Expenditures; Schedule of Fees.

215.66 - Request for Issuance of Bonds; Procedure Requirements.

215.67 - Issuance of State Bonds.

215.68 - Issuance of Bonds; Form; Maturity Date, Execution, Sale.

215.684 - Limitation on Engaging Services of Securities Broker or Bond Underwriter Convicted of Fraud.

215.69 - State Board of Administration to Administer Funds.

215.70 - State Board of Administration to Act in Case of Defaults.

215.71 - Application of Bond Proceeds.

215.72 - Covenants With Bondholders.

215.73 - Approval of Bond Issue by State Board of Administration.

215.74 - Pledge of Constitutional Fuel Tax; Consent by Counties and State Agency Supervising State Road System.

215.75 - Bonds Securities for Public Bodies.

215.76 - Exemption of Bonds From Taxation.

215.77 - Trust Funds.

215.78 - Remedies.

215.79 - Refunding Bonds.

215.80 - Annual Report.

215.81 - Pledge of State.

215.82 - Validation; When Required.

215.821 - Issuance of Bonds by State Agencies.

215.83 - Construction of State Bond Act.

215.835 - Rulemaking Authority.

215.84 - Government Bonds; Maximum Rate of Interest.

215.845 - Certain Special Laws Establishing Interest Rates on Bonds Prohibited.

215.85 - Direct Deposit of Public Funds.

215.86 - Management Systems and Controls.

215.89 - Charts of Account.

215.90 - Short Title.

215.91 - Florida Financial Management Information System; Board; Council.

215.92 - Definitions Relating to Florida Financial Management Information System Act.

215.93 - Florida Financial Management Information System.

215.94 - Designation, Duties, and Responsibilities of Functional Owners.

215.95 - Financial Management Information Board.

215.96 - Coordinating Council and Design and Coordination Staff.

215.962 - Standards for State Agency Use of Card-Based Technology.

215.964 - Process for Acquisition of Commodities or Services That Include the Use of Card-Based Technology.

215.965 - Disbursement of State Moneys.

215.966 - Refinancing of Bonds.

215.97 - Florida Single Audit Act.

215.971 - Agreements Funded With Federal or State Assistance.

215.98 - State Debt Fiscal Responsibility.

215.981 - Audits of State Agency Direct-Support Organizations and Citizen Support Organizations.

215.985 - Transparency in Government Spending.