Florida Statutes
Part I - Regulation of Construction, Reconstruction, and Other Physical Activity (Ss. 161.011-161.242)
161.242 - Harvesting of sea oats and sea grapes prohibited; possession prima facie evidence of violation.

(1) The purpose of this section is to protect the beaches and shores of the state from erosion by preserving natural vegetative cover to bind the sand.
(2) It is unlawful for any purpose to cut, harvest, remove, or eradicate any of the grass commonly known as sea oats or Uniola paniculata and Coccolobis uvifera commonly known as sea grapes from any public land or from any private land without consent of the owner of such land or person having lawful possession thereof. Possession of either Uniola paniculata or Coccolobis uvifera by other than the owner of such land shall constitute prima facie evidence of violation of this section. However, licensed, certified nurserymen who grow any of the native plants listed in this section from seeds or by vegetative propagation are specifically permitted to sell these commercially grown plants and shall not be in violation of this section of the law if they do so, as it is the intent of the law to preserve and encourage the growth of these native plants which are rapidly disappearing from the state.
History.—s. 1, ch. 65-458; s. 1, ch. 67-150; s. 280, ch. 71-136; s. 1, ch. 71-153; s. 1, ch. 73-258; s. 16, ch. 85-234; s. 11, ch. 2000-197.
Note.—Former s. 370.041.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title XI - County Organization and Intergovernmental Relations

Chapter 161 - Beach and Shore Preservation

Part I - Regulation of Construction, Reconstruction, and Other Physical Activity (Ss. 161.011-161.242)

161.011 - Short title.

161.021 - Definitions.

161.031 - Personnel and facilities.

161.041 - Permits required.

161.0415 - Citation of rule.

161.042 - Coastal construction and excavation in barrier beach inlets.

161.051 - Coastal construction by persons, firms, corporations, or local authorities.

161.052 - Coastal construction and excavation; regulation.

161.053 - Coastal construction and excavation; regulation on county basis.

161.0531 - Development agreements.

161.0535 - Permits; fees, costs.

161.054 - Administrative fines; liability for damage; liens.

161.055 - Concurrent processing of permits.

161.061 - Coastal construction serving no public purpose, endangering human life, health, or welfare, or becoming unnecessary or undesirable.

161.071 - Prosecuting officers to assist enforcement of this part.

161.081 - Powers of Department of Legal Affairs.

161.082 - Review of innovative technologies for beach nourishment.

161.085 - Rigid coastal armoring structures.

161.088 - Declaration of public policy respecting beach erosion control and beach restoration and nourishment projects.

161.091 - Beach management; funding; repair and maintenance strategy.

161.101 - State and local participation in authorized projects and studies relating to beach management and erosion control.

161.111 - Shore erosion emergency.

161.121 - Penalty.

161.131 - Construction of ss. 161.011-161.212.

161.141 - Property rights of state and private upland owners in beach restoration project areas.

161.142 - Declaration of public policy relating to improved navigation inlets.

161.143 - Inlet management; planning, prioritizing, funding, approving, and implementing projects.

161.144 - Policy guidance related to sand source management.

161.151 - Definitions; ss. 161.141-161.211.

161.161 - Procedure for approval of projects.

161.163 - Coastal areas used by sea turtles; rules.

161.181 - Recording of resolution and survey of board of trustees.

161.191 - Vesting of title to lands.

161.201 - Preservation of common-law rights.

161.211 - Cancellation of resolution for nonperformance by board of trustees.

161.212 - Judicial review relating to permits and licenses.

161.242 - Harvesting of sea oats and sea grapes prohibited; possession prima facie evidence of violation.