Florida Statutes
Part I - Regulation of Construction, Reconstruction, and Other Physical Activity (Ss. 161.011-161.242)
161.181 - Recording of resolution and survey of board of trustees.

History.—s. 5, ch. 70-276; s. 1, ch. 70-439; s. 3, ch. 79-233.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title XI - County Organization and Intergovernmental Relations

Chapter 161 - Beach and Shore Preservation

Part I - Regulation of Construction, Reconstruction, and Other Physical Activity (Ss. 161.011-161.242)

161.011 - Short title.

161.021 - Definitions.

161.031 - Personnel and facilities.

161.041 - Permits required.

161.0415 - Citation of rule.

161.042 - Coastal construction and excavation in barrier beach inlets.

161.051 - Coastal construction by persons, firms, corporations, or local authorities.

161.052 - Coastal construction and excavation; regulation.

161.053 - Coastal construction and excavation; regulation on county basis.

161.0531 - Development agreements.

161.0535 - Permits; fees, costs.

161.054 - Administrative fines; liability for damage; liens.

161.055 - Concurrent processing of permits.

161.061 - Coastal construction serving no public purpose, endangering human life, health, or welfare, or becoming unnecessary or undesirable.

161.071 - Prosecuting officers to assist enforcement of this part.

161.081 - Powers of Department of Legal Affairs.

161.082 - Review of innovative technologies for beach nourishment.

161.085 - Rigid coastal armoring structures.

161.088 - Declaration of public policy respecting beach erosion control and beach restoration and nourishment projects.

161.091 - Beach management; funding; repair and maintenance strategy.

161.101 - State and local participation in authorized projects and studies relating to beach management and erosion control.

161.111 - Shore erosion emergency.

161.121 - Penalty.

161.131 - Construction of ss. 161.011-161.212.

161.141 - Property rights of state and private upland owners in beach restoration project areas.

161.142 - Declaration of public policy relating to improved navigation inlets.

161.143 - Inlet management; planning, prioritizing, funding, approving, and implementing projects.

161.144 - Policy guidance related to sand source management.

161.151 - Definitions; ss. 161.141-161.211.

161.161 - Procedure for approval of projects.

161.163 - Coastal areas used by sea turtles; rules.

161.181 - Recording of resolution and survey of board of trustees.

161.191 - Vesting of title to lands.

161.201 - Preservation of common-law rights.

161.211 - Cancellation of resolution for nonperformance by board of trustees.

161.212 - Judicial review relating to permits and licenses.

161.242 - Harvesting of sea oats and sea grapes prohibited; possession prima facie evidence of violation.