District of Columbia Code
Chapter 4 - Health Services Planning
§ 44–417. Immunity from civil liability

No member of the SHCC or the SHPDA may be held personally liable in any civil action taken in the course of carrying out his or her official duties and responsibilities as set forth in this chapter or the rules issued pursuant to this chapter.
(Apr. 9, 1997, D.C. Law 11-191, § 18, 43 DCR 4535.)
1981 Ed., § 32-367.

Structure District of Columbia Code

District of Columbia Code

Title 44 - Charitable and Curative Institutions

Chapter 4 - Health Services Planning

§ 44–401. Definitions

§ 44–402. State Health Planning and Development Agency; establishment and responsibilities

§ 44–403. Statewide Health Coordinating Council; establishment and responsibilities

§ 44–404. Health systems plan; development, publication, updating, and implementation

§ 44–405. Reporting, analysis, and publication of utilization, financial, and other health-related data; regulations, reporting periods, format, and forms

§ 44–406. Certificate of need requirements

§ 44–407. Activities exempt from certificate of need review

§ 44–408. Activities subject to expedited administrative certificate of need reviews

§ 44–409. Adoption of procedures and criteria for review by the SHPDA governing application and review

§ 44–410. Criteria for review and required findings

§ 44–411. Duration, modification, sale, or transfer of a certificate of need

§ 44–412. Reconsideration of review decisions

§ 44–413. Administrative appeal

§ 44–414. Judicial review of certificate of need decisions

§ 44–415. Certificate of need mandatory condition precedent

§ 44–416. Violations and penalties for noncompliance

§ 44–417. Immunity from civil liability

§ 44–418. Moratorium on applications

§ 44–419. Annual report

§ 44–420. Fees

§ 44–420.01. Establishment of State Health Planning and Development Fund

§ 44–421. Rules

§ 44–422. Applicability. [Repealed]