District of Columbia Code
Subchapter V - Public Assistance Programs
§ 4–205.19m. Reporting requirements

The Mayor shall report and make public the following performance measures annually:
(1) By vendor program:
(A) The number of TANF work-eligible recipients and percentage of the TANF caseload who have participated in the specific vendor program, including the number and percentage of those recipients who have:
(i) Met their work participation requirements for at least one month during the reporting period;
(ii) Completed the education or training program; and
(iii) Have become employed.
(B) Of those who gained employment, the number and percentage of TANF recipients who remain employed and met work participation requirements, by month, for up to 6 months;
(C) Of those who exited TANF due to earnings, the number and percentage of TANF recipients who return to a vendor program after 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, and 18 months;
(2) The number of TANF recipients and percentage of the TANF caseload who:
(A) Have applied for a waiver from job search or job readiness activities, as defined in § 4-205.19b, and work activities, as defined in § 4-205.19d, due to domestic violence as referenced in § 4-205.19b(d)(3);
(B) Have been granted a waiver from job search or job readiness activities, pursuant to § 4-205.19b, and work activities due to domestic violence as referenced in § 4-205.19b(d)(3);
(C) Have been referred to treatment through domestic violence services pursuant to § 4-205.19b(d)(2); and
(D) Are receiving domestic violence services through a referral by the Mayor pursuant to § 4-205.19b(d)(2);
(3) The number of TANF recipients and percentage of the TANF caseload who have been:
(A) Referred to POWER pursuant to § 4-205.73(b);
(B) Approved for POWER; and
(C) Referred to and receive, to the extent such information is accessible and available, treatment services for substance abuse or physical or mental disabilities;
(4) The number of TANF recipients and percentage of the TANF caseload who are participating in each work activity listed in § 4-205.19d(c-1), including the number of TANF recipients and percentage of TANF caseload who have reported self-employment as their unsubsidized employment work activity;
(5) For the following activities, a list of organizations, with which TANF recipients have been placed and the number placed with each:
(A) Subsidized private sector employment;
(B) Subsidized public sector employment;
(C) Work experience;
(D) On-the-job-training;
(E) Community service;
(F) Vocational education training; and
(G) Job skills training directly related to employment;
(6) The number of TANF recipients and percentage of the TANF caseload who have:
(A) Been referred to the Tuition Assistance Program Initiative for TANF (“TAPIT”);
(B) Been enrolled in TAPIT; and
(C) Successfully completed TAPIT;
(7) The number of TANF recipients and percentage of the TANF caseload who have:
(A) Been referred to the University of the District of Columbia Paths Program;
(B) Been enrolled in the UDC Paths Program; and
(C) Successfully completed the UDC Paths Program; and
(8) The number of TANF recipients and percentage of the TANF caseload who were not referred to work activities within 6 months and 12 months after a positive eligibility determination.
(Apr. 6, 1982, D.C. Law 4-101, § 519m; as added Apr. 8, 2011, D.C. Law 18-366, § 2(d), 58 DCR 981; Sept. 26, 2012, D.C. Law 19-171, § 32(a), 59 DCR 6190.)
The 2012 amendment by D.C. Law 19-171 validated a previously made technical correction in (2)(A).

Structure District of Columbia Code

District of Columbia Code

Title 4 - Public Care Systems

Chapter 2 - Public Assistance

Subchapter V - Public Assistance Programs

§ 4–205.01. Eligibility for public assistance

§ 4–205.02. Residency requirement

§ 4–205.03. Determination of residency

§ 4–205.04. Relocation of recipients to another jurisdiction

§ 4–205.05. Definitions

§ 4–205.05a. General Assistance for Children program

§ 4–205.06. Old Age Assistance and Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled need determination. [Repealed]

§ 4–205.07. Aid to the Blind need determination. [Repealed]

§ 4–205.08. GPA need determination. [Repealed]

§ 4–205.09. AB and ATD self-supporting plans. [Repealed]

§ 4–205.10. TANF income eligibility standards

§ 4–205.11. TANF need determination

§ 4–205.11a. Time limit for receipt of TANF benefits

§ 4–205.11b. Reduction of benefits for long-term TANF recipients. [Repealed]

§ 4–205.11c. Human impact statement

§ 4–205.12. Food stamp coupon allotment disregarded. [Repealed]

§ 4–205.13. Enumerated income disregarded. [Repealed]

§ 4–205.13a. Treatment of payment for costs of work participation

§ 4–205.14. Determination of GPA need standard. [Repealed]

§ 4–205.15. Standards for inclusion in TANF assistance unit

§ 4–205.16. Contribution guidelines for nonassistance unit children. [Repealed]

§ 4–205.17. Definitions. [Repealed]

§ 4–205.18. Child’s eligibility

§ 4–205.19. Application; assignment of rights for child support

§ 4–205.19a. Redetermination of eligibility

§ 4–205.19b. Job search and job readiness requirements for TANF applicants

§ 4–205.19c. Failure to comply with job search and job readiness requirements for TANF applicants

§ 4–205.19d. Work participation requirements for TANF recipients

§ 4–205.19e. Failure to comply with work requirements for TANF recipients

§ 4–205.19f. Sanctions

§ 4–205.19g. Exemptions

§ 4–205.19h. Administration of job search, job readiness, work, and self-sufficiency activities

§ 4–205.19i. Nondiscrimination against TANF and POWER applicants and recipients

§ 4–205.19j. Health and safety standards for TANF and POWER recipients

§ 4–205.19k. Workers’ compensation for TANF recipients

§ 4–205.19l. Nondisplacement by TANF recipients

§ 4–205.19m. Reporting requirements

§ 4–205.19n. Family assessment plan

§ 4–205.20. Parental absence by reason of imprisonment

§ 4–205.21. Eligibility standards for children of unemployed parents

§ 4–205.22. Availability of stepparent

§ 4–205.23. Obligations of custodial relatives other than parents

§ 4–205.24. Eligibility requirements for alien children

§ 4–205.25. Eligibility determined prospectively

§ 4–205.26. Procedure for public and medical assistance application

§ 4–205.27. Failure to determine eligibility within time requirement

§ 4–205.28. Income application in determining need for family receiving more than 1 assistance payment

§ 4–205.29. Income status of loans and grants

§ 4–205.30. Definitions

§ 4–205.31. Application for benefits required

§ 4–205.32. Establishment of net payment received

§ 4–205.33. Treatment of lump-sum payments and settlements

§ 4–205.34. Treatment of accrued statutory benefits. [Repealed]

§ 4–205.35. Failure of recipients to report promptly. [Repealed]

§ 4–205.36. Work incentive allowances disregarded

§ 4–205.37. Standard for income and resource determination

§ 4–205.38. Availability of income and resources

§ 4–205.39. Earned income. [Repealed]

§ 4–205.40. Resources in kind

§ 4–205.41. Emergency applicant may retain automobile

§ 4–205.42. Definitions relating to incapacity and disability

§ 4–205.42a. Eligibility for General Public Assistance. [Repealed]

§ 4–205.43. Participation in labor dispute; pregnancy

§ 4–205.44. Amount. [Repealed]

§ 4–205.45. Standard for requirements exceptions. [Repealed]

§ 4–205.46. Meal standard. [Repealed]

§ 4–205.47. Nursing care standard

§ 4–205.48. Standards of assistance adopted and applied

§ 4–205.49. Special living arrangements

§ 4–205.50. Costs of training and employment

§ 4–205.51. Denial of monthly benefits

§ 4–205.51a. TANF Universal Service Delivery Model

§ 4–205.51b. Annual comparative review

§ 4–205.52. Determination of amount of public assistance payments for assistance unit; standards of assistance enumerated

§ 4–205.53. Reconsideration of grants; modification of amount; duty of recipient to notify Mayor of change of circumstances; grants under General Public Assistance Program for Unemployables

§ 4–205.54. TANF assistance unit monthly report

§ 4–205.55. Timely and adequate notice of action to discontinue, etc., assistance

§ 4–205.56. Information from source other than recipient

§ 4–205.57. Consequences of failure to request hearing or submit additional information to clarify eligibility

§ 4–205.58. Consideration of additional information

§ 4–205.59. Effect of pending hearing

§ 4–205.60. Benefits pending hearing. [Repealed]

§ 4–205.61. Definitions

§ 4–205.62. Establishment of a Demonstration Project. [Repealed]

§ 4–205.63. Eligibility for public assistance; home living requirement

§ 4–205.64. Failure to meet home living requirement; notice

§ 4–205.65. Eligibility for public assistance; learnfare

§ 4–205.66. Failure to meet school attendance requirements; notice

§ 4–205.67. Expansion of Jobs Opportunities and Basic Skills and Alternative Work Experience Programs

§ 4–205.68. Duties of the Mayor

§ 4–205.69. Denial of assistance for fraudulent misrepresentation of residency

§ 4–205.70. Denial of assistance for fugitive felons and probation and parole violators

§ 4–205.71. Granting cash and food assistance benefits to drug felons

§ 4–205.72. POWER — Establishment; eligibility

§ 4–205.72a. POWER — Additional eligibility

§ 4–205.73. POWER — Application

§ 4–205.74. POWER — Medical review

§ 4–205.75. POWER — Redetermination of eligibility

§ 4–205.76. POWER — Participation in activities to assist in achieving self-sufficiency

§ 4–205.77. POWER — Failure to participate in self-sufficiency activities

§ 4–205.78. POWER — Amount of assistance

§ 4–205.79. POWER — No creation of an entitlement

§ 4–205.80. POWER — Medicaid eligibility

§ 4–205.81. Diversion payments

§ 4–205.82. Provision of information concerning the Earned Income Credit