District of Columbia Code
Chapter 11 - Service, Valuation, Accounts
§ 34–1105. Commission to ascertain cost of construction, replacement value, outstanding stock; information to be printed in annual report

The Commission shall ascertain, as soon and as nearly as practicable, the amount of money expended in the construction and equipment of every public utility, including the amount of money expended to procure any right-of-way; also the amount of money it would require to secure the right-of-way, reconstruct any roadbed, track, depots, cars, conduits, subways, poles, wires, switchboards, exchanges, offices, works, storage plants, power plants, machinery, and any other property or instrument not included in the foregoing enumeration used in or useful to the business of such public utility, and to replace all the physical properties belonging to the public utility. It shall ascertain the outstanding stock, bonds, debentures, and indebtedness, and the amount, respectively, thereof, the date when issued, to whom issued, to whom sold, the price paid in cash, property, or labor therefor, what disposition was made of the proceeds, by whom the indebtedness is held, so far as ascertainable, the amount purporting to be due thereon, the floating indebtedness of the public utility, the credits due the public utility, other property on hand belonging to it, the judicial or other sales of said public utility, its property or franchises, and the amounts purporting to have been paid, and in what manner paid therefor, and the taxes paid thereon. The Commission shall also ascertain in detail the gross and net income of the public utility from all sources, the amounts paid for salaries to officers and the wages paid to its employees, and the maximum hours of continuous service required of each class. Whenever the information required by this section is obtained it shall be printed in the annual report of the Commission. In making such investigation the Commission may avail itself of any information in possession of any department of the government of the United States or of the Mayor of the District of Columbia.
(Mar. 4, 1913, 37 Stat. 978, ch. 150, § 8, par. 6.)
1981 Ed., § 43-505.
1973 Ed., § 43-305.
Investigations of public utilities, assessing expenses, see § 34-912.
Rate change procedures, appeal and review, see § 34-901.
Rules and regulations, power of Commission to adopt, see § 34-902.
Valuation instruction, Commission’s request from court of appeals, see § 34-604.
This section originated at a time when local government powers were delegated to a Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia (see Acts Relating to the Establishment of the District of Columbia and its Various Forms of Governmental Organization in Volume 1). Section 401 of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1967 (see Reorganization Plans in Volume 1) transferred all of the functions of the Board of Commissioners under this section to a single Commissioner. The District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act, 87 Stat. 818, § 711 ( D.C. Code, § 1-207.11), abolished the District of Columbia Council and the Office of Commissioner of the District of Columbia. These branches of government were replaced by the Council of the District of Columbia and the Office of Mayor of the District of Columbia, respectively. Accordingly, and also pursuant to § 714(a) of such Act ( D.C. Code, § 1-207.14(a)), appropriate changes in terminology were made in this section.

Structure District of Columbia Code

District of Columbia Code

Title 34 - Public Utilities

Chapter 11 - Service, Valuation, Accounts

§ 34–1101. Utility service and charges to be just and reasonable; certification required

§ 34–1102. Use of equipment of other companies; application to Commission to require such use in event of disagreement

§ 34–1103. Commission to compel compliance with laws and ordinances

§ 34–1104. Proposed changes in law to be submitted to Commission; hearings; recommendations to Congress. [Repealed]

§ 34–1105. Commission to ascertain cost of construction, replacement value, outstanding stock; information to be printed in annual report

§ 34–1106. Property to be valued as of time of evaluation

§ 34–1107. Valuation; notice and hearing; statement of valuation to be filed

§ 34–1108. Revaluation

§ 34–1109. Uniform accounts to be rendered; separate account of other business may be required

§ 34–1110. Commission to prescribe forms of books and records

§ 34–1111. Commission to furnish blank forms

§ 34–1112. Utilities to have offices in the District of Columbia; books and records to be kept in the District; records may be kept at general office of utility

§ 34–1113. Accounts to be closed annually; verified balance sheet to be filed with Commission; copy of balance sheet to Congress

§ 34–1114. Examination and audit of accounts; allocation of items to accounts; authority of agents, accountants, and examiners

§ 34–1115. Depreciation account; rates of depreciation; application of depreciation fund

§ 34–1116. Commission to keep informed of new construction; construction account

§ 34–1117. Sliding scale of rates and dividends

§ 34–1118. Utilities to furnish accounts and reports; information to be included; notice of certain filings to be served on People’s Counsel; disclosure of information and documents by investigated utility

§ 34–1119. Annual report of Commission

§ 34–1120. Commission to fix adequate and serviceable standards; regulations for testing products, service, and meters

§ 34–1121. Examination and test of appliances

§ 34–1122. Material and equipment for tests; entry on premises of utilities for purpose of tests

§ 34–1123. Schedule of rates to be filed; existing rates to remain in force until changed

§ 34–1124. Rules and regulations affecting rates to be filed

§ 34–1125. Copy of rate schedule to be available for public inspection

§ 34–1126. Schedule of joint rates to be filed

§ 34–1127. Change in schedule; notice

§ 34–1128. New schedules to be filed; summaries of rates to be provided upon request

§ 34–1129. Utility not to receive greater or less compensation than fixed in schedule

§ 34–1130. Commission may prescribe changes in form of schedule

§ 34–1131. Information provided in association with a child support order