District of Columbia Code
Subchapter III - Source Selection and Contract Formation
§ 2–303.22. Energy performance-based contract procedures; required contract provisions. [Repealed]

(Feb. 21, 1986, D.C. Law 6-85, § 322; as added Apr. 4, 2003, D.C. Law 14-284, § 2(b), 50 DCR 935; Apr. 8, 2011, D.C. Law 18-371, § 1201(a), 58 DCR 1185.)
For temporary (90 day) addition of a provision suspending the purchase authority under the District of Columbia Government Purchase Card Program, see § 2 of Suspension of Purchase Authority in the District of Columbia Government Purchase Card Program Emergency Amendment Act of 2003 (D.C. Act 15-144, July 30, 2001, 50 DCR 6893).
For temporary (90 day) addition of section, see § 2 of District of Columbia Government Purchase Card Program Reporting Requirements Emergency Amendment Act of 2004 (D.C. Act 15-562, October 26, 2004, 51 DCR 10530).
For temporary (90 day) addition of section, see § 2 of District of Columbia Government Purchase Card Program Reporting Requirements Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2005 (D.C. Act 16-40, February 17, 2005, 52 DCR 3040).
For temporary (225 day) amendment of section, see § 2 of the Suspension of Purchase Authority in the District of Columbia Government Purchase Card Program Temporary Amendment Act of 2003 (D.C. Law 15-61, December 9, 2003, law notification 51 DCR 1796).

Structure District of Columbia Code

District of Columbia Code

Title 2 - Government Administration

Chapter 3 - Procurement

Unit A - Procurement Practices for the District Government

Subchapter III - Source Selection and Contract Formation

§ 2–303.01. District-based businesses preference. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.02. Methods of source selection and record-keeping. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.03. Competitive sealed bidding. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.04. Competitive sealed proposals. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.05. Sole source procurement. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.06. General limitations; small purchase procurements. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.06a. Award of human care procurements. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.07. Cancellation of invitations for bids. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.07a. Mandatory clause for all Request for Proposals for Public Schools. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.08. Cost or pricing data. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.09. Cost-plus-a-percentage-of-cost contract prohibited. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.10. Cost-reimbursement contracts. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.11. Use of other types of contracts. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.12. Emergency procurements. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.13. Multiyear contracts. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.14. Inspection of plant and audit of records. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.15. Finality of determinations. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.16. Collusive bidding or negotiation. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.17. Prohibited acts. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.18. Termination of contracts. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.19. Report of procurement actions made pursuant to §§ 2-303.05 and 12-303.12. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.19a. Report by Chief Procurement Officer. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.20. Exemptions

§ 2–303.21. Small purchase procurement. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.22. Energy performance-based contract procedures; required contract provisions. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.23. Purchase card reporting requirement. [Repealed]