District of Columbia Code
Subchapter III - Source Selection and Contract Formation
§ 2–303.05. Sole source procurement. [Repealed]

(Feb. 21, 1986, D.C. Law 6-85, § 305, 32 DCR 7396; Apr. 12, 1997, D.C. Law 11-259, § 101(m), 44 DCR 1423; Mar. 17, 2002, D.C. Law 14-83, § 2, 49 DCR 196; Oct. 16, 2006, 120 Stat. 2040, Pub. L. 109-356, § 304; Apr. 8, 2011, D.C. Law 18-371, § 1201(a), 58 DCR 1185.)
1981 Ed., § 1-1183.5.
Restrictions on renewal or extension of sole source contracts: Section 123 of Pub. L. 104-194, 110 Stat. 2367, the District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 1997, provided that no sole source contract with the District of Columbia government or any agency thereof may be renewed or extended without opening that contract to the competitive bidding process as set forth in § 1-1183.3§ 2-303.03, 2001 Ed., except that the District of Columbia Public Schools may renew or extend sole source contracts for which competition is not feasible or practical, provided that the determination as to whether to invoke the competitive bidding process has been made in accordance with duly promulgated Board of Education rules and procedures.

Structure District of Columbia Code

District of Columbia Code

Title 2 - Government Administration

Chapter 3 - Procurement

Unit A - Procurement Practices for the District Government

Subchapter III - Source Selection and Contract Formation

§ 2–303.01. District-based businesses preference. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.02. Methods of source selection and record-keeping. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.03. Competitive sealed bidding. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.04. Competitive sealed proposals. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.05. Sole source procurement. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.06. General limitations; small purchase procurements. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.06a. Award of human care procurements. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.07. Cancellation of invitations for bids. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.07a. Mandatory clause for all Request for Proposals for Public Schools. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.08. Cost or pricing data. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.09. Cost-plus-a-percentage-of-cost contract prohibited. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.10. Cost-reimbursement contracts. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.11. Use of other types of contracts. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.12. Emergency procurements. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.13. Multiyear contracts. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.14. Inspection of plant and audit of records. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.15. Finality of determinations. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.16. Collusive bidding or negotiation. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.17. Prohibited acts. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.18. Termination of contracts. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.19. Report of procurement actions made pursuant to §§ 2-303.05 and 12-303.12. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.19a. Report by Chief Procurement Officer. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.20. Exemptions

§ 2–303.21. Small purchase procurement. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.22. Energy performance-based contract procedures; required contract provisions. [Repealed]

§ 2–303.23. Purchase card reporting requirement. [Repealed]