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Subchapter I. General Provisions
§ 7501. Applicability. - Subchapters II and III of this chapter shall apply to...
§ 7502. Local election when there is only 1 candidate. - Repealed by 75 Del. Laws, c. 342, § 1, effective...
Subchapter II. City of Wilmington
§ 7521. Elections. - Registration and elections in the City of Wilmington for the...
§ 7522. Definition of political party. - A political party existing only within the City of Wilmington...
§ 7523. Certificates of nomination. - The nominations made under this subchapter for the various offices...
§ 7524. Title and device of party. - No party shall use the name of another party appearing...
§ 7525. Ballots. - The names of the candidates for the Mayor, Council, and...
§ 7526. Supplemental certificates of nomination. - Supplemental certificates of nomination for offices of the City of...
§ 7527. Contest of election. - If any candidate for any of the offices before mentioned...
§ 7528. General provisions. - All of the provisions of this title pertaining to elections,...
Subchapter III. Special Elections for Annexations for City of Wilmington under Title 22, § 101A
§ 7540. Date for election. - (a) Upon the enactment of a county ordinance pursuant to...
§ 7541. Contents of notice of special election. - The special election shall be held on the date fixed...
§ 7542. Place, time and manner of voting; duties of Clerk of the Peace. - (a) The special election shall be held in the building...
§ 7543. Qualified voters; voting list. - (a) The following shall be considered qualified voters for a...
§ 7544. Certification of result of special election; retention of ballots. - No later than 3 days after the holding of the...
§ 7545. Alternative approval procedure when only 1 qualified voter exists. - If only 1 qualified voter in the territory exists for...
§ 7546. Definitions. - For the purposes of this subchapter, the following terms shall...
Subchapter IV. Municipal Elections Except for the City of Wilmington
§ 7550. General. - (a) Subchapters IV and V of this chapter shall not...
§ 7551. Boards of Election; appointment, authority. - (a) A Board of Elections shall be appointed as provided...
§ 7552. Complaint procedure; pre-election activity. - (a) A citizen of the municipality may submit a written...
§ 7553. Notices; posting; publishing; deadlines, election calendar. - (a) For each election of members of the municipal government,...
§ 7554. Voter eligibility. - (a) Voter eligibility shall be as specified within the town...
§ 7555. Candidates; eligibility; declaration of candidacy. - (a) Candidate eligibility shall be established in the town charter....
§ 7556. Election Officers; appointment; responsibilities; training. - Unless otherwise provided by town charter or code: (1) The...
§ 7557. Conduct of the election. - (a) The Department of Elections shall make available training for...
§ 7557A. Complaint procedure; unlawful election activity altering result of election. - (a) A citizen of a municipality may submit a written...
§ 7558. Election results; recounts; contests. - (a) A person certified as being elected shall not take...
§ 7559. Transition. - (a) This subchapter shall apply to elections held after June...
Subchapter V. Absentee Voting in Municipal Elections Except for the City of Wilmington
§ 7570. Purpose of subchapter; scope. - It is the purpose and intent of the General Assembly...
§ 7571. Persons eligible to vote by absentee ballot. - Any person qualified under the provisions of a municipal charter...
§ 7572. Request for ballot; statement for absentee ballots; delivery of absentee ballots. - (a) An elector desiring to vote by absentee ballot in...
§ 7573. Distribution of ballots, envelopes, and instructions; envelope specifications; prepaid postage. - (a) Upon receipt of a statement from an elector pursuant...
§ 7574. Requirements for ballot envelope; numbering and coding; voter identification label; affidavit of eligibility. - (a) The municipality shall provide to each elector to whom...
§ 7575. Voting procedure; execution of affidavit; return of ballot. - The procedure for completing an absentee ballot and returning it...
§ 7576. Time limit for return of ballot; late ballots. - (a) Each municipality shall endorse the date and time of...
§ 7577. Procedure on receipt of ballot envelope by municipality. - (a) Upon receipt of a ballot envelope the municipality, or...
§ 7578. Counting procedure for absentee ballots. - At any time between the opening and the closing of...
§ 7579. Preparing absentee ballots to be counted. - Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the board of...
§ 7580. Carrier envelope specifications; carrier envelopes as ballot boxes. - (a) The municipality shall purchase envelopes to be used as...
§ 7581. Challenges. - (a) The ballot of any elector choosing to vote by...
§ 7582. Rejected ballots. - (a) No vote shall be accepted or counted if: (1)...
§ 7583. Validity of absentee voter's ballot for wrong municipal election district. - If an absentee voter marks and returns an absentee ballot...
§ 7584. Procedure if requests or ballots sent to wrong official; absentee ballots received by election officers. - If any request for an absentee ballot and accompanying envelopes,...
§ 7585. File of absentee voters. - (a) The municipality shall maintain records providing for the prevention...