If any request for an absentee ballot and accompanying envelopes, or any marked ballot of any such elector are addressed to and returned to any official other than the proper official of the municipality where the elector is qualified to vote, then the official shall immediately transfer such request or returned marked ballot to the proper officer of the municipality where the elector is qualified to vote, to be acted upon by the municipality as provided by this subchapter.
Structure Delaware Code
Subchapter V. Absentee Voting in Municipal Elections Except for the City of Wilmington
§ 7570. Purpose of subchapter; scope.
§ 7571. Persons eligible to vote by absentee ballot.
§ 7572. Request for ballot; statement for absentee ballots; delivery of absentee ballots.
§ 7575. Voting procedure; execution of affidavit; return of ballot.
§ 7576. Time limit for return of ballot; late ballots.
§ 7577. Procedure on receipt of ballot envelope by municipality.
§ 7578. Counting procedure for absentee ballots.
§ 7579. Preparing absentee ballots to be counted.
§ 7580. Carrier envelope specifications; carrier envelopes as ballot boxes.
§ 7583. Validity of absentee voter's ballot for wrong municipal election district.