Every petition, and all proceedings, orders and adjudications in cases of insolvency, shall be recorded by the prothonotary, or Register in Chancery, in suitable books kept for the purpose. A correct alphabetical index shall be kept for each book.
Structure Delaware Code
Title 10 - Courts and Judicial Procedure
Subchapter I. Proceedings for Discharge
§ 7301. Right of discharge from imprisonment for debt; conditions.
§ 7303. Summons to creditors; service.
§ 7304. Proof of service; appearance as waiver.
§ 7305. Creditor's affidavit of fraud; jury trial.
§ 7306. Hearing by court in absence of allegation of fraud.
§ 7307. Interrogatories to petitioner.
§ 7308. Order to surrender property.
§ 7309. Penalties for fraud of petitioner.
§ 7310. Discharge of petitioner.
§ 7311. Oath of insolvency upon discharge.
§ 7312. Petitioner's assignment in trust for creditors on discharge.