If it appears to the court that there is no sufficient cause for remanding the petitioner, it shall order that the petitioner be discharged from imprisonment after first fulfilling the requirements of §§ 7311 and 7312 of this title.
Structure Delaware Code
Title 10 - Courts and Judicial Procedure
Subchapter I. Proceedings for Discharge
§ 7301. Right of discharge from imprisonment for debt; conditions.
§ 7303. Summons to creditors; service.
§ 7304. Proof of service; appearance as waiver.
§ 7305. Creditor's affidavit of fraud; jury trial.
§ 7306. Hearing by court in absence of allegation of fraud.
§ 7307. Interrogatories to petitioner.
§ 7308. Order to surrender property.
§ 7309. Penalties for fraud of petitioner.
§ 7310. Discharge of petitioner.
§ 7311. Oath of insolvency upon discharge.
§ 7312. Petitioner's assignment in trust for creditors on discharge.