Delaware Code
§ 707. Honors for retired members of the Delaware National Guard.

(a) Time and age retirement requirements as contained in federal law will apply to all Delaware National Guard members.
(b) (1) All members, who shall have served actively 25 years or more in the Delaware National Guard and received an honorable discharge, may upon their own written request at or after retirement be placed upon the retired list at the next higher grade, not to exceed the maximum allowable grade in the appropriate officer or enlisted category.
(2) The Adjutant General shall appoint a selection panel and shall promulgate regulations to manage qualifications and selection for those who make a request after discharge under paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
(c) All military members and civilian employees who shall have served actively 25 years or more in the Delaware National Guard may upon their retirement be issued a “State Seal” in recognition of long and faithful service.