Delaware Code
§ 702. Delaware National Guard Medal.

(a) The State Headquarters, on behalf of the Adjutant General, may present, in the name of the State, the Delaware National Guard Medal to any person serving in the National Guard of the State who has been called to federal mobilization by the President or voluntarily served for a continuous period of 30 or more days in an area designated as a combat zone by the Department of Defense.
(b) The Delaware National Guard Medal shall be a bronze diamond, 13/8 inches in width and 11/4 inches in length. On the obverse is the coat of arms of the State in miniature in the center. The reverse shall be plain. The medal shall be suspended by a ribbon 13/8 inches in width and 13/8 inches in length of vertically divided equal portions of blue and gold.
(c) Only 1 medal may be awarded to any 1 person. For each additional award, a gold star 3/1 6 of an inch in diameter shall be given to the one who has earned the medal, which shall be affixed to the ribbon of the medal. The numeral affixed will designate the total number of times the medal has been awarded to the person.