(a) Any group or blanket insurance health insurance policy which is delivered, issued for delivery, renewed, extended, or modified in this State by any health-care insurer and which provides coverage for a child shall be deemed to provide coverage for hearing loss screening tests of newborns and infants provided by a hospital before discharge.
(b) The amount of reimbursement for newborn or infant hearing screening provided under such a policy shall be consistent with reimbursement of other medical expenses under the policy, including the imposition of co-payment, coinsurance, deductible, or any dollar limit or other cost-sharing provisions otherwise applicable under the policy.
Structure Delaware Code
Subchapter III. Provisions Applicable to Group and Blanket Health Insurance
§ 3552. Cancer screening tests.
§ 3553. Midwife services reimbursement.
§ 3555. Coverage of cancer monitoring tests.
§ 3555A. Equal reimbursement for oral and intravenous anticancer medication.
§ 3556. Obstetrical and gynecological coverage.
§ 3557. Child abuse or neglect — Group coverage.
§ 3558. Immunizations and preventive services.
§ 3559. Contraceptive coverage.
§ 3560. Insurance coverage for diabetes.
§ 3560A. Cost sharing in prescription insulin drugs.
§ 3560B. Coverage for insulin pumps.
§ 3561. Annual pap smear coverage reimbursement.
§ 3562. Colorectal cancer screening.
§ 3563. Required coverage for reconstructive surgery following mastectomy.
§ 3565A. Required coverage for volunteer ambulance company services.
§ 3566. Prescription medication.
§ 3567B. Experimental treatment coverage.
§ 3568. Newborn and infant hearing screening; coverage and reimbursement.
§ 3569. Use of Social Security numbers on insurance cards.
§ 3570A. Autism spectrum disorders coverage.
§ 3571. Phenylketonuria (PKU) and other inherited metabolic diseases.
§ 3571A. Hearing aid coverage.
§ 3571B. Required coverage for scalp hair prosthesis.
§ 3571C. Dental services for children with a severe disability.
§ 3571D. Screening of infants and toddlers for developmental delays.
§ 3571E. Reimbursement for orthotic and prosthetic services.
§ 3571G. School-based health centers.
§ 3571H. Payment for emergency medical services.
§ 3571P. Rating factors [For application of this section, see 79 Del. Laws, c. 99, § 19].
§ 3571R. Telehealth and telemedicine.
§ 3571S. Network disclosure and transparency.
§ 3571U. Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act reporting requirements.
§ 3571V. Time of submitting claim for reimbursement.
§ 3571W. Electronic medical claims.
§ 3571X. Medication assisted treatment for drug and alcohol dependencies.
§ 3571Y. Coverage for epinephrine autoinjectors.
§ 3571Z. Annual behavioral health well check [Effective Jan. 1, 2024].