Delaware Code
Subchapter III. Provisions Applicable to Group and Blanket Health Insurance
§ 3558. Immunizations and preventive services.

(a) This section applies to any health carrier providing coverage under an individual or group health benefit plan.
(1) This section does not apply to grandfathered plan coverage.
(2) For purposes of this section, “grandfathered plan coverage” means coverage provided by a health carrier in which an individual was enrolled on March 23, 2010, for as long as it maintains that status in accordance with federal regulations.
(3) This section shall not apply to accident-only, specified diseases, hospital, indemnity, disability income or other fixed indemnity policies.
(b) A health carrier shall provide coverage for the following items and services. A health carrier shall not impose any costs, such as a copayment, coinsurance or deductible with respect to the following items and services:

(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, evidence-based items or services that have in effect a rating of A or B in the recommendations of the United States Preventive Services Task Force with respect to the individual involved;
(2) Immunizations for routine use in children, adolescents and adults that have in effect a recommendation from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with respect to the individual involved. For purposes of this paragraph, a recommendation from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is considered in effect after it has been adopted by the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and a recommendation is considered to be for routine use if it is listed on the Immunization Schedules of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;
(3) With respect to infants, children and adolescents, evidence-informed preventive care, and screenings provided for in comprehensive guidelines supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration; and
(4) With respect to women, to the extent not described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, evidence-informed preventive care and screenings provided for in comprehensive guidelines supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration.
(c) A health carrier is not required to provide coverage for any items or services specified in any recommendation or guideline described in subsection (b) of this section after the recommendation or guideline is no longer described in subsection (b) of this section.
(d) Other provisions of state or federal law may apply in connection with a health carrier's ceasing to provide coverage for any such items or services including § 2715(d)(4) of the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. § 300gg-15(d)(4)], which requires a health carrier to give 60 days' advance notice to a covered person before any material modification will become effective.
(e) For purposes of subsection (b) of this section and for purpose of any other provision of law, the United States Preventive Services Task Force recommendations regarding breast cancer screening, mammography and prevention issued in or around November 2009 are not considered to be current.
(f) A health carrier shall at least annually at the beginning of each new plan year or policy year, whichever is applicable, revise the preventive services covered under its health benefit plans pursuant to this section consistent with the recommendations of the United States Preventive Services Task Force, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the guidelines with respect to infants, children, adolescents and women evidence-based preventive care and screenings provided for in comprehensive guidelines supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration in effect at the time.
(g) A health carrier may impose cost-sharing requirements with respect to an office visit if an item or service described in this section is billed separately or is tracked as individual encounter data separately from the office visit.
(h) A health carrier shall not impose cost-sharing requirements with respect to an office visit if an item or service described in this section is not billed separately or is not tracked as individual encounter data separately from the office visit and the primary purpose of the office visit is the delivery of the item or service.
(i) A health carrier may impose cost-sharing requirements with respect to an office visit if an item or service described in this section is not billed separately or is not tracked as individual encounter data separately from the office visit and the primary purpose of the office visit is not the delivery of the item or service.
(j) Nothing in this section requires a health carrier that has a network of providers to provide benefits for items and services described herein that are delivered by an out-of-network provider.
(k) Nothing in this section precludes a health carrier that has a network of providers from imposing cost-sharing requirements for items or services described herein that are delivered by an out-of-network provider.
(l) Nothing in this section prohibits a health carrier from using reasonable medical management techniques to determine the frequency, method, treatment or setting for an item or service described herein to the extent not specified in the recommendation or guideline.
(m) Nothing in this section prohibits a health carrier from providing coverage for items and services in addition to those recommended by the United States Preventive Services Task Force or the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or provided by guidelines supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration, or from denying coverage for items and services that are not recommended by that task force or that advisory committee, or under those guidelines. A health carrier may impose cost-sharing requirements for a treatment not described in this section even if the treatment results from an item or service described herein.

Structure Delaware Code

Delaware Code

Title 18 - Insurance Code


Subchapter III. Provisions Applicable to Group and Blanket Health Insurance

§ 3550. Newborn children.

§ 3551. Filing of rates.

§ 3552. Cancer screening tests.

§ 3553. Midwife services reimbursement.

§ 3554. Lead poison screening reimbursement [For application of this section, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 75, § 9].

§ 3555. Coverage of cancer monitoring tests.

§ 3555A. Equal reimbursement for oral and intravenous anticancer medication.

§ 3555B. Coverage of drugs approved for treatment of certain cancers [For application of this section, see 81 Del. Laws, c. 180, §§ 3 and 4].

§ 3556. Obstetrical and gynecological coverage.

§ 3556A. Primary care coverage [For application of this section, see 81 Del. Laws, c. 392, §  12] [Effective until Jan. 1, 2027].

§ 3556A. Primary care coverage [For application of this section, see 81 Del. Laws, c. 392, §  12] [Effective Jan. 1, 2027].

§ 3557. Child abuse or neglect — Group coverage.

§ 3558. Immunizations and preventive services.

§ 3559. Contraceptive coverage.

§ 3559A-3559C. Insurance coverage for diabetes; annual pap smear coverage reimbursement; colorectal cancer screening.

§ 3560. Insurance coverage for diabetes.

§ 3560A. Cost sharing in prescription insulin drugs.

§ 3560B. Coverage for insulin pumps.

§ 3561. Annual pap smear coverage reimbursement.

§ 3562. Colorectal cancer screening.

§ 3563. Required coverage for reconstructive surgery following mastectomy.

§ 3564. Referrals.

§ 3565. Emergency care.

§ 3565A. Required coverage for volunteer ambulance company services.

§ 3566. Prescription medication.

§ 3566A. Copayment or coinsurance for prescription drugs limited [For application of this section, see 82 Del. Laws, c. 57, § 3].

§ 3567. Clinical trials.

§ 3567B. Experimental treatment coverage.

§ 3568. Newborn and infant hearing screening; coverage and reimbursement.

§ 3569. Use of Social Security numbers on insurance cards.

§ 3570. Supplemental coverage for children of insureds [For application of this section, see 79 Del. Laws, c. 99, § 19].

§ 3570A. Autism spectrum disorders coverage.

§ 3571. Phenylketonuria (PKU) and other inherited metabolic diseases.

§ 3571A. Hearing aid coverage.

§ 3571B. Required coverage for scalp hair prosthesis.

§ 3571C. Dental services for children with a severe disability.

§ 3571D. Screening of infants and toddlers for developmental delays.

§ 3571E. Reimbursement for orthotic and prosthetic services.

§ 3571F. Mini-COBRA small employer group health policies [For application of this section, see 79 Del. Laws, c. 99, § 19].

§ 3571G. School-based health centers.

§ 3571H. Payment for emergency medical services.

§ 3571I. No lifetime or annual limits [For application of this section, see 79 Del. Laws, c. 9, § 19].

§ 3571J. Guaranteed availability of coverage [For application of this section, see 79 Del. Laws, c. 99, § 19].

§ 3571K. Prohibition on excessive waiting periods [For application of this section, see 79 Del. Laws, c. 99, § 19].

§ 3571L. Nondiscrimination in health care [For application of this section, see 79 Del. Laws, c. 99, § 19].

§ 3571M. Comprehensive health insurance coverage [For application of this section, see 79 Del. Laws, c. 99, § 19].

§ 3571N. Prohibiting discrimination against individual participants and beneficiaries based on health status [For application of this section, see 79 Del. Laws, c. 99, § 19].

§ 3571O. Insurance offered through the state health insurance exchange [For application of this section, see 79 Del. Laws, c. 99, § 19].

§ 3571P. Rating factors [For application of this section, see 79 Del. Laws, c. 99, § 19].

§ 3571Q. Notification and reasons for cancellation or nonrenewal [For application of this section, see 79 Del. Laws, c. 390, § 8].

§ 3571R. Telehealth and telemedicine.

§ 3571S. Network disclosure and transparency.

§ 3571T. Coverage for treatment of pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections and pediatric acute onset neuropsychiatric syndrome.

§ 3571U. Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act reporting requirements.

§ 3571V. Time of submitting claim for reimbursement.

§ 3571W. Electronic medical claims.

§ 3571X. Medication assisted treatment for drug and alcohol dependencies.

§ 3571Y. Coverage for epinephrine autoinjectors.

§ 3571Z. Annual behavioral health well check [Effective Jan. 1, 2024].