Delaware Code
§ 1417. Revenue refunding bonds; single issues of revenue bonds; applicability thereto of other provisions of this chapter.

Each authority created hereunder may provide by resolution for the issuance of revenue refunding bonds of the authority for the purpose of refunding any revenue bonds outstanding and issued under this chapter. Each such authority may further provide by resolution for the issuance of a single issue of revenue bonds of the authority for the combined purposes of:

(1) Paying the cost of any project, or the improvement, extension, addition or reconstruction thereof; and
(2) Refunding revenue bonds of the authority which shall theretofore have been issued under this chapter and shall then be outstanding and which shall then have matured or be subject to redemption or can be acquired for retirement.
The issuance of such bonds, the maturities and other details thereof, the rights and remedies of the holders thereof, and the rights, powers, privileges, duties and obligations of the authority with respect to the same, shall be governed by the foregoing provisions of this chapter insofar as the same may be applicable.

Structure Delaware Code

Delaware Code

Title 16 - Health and Safety


§ 1401. Definitions.

§ 1402. General referendum; creation of authority; certificate and recording; certification of information to Secretary of State.

§ 1403. Amendment of articles of incorporation.

§ 1404. Withdrawal or joinder of municipalities; procedure.

§ 1405. Exercise of powers by governing body; composition; quorum; personnel; salaries; records.

§ 1406. Character of authorities with reference to public health and welfare; projects; general powers.

§ 1407. Limits of powers.

§ 1408. Issuance of revenue bonds — Interest; maturity; use of proceeds; interim receipts or temporary bonds.

§ 1409. Issuance of revenue bonds — Faith and credit of State or political subdivisions as unaffected.

§ 1410. Exemption of projects from taxes.

§ 1411. Fixed charges in connection with projects; regulation of sewage; water meter readings.

§ 1412. Trust agreements to secure bonds; pledges and assignments; contents of authorizing resolutions; depositaries for bond sales proceeds.

§ 1413. Connection with sewerage system by abutting property owners; conditions.

§ 1414. Provisions permitted for inclusion in resolutions or trust agreements providing for bonds.

§ 1415. Moneys received as trust funds; fiscal agents to act as trustees.

§ 1416. Rights of bondholders and trustees.

§ 1417. Revenue refunding bonds; single issues of revenue bonds; applicability thereto of other provisions of this chapter.

§ 1418. Accreditation of bonds for investment purposes.

§ 1419. Transfer of interest by municipalities; use of certain lands; powers of municipalities.

§ 1420. Transfer of projects to municipalities; conditions; termination of authorities.

§ 1420A. Incorporation of project within other governmental system; assumption of debt.

§ 1421. Scope and construction of chapter.