Delaware Code
§ 1403. Amendment of articles of incorporation.

Every authority of this State may, from time to time and in the manner hereinafter provided, amend its articles of incorporation and thereby accomplish any 1 or more of the following:

Structure Delaware Code

Delaware Code

Title 16 - Health and Safety


§ 1401. Definitions.

§ 1402. General referendum; creation of authority; certificate and recording; certification of information to Secretary of State.

§ 1403. Amendment of articles of incorporation.

§ 1404. Withdrawal or joinder of municipalities; procedure.

§ 1405. Exercise of powers by governing body; composition; quorum; personnel; salaries; records.

§ 1406. Character of authorities with reference to public health and welfare; projects; general powers.

§ 1407. Limits of powers.

§ 1408. Issuance of revenue bonds — Interest; maturity; use of proceeds; interim receipts or temporary bonds.

§ 1409. Issuance of revenue bonds — Faith and credit of State or political subdivisions as unaffected.

§ 1410. Exemption of projects from taxes.

§ 1411. Fixed charges in connection with projects; regulation of sewage; water meter readings.

§ 1412. Trust agreements to secure bonds; pledges and assignments; contents of authorizing resolutions; depositaries for bond sales proceeds.

§ 1413. Connection with sewerage system by abutting property owners; conditions.

§ 1414. Provisions permitted for inclusion in resolutions or trust agreements providing for bonds.

§ 1415. Moneys received as trust funds; fiscal agents to act as trustees.

§ 1416. Rights of bondholders and trustees.

§ 1417. Revenue refunding bonds; single issues of revenue bonds; applicability thereto of other provisions of this chapter.

§ 1418. Accreditation of bonds for investment purposes.

§ 1419. Transfer of interest by municipalities; use of certain lands; powers of municipalities.

§ 1420. Transfer of projects to municipalities; conditions; termination of authorities.

§ 1420A. Incorporation of project within other governmental system; assumption of debt.

§ 1421. Scope and construction of chapter.