Connecticut General Statutes
Chapter 130 - Redevelopment and Urban Renewal. State and Federal Aid. Community Development. Urban Homesteading. Abandoned and Blighted Property
Section 8-169c. - Preparation and content of a community development plan.

(a) Any municipality may prepare, or cause to be prepared a community development plan for submission to the legislative body of such municipality for approval. Such plan shall include:

(1) A summary of a three-year community development program which identifies community development and housing needs, demonstrates a comprehensive strategy for meeting those needs and specifies both short-term and long-term community development objectives which have been prepared in accordance with the general plan of the municipality, area-wide development planning and state and national urban growth policies;
(2) A program which describes the activities to be undertaken and the resources expected to be made available to meet its community development needs and objectives, including activities designed to revitalize neighborhoods for the benefit of low and moderate income persons, together with the estimated costs and the general locations of such activities;
(3) A description of the environmental considerations taken into account in the preparation of the plan;
(4) A description of a program designed to (A) eliminate or prevent slums, blight and deterioration where such conditions or needs exist; (B) provide improved community facilities and public improvements, including the provision of supporting health, social and similar services where necessary and appropriate; and in a manner to insure fully the opportunity for participation by, and benefits to, persons with physical disabilities; and (C) improved conditions for low and moderate income persons residing in or expected to reside in the community and foster neighborhood development in order to induce higher income persons to remain in, or return to, the community;
(5) A description of a housing assistance plan which (A) accurately describes the conditions of the housing stock within the community, assesses the housing assistance needs of low and moderate income persons, including elderly persons, persons with disabilities, large families and persons displaced or to be displaced residing in or expected to reside in the community, and identifies housing stock which is in a deteriorated condition; (B) specifies a realistic goal during the program period for the number of dwelling units or persons to be assisted, including (i) the relative proportion of new, rehabilitated and existing dwelling units, (ii) the size and types of housing projects and assistance best suited to the needs of the low and moderate income families and persons and (iii), in the case of subsidized rehabilitation, adequate provisions to assure that a preponderance of persons assisted are of low and moderate income, and (C) indicates the general locations of proposed housing for low and moderate income families and persons with the objective of (i) furthering the revitalization of the community, including the restoration and rehabilitation of stable neighborhoods to the maximum extent possible, and the reclamation of the housing stock where feasible through the use of a broad range of techniques for housing restoration by local government, the private sector or community organizations, including provision of a reasonable opportunity for tenants displaced as a result of such activities to relocate in their immediate neighborhood, (ii) promoting greater choice of housing opportunities and avoiding undue concentration of assisted persons in areas containing a high proportion of low-income persons and (iii) assuring the availability of public facilities and services adequate to serve proposed housing projects.
(b) Where any community development activity proposed to be undertaken is to be undertaken in a development project area, harbor improvement project area, housing site development project area, redevelopment project area or urban renewal project area, the community development plan shall state whether the proposed activity is subject to the controls of an adopted plan for such project area and, if so, whether the activity conforms to the plan for such project area. If any such activity is not in conformance with the provisions of the plan for such project area, then the community development plan shall state in what respects the plan for such project area must be modified or amended.
(c) A community development plan may be based to the extent it is consistent with the provisions of this section upon a plan of conservation and development adopted under section 8-23 or a community development action plan. Any nonentitlement municipality may also use its adopted plan of conservation and development or community development action plan, to the extent such plans have been kept current, as determined by the commissioner, or the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in lieu of preparing a community development plan under this section for the purpose of receiving state financial assistance under section 8-169l.
(d) In the event the United States government, acting by and through the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, waives any requirement under the provisions of Section 104 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as from time to time amended, the provisions of subdivisions (1) to (5), inclusive, of subsection (a) of this section affected by such waiver shall not be applicable to any municipality.
(e) The provisions of this section and section 8-169d shall not be applicable to any community development plan submitted to a legislative body of a municipality for approval prior to July 1, 1975.
(P.A. 75-443, S. 3, 15; P.A. 76-70, S. 1, 4, 5; P.A. 78-373, S. 2; P.A. 82-186, S. 1; 82-322, S. 5, 6; P.A. 88-280, S. 3; P.A. 95-335, S. 16, 26; P.A. 17-202, S. 8.)
History: P.A. 76-70 added Subsecs. (d) and (e) re exceptions to applicability of section; P.A. 78-373 amended Subsec. (a)(1) to include housing needs, Subsec. (a)(2) to include provision for revitalizing neighborhoods, Subsec. (a)(4) to include health and social services for physically disabled and to include provision for improvement of conditions for low and moderate-income persons via neighborhood development and required identification of deteriorated housing stock, assistance to low and moderate-income persons in order to obtain subsidized rehabilitation and reclamation of housing stock where possible and relocation assistance; P.A. 82-186 amended Subsec. (d) to exclude references to communities under 25,000 persons and to expand the possible scope of the waivers; P.A. 82-322 changed effective date of P.A. 82-186 from October 1, 1982, to July 1, 1982; P.A. 88-280 made technical change in Subsec. (c); (Revisor's note: In 1993 an obsolete reference in the first sentence in Subsec. (c) to “adopted pursuant to section 8-207” immediately following the reference to “a community development action plan” was deleted editorially by the Revisors since Sec. 8-207 is repealed); P.A. 95-335 amended Subsec. (c) to change “plan of development” to “plan of conservation and development”, effective July 1, 1995; P.A. 17-202 amended Subsec. (a)(4)(B) by replacing “the physically disabled” with “persons with physical disabilities” and amended Subsec. (a)(5)(A) by replacing “elderly and handicapped persons” with “elderly persons, persons with disabilities,” and making technical changes.
Cited. 183 C. 523.

Structure Connecticut General Statutes

Connecticut General Statutes

Title 8 - Zoning, Planning, Housing and Economic and Community Development

Chapter 130 - Redevelopment and Urban Renewal. State and Federal Aid. Community Development. Urban Homesteading. Abandoned and Blighted Property

Section 8-124. - Declaration of public policy.

Section 8-125. - Definitions.

Section 8-126. - Redevelopment agency.

Section 8-126a. - Agency employees not to promote political parties or members.

Section 8-127. - Preparation and approval of redevelopment plan. Notice of approval. Review.

Section 8-127a. - Limits on redevelopment agency's use of eminent domain under a redevelopment plan.

Section 8-128. - Acquisition or rental of real property by redevelopment agency. Limitations.

Section 8-129. - Agency to determine compensation and file with Superior Court and town clerks; notice to owners and interested parties. Possession of land. Certificate of taking.

Section 8-129a. - Apportionment and abatement of taxes on acquisition of property.

Section 8-130. - Deposit filed with Superior Court clerk. Withdrawal of agency from proceeding.

Section 8-131. - Acceptances to be filed. Approval by judge or judge trial referee.

Section 8-132. - Judicial review of statement of compensation.

Section 8-132a. - Determination of equities of parties in deposit or compensation.

Section 8-133. - Costs taxable against agency.

Section 8-133a. - Relocation or removal of public service facilities from streets closed as part of project.

Section 8-133b. - Payments in lieu of taxes.

Section 8-134. - Bonds: Authorization; terms, security, payment. Issuance by Connecticut Innovations, Incorporated or its subsidiary for specified project.

Section 8-134a. - Allocation of taxes on real or personal property in a redevelopment project.

Section 8-135. - Acceptance of funds. Financing.

Section 8-136. - Modification of redevelopment plan.

Section 8-137. - Transfer, sale or lease of real property in a redevelopment area.

Section 8-137a. - Other authority re transfer unaffected.

Section 8-138. - Bonds and title to land to be in name of municipality.

Section 8-139. - Joint action by two or more municipalities.

Section 8-140. - Policy concerning slum areas.

Section 8-141. - Urban renewal projects authorized.

Section 8-142. - Urban renewal plan.

Section 8-143. - Powers of redevelopment agency.

Section 8-144. - Powers of municipality.

Section 8-145. - Legislative body to prepare program.

Section 8-146 to 8-150. - Finding and declaration of necessity. Contract for state assistance. Form of aid. Bond issue. Maximum amount of loan notes. Requirements of notes and bonds. Regulations.

Section 8-151. - Declaration of policy.

Section 8-152 to 8-154. - Grants-in-aid for redevelopment or urban renewal. Bond issue. Commissioner of Community Affairs to administer program.

Section 8-154a. - Contracts for state financial assistance; eligibility. Net cost of project. Disposition of land by municipalities.

Section 8-154b. - Bond issues.

Section 8-154c. - Regulations.

Section 8-154d. - Certified list of contractors for project prerequisite to grant payment.

Section 8-154e. - Certification by agencies of employees and persons performing work under contract.

Section 8-154f. - State grants-in-aid not subject to repayment. Contracts for financial assistance in effect prior to October 1, 1977, valid and binding.

Section 8-155 to 8-159. - Commercial or industrial development.

Section 8-159a. - State grants for urban problems.

Section 8-160. - Capital improvement programs. Definitions.

Section 8-161. - Commissioner to assist. State payments toward preparation of program.

Section 8-162. - Procedure for obtaining technical assistance.

Section 8-163. - Definitions.

Section 8-164. - Authority to participate in federal act.

Section 8-165. - Overall economic development program.

Section 8-166. - Application for federal aid.

Section 8-167. - Department of Economic and Community Development to act for state. Reimbursement of small business development centers.

Section 8-168. - State loans for industrial or business projects.

Section 8-168a. - Funds transferred to the Connecticut Growth Fund.

Section 8-169. - Bond issue.

Section 8-169a. - Declaration of policy.

Section 8-169b. - Definitions.

Section 8-169c. - Preparation and content of a community development plan.

Section 8-169d. - Adoption and implementation of community development plan.

Section 8-169e. - Modification of existing development plans. Acquisition of property.

Section 8-169f. - Community development activities.

Section 8-169g. - Issuance of municipal bonds.

Section 8-169h. - Acceptance of financial assistance. Issuance of temporary notes.

Section 8-169i. - Modification of a community development plan.

Section 8-169j. - Joint activity by two or more municipalities.

Section 8-169k. - State and federal assistance for community development projects.

Section 8-169l. - Discretionary funds. Planning advances.

Section 8-169m. - Receipt of funds. Issuance of bonds.

Section 8-169n. - Regulations.

Section 8-169aa. - Appointment of receiver to rehabilitate abandoned and blighted property. Petition to superior court. Powers and duties of receivers. Disposition of property. Termination of receivership. Exceptions.

Section 8-169hh. - Definitions.

Section 8-169ii. - Connecticut Municipal Redevelopment Authority established. Board of directors; appointments; record of proceedings; action. Authority's procedures for conduct. Termination.

Section 8-169jj. - Purposes of authority. Powers.

Section 8-169kk. - Written procedures for conduct of board of directors.

Section 8-169ll. - Member municipalities; joint member entities. Appointment of local development board.

Section 8-169mm. - Reports to the Governor, Auditors of Public Accounts and General Assembly. Annual compliance and independent financial audits. Contract compliance officer; report.

Section 8-169nn. - Application or request for funds re authority development project. Economic development statement. Expenditure of funds. Coordination of resources.

Section 8-169oo. - Bonds, notes and other obligations of the authority.

Section 8-169pp. - State's pledge to not limit or alter rights of authority or holders of bonds, notes and obligations or parties to contracts.

Section 8-169qq. - State's protection of authority's directors, officers and employees from financial loss arising from claim. State's assumption of liability on debt authority unable to pay.

Section 8-169rr. - Economic development master plan. Development and submission to authority; review and approval.

Section 8-169ss. - Encouragement to hire local employees. Office of Workforce Strategy assistance with training and recruitment.

Section 8-169o. - Declaration of policy.

Section 8-169p. - Definitions.

Section 8-169q. - Designation of urban homesteading agency.

Section 8-169r. - Acquisition of abandoned property by urban homesteading agency. Certification of vacant municipally owned property.

Section 8-169s. - Disposition of property by urban homesteading agency.

Section 8-169t. - Selection of urban homesteaders.

Section 8-169u. - Financial assistance. Abatement of real property taxes.

Section 8-169v. - Acceptance of real property from United States government.

Section 8-169w. - Urban Homesteading Fund created. Regulations. Bond authorization.