In reviewing and acting upon applications for certificates of appropriateness, the historic properties commission shall follow the procedures set forth in section 7-147e for use by historic district commissions in reviewing applications for certificates of appropriateness affecting historic districts.
(P.A. 84-286, S. 5.)
Structure Connecticut General Statutes
Chapter 97a - Historic Districts and Historic Properties
Section 7-147a. - Historic districts authorized. Definitions.
Section 7-147b. - Procedure for establishment of historic district.
Section 7-147c. - Historic district commission.
Section 7-147d. - Certificate of appropriateness: Parking areas.
Section 7-147e. - Application for certificate. Hearing. Approval.
Section 7-147f. - Considerations in determining appropriateness. Solar energy systems.
Section 7-147g. - Variations, permissible when.
Section 7-147h. - Action by commission to prevent illegal acts.
Section 7-147j. - Exempted acts. Delay of demolition.
Section 7-147l and 7-147m. - Method of balloting; eligibility to vote; balloting on prior districts.
Section 7-147p. - Historic property ordinances authorized. Definitions.
Section 7-147q. - Procedures for establishment of historic properties.
Section 7-147r. - Historic properties commission.
Section 7-147s. - Certificate of appropriateness.
Section 7-147t. - Procedure for application for certificate.
Section 7-147u. - Considerations in determining appropriateness.
Section 7-147v. - Variations, permissible when.
Section 7-147w. - Action by commission to prevent illegal acts.