Connecticut General Statutes
Chapter 961 - Trial and Proceedings after Conviction
Section 54-84. - Testimony or silence of accused.

(a) Any person on trial for crime shall be a competent witness, and at his or her option may testify or refuse to testify upon such trial. The neglect or refusal of an accused party to testify shall not be commented upon by the court or prosecuting official, except as provided in subsection (b) of this section.

(b) Unless the accused requests otherwise, the court shall instruct the jury that they may draw no unfavorable inferences from the accused's failure to testify. In cases tried to the court, no unfavorable inferences shall be drawn by the court from the accused's silence.
(1949 Rev., S. 8800; 1971, P.A. 237; 871, S. 122; P.A. 77-360; P.A. 80-313, S. 44.)
History: 1971 acts applied provisions equally with respect to either spouse where previously applicable only to wives receiving personal violence from husbands or to women charged with violation of specified sections; P.A. 77-360 prohibited comment upon neglect or refusal to testify “by the court or prosecuting official, except as provided in subsection (b) of this section” rather than comments “to the court or jury” and added Subsec. (b); P.A. 80-313 deleted provisions re spouse's competency as witness and option to testify or not except in cases involving violence against spouse or specified violations where testimony may be compelled.
Communication between husband and wife not privileged to extent of preventing one who overhears them from testifying thereto. 47 C. 540. Voluntary statements of accused before coroner or grand jury in no sense compulsory and are admissible in evidence. 56 C. 399. Attacking credit of accused where he does testify. 67 C. 290; 76 C. 94; 87 C. 22; 88 C. 150; 89 C. 417. Certain comments by state's attorney not objectionable. 73 C. 100; 96 C. 291. Commenting on refusal not always ground for new trial; accused must at once object. 79 C. 477. Effect of testimony by one of two jointly indicted. 82 C. 59. Remark by state's attorney in arguing question of evidence while putting in his own case, held not within rule. 83 C. 455. In absence of request, court need not charge as to rule. 90 C. 132. Proper course for accused to take to insure his rights under rule. 96 C. 291. Charge under rule. 108 C. 463, but see 127 C. 592. Does not prevent inference being drawn from failure to testify; but such failure must not be commented upon. 108 C. 463. Cited. 109 C. 134; Id., 497. For violence received from husband before marriage, wife may refuse to testify against him. 113 C. 291. Court may comment to jury on failure of accused to testify. 119 C. 35; 127 C. 591. Reference by state's attorney to fact defendant's attorney offered no testimony to refute state's witnesses, not a violation of section. 130 C. 549. Court may take into consideration failure of an accused to testify only if state has made out a prima facie case against him. 139 C. 124. Does not preclude cross-examination of the accused as to inconsistent statements made to spouse. 145 C. 60. It is violation of fifth and fourteenth amendments for court to comment on failure of defendant in a criminal trial to testify; interpretation before Griffin v. California, 380 U.S. 609. 154 C. 41. Cited. 171 C. 12; Id., 586. Section gives witness' spouse option of testifying against accused spouse. 172 C. 37. Cited. Id., 74; 179 C. 327; 197 C. 369; 201 C. 462; 206 C. 300; Id., 621; 213 C. 422; 222 C. 469; 223 C. 52; 233 C. 813. Prosecutorial comments on defendant's exercise of right not to testify discussed. 243 C. 324. State's attorney's comment in closing argument that “I gave you everything I had” not seen as comment on defendant's failure to testify. 244 C. 547.
Cited. 7 CA 292; 9 CA 169; judgment reversed, see 205 C. 370; 13 CA 386; 16 CA 264; 22 CA 321; 24 CA 642; 26 CA 674; 27 CA 601; Id., 643; 28 CA 369. Use of term “unfair” in lieu of term “unfavorable” inference discussed. 36 CA 41. Cited. 39 CA 96. Legislature could not have intended that instructions to venire panel would comply with dictates of section to give instructions to jury. 60 CA 301. Although the recorded out-of-court statement of defendant was not equivalent of in-court testimony where defendant puts his credibility in issue, prosecutor's admonition to jury to consider defendant's interest in the outcome of the case when evaluating defendant's statement was not a forbidden indirect comment on defendant's decision not to testify. 78 CA 535. Defendant's right to a no adverse inference instruction was violated by court's postcharge, supplemental instruction that materially and substantially misstated the nature of defendant's privilege not to testify. 83 CA 811. Prosecutor's statement that sexual assault cases are often decided on credibility of victim or defendant was not an improper comment on defendant's failure to testify. 86 CA 641. Prosecutor's comments made during rebuttal argument regarding defendant's failure to testify were a clear violation of section. 156 CA 138; judgment affirmed, see 324 C. 190.
Where state's case rested entirely on defendant's testimony, held it was error not to inform defendant of his privilege against self-incrimination. 24 CS 353. Defendant does not have option to refuse to testify in civil proceeding for homicide by automobile on ground that he may be subject to criminal prosecution for some facts. 28 CS 59. Cited. 33 CS 505; Id., 700.
Defendant's failure to bring timely objection re comments on his refusal to testify results in waiver of right. 2 Conn. Cir. Ct. 68. Charge to jury that, if they concluded there was such a strong probability of defendant's guilt that denial or explanation by him was reasonably called for, then they would be entitled to consider his failure to testify, held in violation of due process and constituted reversible error. 3 Conn. Cir. Ct. 463, 464. Any comment by presiding judge or counsel forbidden; court's refusal to charge jury that no inference of guilt could be drawn or sinister meaning attached to defendant's failure to testify, proper. 4 Conn. Cir. Ct. 520, 522, 523. Cited. 5 Conn. Cir. Ct. 181. Defendants who took stand for limited purpose of testifying new counsel represented them entitled to assistance of counsel when questioning of them broadened out to other matters. Id., 242.
Subsec. (b):
Even though defense counsel did not object to the court's failure to give the “no unfavorable inference” instruction, the judgment was set. 182 C. 330. Cited. Id., 403. Failure to follow mandate of statute is reversible error despite failure to make a timely request or objection. Id., 580. Cited. 183 C. 444; 188 C. 681; 190 C. 1. Use of “unreasonable” instead of “unfavorable” in jury instruction constituted harmful error. 194 C. 594. Cited. 195 C. 421; Id., 444; 197 C. 574; Id., 588; 198 C. 77; 199 C. 322; 201 C. 659; 209 C. 636; 210 C. 751; 227 C. 910. Harmless error analysis applied to erroneous instruction under statute; judgment of Appellate Court in 31 CA 688 reversed. 229 C. 516. In context of entire jury charge re defendant's decision not to testify, reference to defendant's “failure to testify” was neither negative in substance nor improper; phrase “unless the defendant requests otherwise” does not obligate court to use defendant's requested language. 255 C. 581. When the jury charge contains no language that resembles the mandated instruction, it cannot be assumed that the jurors had sufficient knowledge of the law to be able to glean from the balance of instructions that they should draw no adverse inference from defendant's failure to testify. 322 C. 796. Although phrase “failure to testify” has slightly more negative connotation than the phrase “choice not to testify”, that slight difference does not have a material impact on a defendant's constitutional right to remain silent and Subsec. is not unconstitutional. 338 C. 705
Cited. 5 CA 79; 6 CA 124; 7 CA 477; 10 CA 302; 11 CA 425; 15 CA 342; Id., 749; 17 CA 490; 19 CA 48; Id., 618; 20 CA 721; 21 CA 162; 23 CA 28; Id., 151; 28 CA 290; 31 CA 688; judgment reversed, see 229 C. 516. Total omission of “no adverse interference” instruction is plain error that is not subject to harmless error analysis. 33 CA 126. Cited. 34 CA 153. Trial court's charge did not comply with requirements of statute because of improper reference to loss of defendant's presumption of innocence. Id., 250. Cited. 37 CA 672. Court will not infer a waiver of the mandatory instruction from defendant's silence. 59 CA 426. Where counsel had requested omission of instruction under section in the jury charge, it was not error for court to fail to inquire expressly of defendant if he also wanted the court to omit the instruction. 64 CA 340. Since trial court's instruction to jury not to draw any unfavorable inference from the fact that defendant did not testify given in the context of instructions concerning how jury was to find facts in general did not clearly inform jury that it could not use defendant's silence as a factor in its verdict and did not satisfy the statutory requirement that court convey a specific instruction to jury that no unfavorable inference could be drawn from the fact that defendant did not testify, and state failed to establish that the deficient instruction was clarified or remedied by the court and failed to demonstrate harmlessness of the constitutional violation beyond a reasonable doubt, judgment was reversed and the case remanded for new trial. 97 CA 266. Where lower court had inquired about specific instruction re failure to testify and court and defense counsel discussed instruction, such discussion constituted a request for a no unfavorable inference instruction; reiterated previous holding that provisions are not required to be waived personally by defendant but can be waived by defense counsel. 109 CA 679.
Cited. 36 CS 583.

Structure Connecticut General Statutes

Connecticut General Statutes

Title 54 - Criminal Procedure

Chapter 961 - Trial and Proceedings after Conviction

Section 54-77a. - Establishing venue and selecting jurors for the town of Plymouth.

Section 54-80 to 54-81b. - Public defenders. Assistant public defenders; office; assistance. Expenses. Appointment of special defender. Public defenders for Common Pleas Court. Representation of accused on bindover.

Section 54-82. - Accused's election of trial by court or by jury. Number of jurors.

Section 54-82a. - Test of insanity as defense.

Section 54-82b. - Right to trial by jury.

Section 54-82c. (Formerly Sec. 54-139). - Prisoner's right to speedy trial on pending charges.

Section 54-82d. (Formerly Sec. 54-140). - Dismissal of charges on failure to grant prisoner speedy trial.

Section 54-82e. (Formerly Sec. 54-141). - Mentally ill person not covered.

Section 54-82f. - Voir dire examination.

Section 54-82g. (Formerly Sec. 51-242). - Peremptory challenges in criminal prosecution.

Section 54-82h. - Alternate jurors in criminal cases. Peremptory challenges.

Section 54-82i. (Formerly Sec. 54-22). - Attendance of witnesses in criminal proceedings.

Section 54-82j. (Formerly Sec. 54-23). - Detention of witnesses. Warrant.

Section 54-82k. (Formerly Sec. 54-24). - Recognizance; commitment; release; fees.

Section 54-82l. - Rules re speedy trial to be adopted by judges of Superior Court effective July 1, 1983.

Section 54-82m. - Rules re speedy trial to be adopted by judges of Superior Court effective July 1, 1985.

Section 54-82q. - Temporary restraining order prohibiting harassment of witness.

Section 54-82r. - Protective order prohibiting harassment of witness.

Section 54-82s. - The Leroy Brown, Jr. and Karen Clarke Witness Protection Program.

Section 54-82t. - Protective services for witness at risk of harm.

Section 54-82u. - Witness protection agreement.

Section 54-83. - Testimony in case where crime is punishable by death or life imprisonment without possibility of release.

Section 54-84. - Testimony or silence of accused.

Section 54-84a. - Testimony against spouse.

Section 54-84b. - Testimony of spouse re confidential communications.

Section 54-85. - Witness to testify with regard to bribery at elections.

Section 54-85a. - Sequestering of witnesses in criminal prosecution.

Section 54-85b. - Employment protection for witnesses and victims of crime. Penalty. Action for damages and reinstatement.

Section 54-85c. - Representative of homicide victim entitled to be present at trial of defendant. Exclusion. Hearing.

Section 54-85d. - Employer not to discharge employee who attends court as family member of or person designated by homicide victim.

Section 54-85e. - Photograph of deceased victim shown to jury during opening and closing arguments.

Section 54-85f. - Victim of violent crime or representative of deceased victim permitted to attend court proceedings.

Section 54-85g. - Advisement to crime victims re constitutional rights by judge at arraignment.

Section 54-86. - Depositions.

Section 54-86a. - Certain evidence to be made available to defendant.

Section 54-86b. - Right of accused to examine statements.

Section 54-86c. - Disclosure of exculpatory information or material.

Section 54-86d. - Nondisclosure of address and telephone number by victims of certain crimes.

Section 54-86e. - Confidentiality of identifying information pertaining to victims of certain crimes. Availability of information to accused. Protective order information to be entered in registry.

Section 54-86f. - Admissibility of evidence of sexual conduct.

Section 54-86g. - Testimony of victim of child abuse. Court may order testimony taken outside courtroom. Procedure.

Section 54-86h. - Competency of child as witness.

Section 54-86i. - Testimony of expert witness re mental state or condition of defendant.

Section 54-86j. - Polygraph examination of victims of sexual assault restricted.

Section 54-86k. - Admissibility of results of DNA analysis.

Section 54-86l. - Admissibility in criminal or juvenile proceeding of statement by child twelve years of age or younger at time of statement relating to sexual offense or offense involving physical abuse against the child.

Section 54-86m. - Reproduction of property or material that constitutes child pornography prohibited.

Section 54-86n. - Appointment of advocate in proceeding re the welfare or custody of a cat or dog. Advocate's duties. Department of Agriculture to maintain list of eligible advocates.

Section 54-86o. - Jailhouse witnesses in a criminal prosecution.

Section 54-86p. - Hearing re reliability and admissibility of jailhouse witness testimony in criminal prosecutions.

Section 54-87. - Demurrer.

Section 54-88. - State to open and close arguments.

Section 54-89. - Direction of court to jury.

Section 54-89a. - Court to inform jury on consequences of a finding of not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect.

Section 54-91. - When sentence to be passed.

Section 54-91a. (Formerly Sec. 54-109). - Presentence investigation of defendant.

Section 54-91b. (Formerly Sec. 54-109a). - Defendant may request copy of prior record and presentence investigation report.

Section 54-91c. - *(See end of section for amended version of subsection (d) and effective date.) Testimony of victim or representative of deceased victim prior to acceptance of plea agreement and at sentencing hearing. Terms of proposed plea agreeme...

Section 54-91d. - Referral of persons to youth service bureaus.

Section 54-91e. - Notification of victim through automated system prior to acceptance of plea agreement.

Section 54-91f. - Apology to victim by person convicted of motor vehicle offense that resulted in death or serious physical injury to another. Inadmissibility in civil or criminal proceeding.

Section 54-91g. - Sentencing of a child for class A or B felony.

Section 54-91h. - Indication by court at sentencing of defendant's maximum period of imprisonment and eligibility re risk reduction credits and release on parole.

Section 54-92. - Pronouncement of sentence.

Section 54-92a. (Formerly Sec. 54-120). - Commitment to custody of Commissioner of Correction.

Section 54-92b. (Formerly Sec. 54-122). - Discharge from community correctional center when held for nonpayment of fine.

Section 54-92c. (Formerly Sec. 17-381). - Women attendants.

Section 54-93. - Clerks to notify warden of Connecticut Correctional Institution, Somers, of sentences.

Section 54-93a. - Court order to correct public record containing false information as a result of identity theft.

Section 54-94. - Sentence of persons between sixteen and seventeen.

Section 54-94a. - Conditional nolo contendere plea. Appeal of denial of motion to suppress or dismiss.

Section 54-95. - Appeal by defendant in criminal prosecution; stay of execution.

Section 54-95a. (Formerly Sec. 54-17). - Jurisdiction of Superior Court.

Section 54-95b. - Reopening judgment in certain motor vehicle and criminal cases.

Section 54-95c. - Application to vacate certain convictions on basis of being a victim of trafficking in persons. Notification to victims of crimes for which vacatur is sought. Prosecutor's response. Court order. Not grounds for an award of compensat...

Section 54-96. - Appeals by the state from Superior Court in criminal cases.

Section 54-96a. (Formerly Sec. 54-13). - Appeal vacated by payment of fine.

Section 54-96b. (Formerly Sec. 54-14). - Withdrawal of appeal of person committed to community correctional center.

Section 54-97. - Mittimus required for commitment to correctional facility.

Section 54-98. - Execution of mittimus for commitment to Connecticut Correctional Institution, Somers.

Section 54-99. - Period within which death penalty inflicted.

Section 54-100. - Method of inflicting death penalty. Attendance at execution.

Section 54-100a. - Committee on news media access to executions. Selection of news media witnesses.

Section 54-101. - Disposition of person becoming insane after death sentence.

Section 54-102. - Burial or disposal of body of executed criminal.

Section 54-102a. (Formerly Sec. 53a-90). - Examination for sexually transmitted disease and HIV testing of persons charged with certain sexual offenses.

Section 54-102b. - HIV testing of persons convicted of certain sexual offenses.

Section 54-102c. - HIV information and test results provided to victim.

Section 54-102g. - Blood or other biological sample required from certain arrested or convicted persons for DNA analysis.

Section 54-102h. - Procedure for collection of blood or other biological sample for DNA analysis.

Section 54-102i. - Procedure for conducting DNA analysis of blood or other biological sample.

Section 54-102j. - Dissemination of information in DNA data bank.

Section 54-102k. - Unauthorized dissemination or use of DNA data bank information. Obtaining blood sample without authority. Penalties.

Section 54-102l. - Expungement of DNA data bank records and destruction of samples.

Section 54-102m. - DNA Data Bank Oversight Panel.

Section 54-102r. - Registration of persons convicted of sexual assault upon release from correctional facility or completion or termination of probation.

Section 54-102aa. - Tuberculosis testing: Definitions. Requirements.

Section 54-102bb. - Procedures for evaluation of tuberculosis infection.

Section 54-102cc. - Tuberculosis infection control committee.

Section 54-102dd. - Inmates with infectious tuberculosis required to be isolated. Persons exposed encouraged to be tested.

Section 54-102ee. - Department contract option for testing of tuberculosis.

Section 54-102jj. - Preservation of biological evidence.

Section 54-102kk. - DNA testing of biological evidence.

Section 54-102pp. - Review of wrongful convictions.

Section 54-102uu. - Compensation for wrongful incarceration.

Section 54-103. - Commission on Adult Probation.

Section 54-103a. - Office of Adult Probation.

Section 54-103b. - Services for probation referrals. Duties of Court Support Services Division. Contractual services and alternative incarceration program.

Section 54-104. - Appointment of Director of Probation and probation officers. Qualifying examinations.

Section 54-105. - Duties of executive director of Court Support Services Division re probation. Intensive probation program. Community service program. Caseload limitation.

Section 54-105a. - (Note: This section is repealed, effective October 1, 2022.) Funds for the probation transition program and technical violation units.

Section 54-106 and 54-107. - General Assembly to provide for expenses; central office; quarters. Appointment of probation officers.

Section 54-108. - Duties of probation officers.

Section 54-108a. - Supervision of probationers.

Section 54-108b. - Risk assessment and monitoring standards developed by Chief Court Administrator.

Section 54-108c. - Availability of information on outstanding arrest warrants for probation violations.

Section 54-108d. - Authority of probation officers to detain certain persons, seize contraband and act as member of fugitive task force.

Section 54-108e. - Duties of probation officers. Availability of information contained in alternative sentencing plan or community release plan.

Section 54-108f. - Issuance of certificate of rehabilitation by Court Support Services Division. Modification or revocation.

Section 54-108g. - Prohibition against disclosure of personal information of probation officers to certain individuals under the Freedom of Information Act.

Section 54-110 to 54-119. - Report on person with prior conviction. Restitution investigation and report. Information to be included in report. Appointment of restitution specialists and other personnel. Optional treatment of person found guilty of c...

Section 54-121. - Indeterminate sentence.

Section 54-123. - Transportation of prisoner discharged from jail.

Section 54-123a. - Judicial Department duties re alternative sanctions and incarceration programs.

Section 54-123b and 54-123c. - Advisory committee concerning adult offenders. Advisory committee concerning juvenile offenders.

Section 54-123d. - Establishment of alternative incarceration center providing mental health services.

Section 54-124. - Board of Parole. Appointment and duties of executive secretary.

Section 54-124a. - Board of Pardons and Paroles.

Section 54-124b. - Caseload of parole officers.

Section 54-124c. - Responsibility of the Department of Correction for supervision of persons released from confinement.

Section 54-124d. - Criminal history records check of Board of Parole personnel.

Section 54-124e. - Board of Pardons and Paroles as successor department to Board of Pardons and Board of Parole.

Section 54-125. - Parole of prisoner serving indeterminate sentence.

Section 54-125a. - Parole of inmate serving sentence of more than two years. Eligibility. Hearing to determine suitability for parole release of certain inmates.

Section 54-125b. - Parole of prisoner after administrative review without a hearing.

Section 54-125c. - Sexual offender treatment as precondition for parole hearing.

Section 54-125d. - Deportation parole of aliens.

Section 54-125e. - Special parole. Conditions. Duration. Violation. Hearing. Disposition.

Section 54-125f. - Pilot zero-tolerance drug supervision program.

Section 54-125g. - Parole of prisoner nearing end of maximum sentence.

Section 54-125h. - Transfer of prisoner granted parole and nearing parole release date.

Section 54-125i. - Parole of prisoner without a hearing.

Section 54-125j. - Reporting re outcomes of parole revocation hearings.

Section 54-125k. - Legal cannabis use or possession not grounds for revocation of parole, special parole or probation. Exception.

Section 54-126. - Rules and regulations concerning parole. Enforcement.

Section 54-126a. - Testimony of crime victim at parole hearing. Notification to victim.

Section 54-127. - Rearrest.

Section 54-127a. - Parole revocation and rescission hearings.

Section 54-128. - Period of confinement in correctional institution after parole violation.

Section 54-129. - Discharge of paroled prisoner.

Section 54-129a. - Termination of special parole determination. Notification to victim. Statement of victim.

Section 54-130. - State Prison for Women not covered.

Section 54-130a. (Formerly Sec. 18-26). - Jurisdiction and authority of board to grant commutations of punishment, releases, pardons and certificates of rehabilitation.

Section 54-130a. (Formerly Sec. 18-26). *(See end of section for - Jurisdiction and authority of board to grant commutations of punishment, releases, pardons and certificates of rehabilitation.

Section 54-130b. (Formerly Sec. 18-26a). - Commutation of punishment and deportation of inmates who are aliens.

Section 54-130c. (Formerly Sec. 18-30). - Information about prisoner.

Section 54-130d. (Formerly Sec. 18-27a). - Testimony of crime victim at session of board. Notification of Office of Victim Services of board's action.

Section 54-130e. - Provisional pardons. Certificates of rehabilitation.

Section 54-130f. - Pardon eligibility notice.

Section 54-130g. - Pardon for violation of certain provisions of section 53a-61aa or 53a-62. Criteria.

Section 54-131. - Employment of paroled or discharged prisoners. Interviews.

Section 54-131a. - Release of inmate on medical parole.

Section 54-131b. - Eligibility for medical parole.

Section 54-131c. - Medical diagnosis.

Section 54-131d. - Conditions of release on medical parole.

Section 54-131e. - Requests for medical diagnosis.

Section 54-131f. - Special panel. Emergency review.

Section 54-131g. - Effect on parole or other release.

Section 54-131k. - Compassionate parole release.

Section 54-132. - Definitions.

Section 54-133. - Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision.

Section 54-133a. - Motor vehicle violation deemed a criminal offense for purposes of Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision.

Section 54-134 to 54-138b. - Designation of “Compact Institutions”. Transfers to other correctional institutions. Incarceration in receiving state not to affect rights in sending state. Reimbursement for expenses. Ratification; regulations. Retaking...

Section 54-142. - Destruction of notes received for unpaid fines.