Connecticut General Statutes
Chapter 968 - Victim Services
Section 54-222. - Brochure re rights of victims and victim services. Notice concerning services for victims of human trafficking.

(a) The Office of the Chief Court Administrator shall develop a concise card or brochure concerning information to victims of crime concerning their rights as victims and any services available to them. The Office of Victim Services shall distribute such cards or brochures to municipalities and the state police who shall distribute such cards or brochures to crime victims.

(b) The Office of the Chief Court Administrator shall develop a concise notice concerning services available to victims of human trafficking. Such notice shall indicate that any person who is forced to engage in any activity and who cannot leave may contact a state or federal anti-trafficking hotline, and shall indicate the toll-free telephone numbers for such hotlines. The office shall make copies of such notice available to persons who are required to post such notice pursuant to section 54-234a.
(P.A. 85-609, S. 4; P.A. 87-554, S. 1; P.A. 93-310, S. 18, 32; P.A. 13-166, S. 6.)
History: (Revisor's note: In 1991 the term “commission on victim services” was substituted editorially for “criminal injuries compensation board” and “commission” for “board” pursuant to public act 87-554); P.A. 93-310 changed reference to “commission on victim services” to “office of the chief court administrator”, changed “commission” to “office of victim services” and added “and the state police” after “municipalities”, effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 13-166 designated existing provisions as Subsec. (a) and amended same to delete “bilingual” re card or brochure, and added Subsec. (b) re notice concerning services for victims of human trafficking.

Structure Connecticut General Statutes

Connecticut General Statutes

Title 54 - Criminal Procedure

Chapter 968 - Victim Services

Section 54-201. - Definitions.

Section 54-202. - Compensation commissioners; appointment; Chief Victim Compensation Commissioner; temporary victim compensation commissioners; compensation.

Section 54-202a. - Executive director. Appointment; term; salary; duties. Deputy director of compensation. Deputy director of victim services.

Section 54-203. - Office of Victim Services established. Powers and duties.

Section 54-204. - Application for compensation services. Report and examination. Confidential information.

Section 54-205. - Evaluation of application. Determination. Request for review by compensation commissioner.

Section 54-205a. - Discontinuance of debt collection efforts upon receipt of notice of pending claim from Office of Victim Services.

Section 54-206. - Payment of attorneys as part of order. Payment of providers by attorney representing the victim.

Section 54-207. - Regulations to prescribe procedures.

Section 54-207a. - Chief Court Administrator to prescribe policies and procedures.

Section 54-208. - Order of payment of compensation. Criminal intent. Circumstances considered. Prosecution not necessary. Amount and manner of payments. Unclaimed award.

Section 54-209. - When compensation may be ordered. Order inadmissible in civil or criminal proceeding.

Section 54-210. - Compensation ordered for expenses, loss of earnings, pecuniary loss and other losses.

Section 54-211. - Time limitation on filing application for compensation. Restrictions on award of compensation. Amount of compensation.

Section 54-211a. - Appeal.

Section 54-212. - Office of Victim Services to have subrogated cause of action against person responsible for crime.

Section 54-213. - Award not subject to execution or attachment.

Section 54-214. - Annual report to legislature and to appropriations committee.

Section 54-215. - Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund.

Section 54-216. - Payment for services.

Section 54-217. - Expedited processing of a claim.

Section 54-218. - Profits derived as result of crime of violence. Recovery of money judgment by victim. Payment to Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund.

Section 54-219. - Victim Services Technical Assistance Fund.

Section 54-220. - Victim advocates. Responsibilities and duties. Access to police reports.

Section 54-220a. - Assignment of victim advocates to assist victims before Board of Pardons and Paroles.

Section 54-221. - Appointment of advocates for victims of crime by court.

Section 54-222. - Brochure re rights of victims and victim services. Notice concerning services for victims of human trafficking.

Section 54-222a. - Duty of peace officer regarding crime victim. Regulations.

Section 54-223. - Failure to afford rights to victim shall not constitute grounds for vacating conviction or voiding sentence or parole determination.

Section 54-224. - Liability of state re failure to afford rights to victim.

Section 54-225. - Voluntary program for lawyers for protection of persons injured in person or property by civil wrong.

Section 54-226. - Definitions.

Section 54-227. - Notification of Office of Victim Services and Victim Services Unit within Department of Correction by inmate or sexual offender seeking release or other relief.

Section 54-228. - Request by victim, immediate family member of victim or family member of inmate for notification.

Section 54-229. - Request by prosecuting authority for notification.

Section 54-230. - Notification of victims and other persons by Office of Victim Services when inmate or sexual offender seeks release or other relief or is released from a correctional institution.

Section 54-230a. - Notification of victims and other persons by Department of Correction when inmate or sexual offender seeks release or other relief.

Section 54-231. - Notification of Office of Victim Services by Department of Correction upon release of inmate. Access to criminal history record information.

Section 54-232. - Disposition of requests for notification received prior to April 1, 1992.

Section 54-233. - Compensation of victim of tort occurring prior to July 1, 1993.

Section 54-234. - Development of response system for victims of offense of trafficking in persons. Contracts.

Section 54-234a. - Display of notice re services for victims of human trafficking at certain public and private establishments and businesses. Penalty.

Section 54-235. - State-wide automated victim information and notification system.