Connecticut General Statutes
Chapter 882 - Superior Court
Section 51-193u. - Hearing of violations and infractions by magistrate. Authority of magistrate decision. Demand for trial de novo.

(a) Cases involving motor vehicle violations, excluding alleged violations of sections 14-215, 14-222, 14-222a, 14-224, 14-227a, 14-227m and 14-227n and any other motor vehicle violation involving a possible term of imprisonment, or any violation, as defined in section 53a-27, which are scheduled for the entering of a plea may be handled by a magistrate.

(b) Infractions and violations designated in subsection (a) of this section in which a plea of not guilty has been entered may be heard by a magistrate. Magistrates shall not have the authority to conduct jury trials.
(c) Magistrates shall have the authority to accept pleas of guilty or of not guilty, to accept pleas of nolo contendere and enter findings of guilty thereon, to impose fines, to set bonds, to forfeit bonds, to continue cases to a date certain, to enter nolles brought by the prosecutorial official, to recommend suspension under section 14-111b, 14-140 or 15-154, to order notices of intention to suspend motor vehicle licenses and registrations, to order issuance of a mittimus if a defendant has been found able to pay and fails to pay, to remit fines, to impose or waive fees and costs, to hear and decide motions, to dismiss cases and to decide cases that are tried before him.
(d) A decision of the magistrate, including any penalty imposed, shall become a judgment of the court if no demand for a trial de novo is filed. Such decision of the magistrate shall become null and void if a timely demand for a trial de novo is filed. A demand for a trial de novo shall be filed with the court clerk within five days of the date the decision was rendered by the magistrate and, if filed by the prosecutorial official, it shall include a certification that a copy thereof has been served on the defendant or his attorney, in accordance with the rules of court. No record of the proceedings shall be required to be kept.
(P.A. 85-464, S. 4; P.A. 86-127, S. 1, 2; P.A. 92-116; P.A. 93-142, S. 2; P.A. 16-126, S. 29.)
History: P.A. 86-127 amended Subsec. (b) to delete provision which authorized magistrates to hear certain cases “unless a claim has been made for a jury trial at which time the case will be entered in the docket as a jury case” and amended Subsec. (c) to authorize magistrates to accept pleas of nolo contendere and enter findings of guilty thereon, to recommend suspension under Sec. 14-111b or 15-154, and to hear and decide motions, deleting former Subsec. (e) which had prohibited magistrates from conducting jury trials and merging former Subsec. (e) into (c); P.A. 92-116 amended Subsec. (c) to permit waiver of fee for motion to reopen judgment and amended Subsec. (d) to provide that no record of the proceedings shall be required to be kept; P.A. 93-142 broadened authority of magistrates to hear cases involving violations as defined in Sec. 53a-27; P.A. 16-126 amended Subsec. (a) by adding references to Secs. 14-227m and 14-227n.
Decision to enter nolle prosequi is a decision of magistrate, not prosecutor, from which demand for trial de novo can be made and over which trial court and appellate court have jurisdiction. 143 CA 194.
Subsec. (d):
Statute violates double jeopardy clause. 41 CS 356.

Structure Connecticut General Statutes

Connecticut General Statutes

Title 51 - Courts

Chapter 882 - Superior Court

Section 51-164s. - Superior Court sole trial court. Jurisdiction transferred from Court of Common Pleas and Juvenile Court.

Section 51-164t. - Composition of Superior Court established by rule.

Section 51-164u. - Transfer of matters and appeals pending on July 1, 1978.

Section 51-164v. (Formerly Sec. 51-141b). - Use of Circuit Court and Court of Common Pleas forms in the Superior Court.

Section 51-164w. - Juvenile Court, Circuit Court and Court of Common Pleas construed to mean Superior Court as of July 1, 1978.

Section 51-164x. - Review of order prohibiting attendance at court session; review of certain orders sealing or limiting disclosure to court documents, affidavits or files.

Section 51-165. - Number of judges. Retired judges. Assignment to hear housing matters and juvenile matters.

Section 51-166. - Annual meeting of judges.

Section 51-167. - Special meetings of the judges.

Section 51-169 to 51-171. - Salaries of clerks and assistant clerks; traveling expenses; full-time, part-time requirements. Clerks of Superior Court to be county and judicial district clerks; custody of records of former county courts. Certification...

Section 51-172 to 51-174. - Records and files at Waterbury. Civil actions on appeals brought in Ansonia filed in Waterbury. Records and seal of court at Winchester.

Section 51-176 to 51-179. - Special state's attorney. Circuit Court prosecutors not to be state's attorneys. Expenses of state's attorneys. Civil term.

Section 51-180. - Criminal terms and sessions.

Section 51-180a. (Formerly Sec. 51-153). - Special session when accused confined for want of bail.

Section 51-181. - Times and places for the sitting of the Superior Court.

Section 51-181a. - Sessions at Bristol.

Section 51-181b. - Drug docket and drug courts.

Section 51-181c. - Community court.

Section 51-181d. - Truancy docket. Implementation.

Section 51-181e. - Domestic violence dockets.

Section 51-182. - Notice of sessions. Special sessions. Short calendar.

Section 51-182a and 51-182b. - Family relations term. Family relations sessions.

Section 51-182c. - Transferred to Chapter 815, Sec. 46b-1.

Section 51-182d. - Length of family relations sessions; assignment of judges.

Section 51-182e and 51-182f. - Transferred to Chapter 815, Secs. 46b-3 and 46b-4, respectively.

Section 51-182h. - Transferred to Chapter 815, Sec. 46b-11.

Section 51-182i to 51-182k. - Transferred to Chapter 815, Secs. 46b-5 to 46b-7, inclusive.

Section 51-182l. - Transferred to Chapter 815, Sec. 46b-10.

Section 51-182m. - Transferred to Chapter 815, Sec. 46b-9.

Section 51-182n and 51-182o. - Hearing of appeals from Juvenile Court. Sessions for appeals from Common Pleas Court.

Section 51-182p. - Transferred to Chapter 815, Sec. 46b-8.

Section 51-183. - Substitute judge.

Section 51-183a. (Formerly Sec. 51-28). - Judge's inability to hold court.

Section 51-183b. (Formerly Sec. 51-29). - Judgments in civil actions. Time limit.

Section 51-183c. (Formerly Sec. 51-41). - Same judge not to preside at new trial.

Section 51-183d. (Formerly Sec. 51-42). - Disqualified judge; proceedings not void.

Section 51-183e. (Formerly Sec. 51-43). - Presiding judge or arbitrator to have casting vote.

Section 51-183f. (Formerly Sec. 51-44). - Expiration of term, disability retirement, death or resignation of judge.

Section 51-183g. (Formerly Sec. 51-46). - Retiring judge; unfinished matters.

Section 51-183h. (Formerly Sec. 51-41a). - Judge not to hear motion attacking bench warrant which he signed.

Section 51-184. - Adjournment of court.

Section 51-185. - Disposition of civil business at criminal sessions.

Section 51-186. - Hearings at the Connecticut Correctional Institution, Somers.

Section 51-187. - Court accommodations in Windham County and at Rockville.

Section 51-189. - Transfer of hearings before judges.

Section 51-190. - Trial before judge; papers filed where.

Section 51-190a. (Formerly Sec. 51-161). - Filing of papers upon decision.

Section 51-191 to 51-193. - Cause affecting land; documents lodged in Superior Court. Clerk designated by judge to take papers. Records may be rewritten.

Section 51-193b. - *(See end of section for amended version and effective date.) Payment of fees, costs and fines by credit card.

Section 51-193c. - Filing of document or data by computer, facsimile transmission or other technology. Use of technology for required payments. Electronic signature and verification. Standards. Rules.

Section 51-193d. - Moneys found in or on grounds of Superior Court presumed abandoned.

Section 51-193l. - Appointment of magistrates. Submission of names of probate judges for approval as magistrates.

Section 51-193m to 51-193q. - Prosecutions to be submitted to magistrate. Persons alleged to have committed motor vehicle infractions; payment of fine; plea of not guilty. Request for jury trial; hearing in Superior Court. Notification of magistrate...

Section 51-193r. - Compensation of magistrates.

Section 51-193s. - Submission of names of probate judges for approval as magistrates.

Section 51-193t. - Hearing of small claims matters by magistrate.

Section 51-193u. - Hearing of violations and infractions by magistrate. Authority of magistrate decision. Demand for trial de novo.

Section 51-194. - Review division, appointment; meetings; disqualification; secretary.

Section 51-195. - Application for review of sentence.

Section 51-196. - Review of sentence or commitment. Decision.

Section 51-197. - Forms and rules of procedure.

Section 51-197a. - Appeals to Appellate Court. Writs. Transfer of jurisdiction from appellate session.

Section 51-197b. (Formerly Sec. 52-7). - Administrative appeals.

Section 51-197c. - Appellate Court; judges, appointment, terms, Chief Judge.

Section 51-197d. - Jurisdiction of appellate session.

Section 51-197e. - Consolidation of appeals.

Section 51-197f. - Further review by certification only.