The corporation may determine to make long term loans approved on or after July 1, 1978, for any economic development project located in an area of high unemployment financed with the proceeds of bonds at an interest rate which is substantially equal to the interest rate payable on such bonds adjusted to reflect issuance costs. The corporation may also determine not to charge mortgage insurance premiums with respect to mortgage loans approved on or after July 1, 1978, for any economic development project located in an area of high unemployment the payments on which are insured pursuant to section 32-16. Any such determination shall apply to all loans made and mortgages insured during the period the determination is in force and, once applicable to a loan or mortgage, shall remain applicable for the full term of the loan or mortgage. The corporation may rescind any such determination at any time if the corporation finds in its sole judgment that the rescinding of the determination may be necessary in order to preserve the financial integrity of the corporation or the insurance fund. This section shall not apply to any other fees or charges imposed by the corporation, including without limitation application, acceptance, commitment, special purpose, bond issuance and attorney's fees, which may be charged without regard to the location of the proposed economic development project.
(P.A. 78-357, S. 4, 16; P.A. 88-265, S. 13, 36; June 12 Sp. Sess. P.A. 12-1, S. 152.)
History: P.A. 88-265 changed industrial project to economic development project and deleted reference to capital reserve fund bonds; pursuant to June 12 Sp. Sess. P.A. 12-1, “authority” was changed editorially by the Revisors to “corporation”, effective July 1, 2012.
Structure Connecticut General Statutes
Title 32 - Commerce and Economic and Community Development
Chapter 579 - Connecticut Innovations, Incorporated
Section 32-10 and 32-11. - Definitions. Connecticut Industrial Building Commission.
Section 32-11b. - Definitions.
Section 32-11c. - Transfer of duties, obligations, purposes and procedures.
Section 32-11d. - Agreements to facilitate transfers. Support.
Section 32-11e. - Corporation subsidiaries.
Section 32-12 and 32-13. - Executive secretary. Powers of commission.
Section 32-14. - Mortgage and Loan Insurance Fund.
Section 32-15. - Applications for insurance.
Section 32-16a. - Industrial Pollution Abatement Loan Fund.
Section 32-17. - Proceedings on default by mortgagor.
Section 32-17a. - Procedure on default by mortgagor or borrower.
Section 32-18. - Insurance premiums.
Section 32-19. - Insured mortgages as legal investments.
Section 32-22a. - Written procedures. Contracts.
Section 32-22b. - Loan guarantees for brownfield projects.
Section 32-23. - Industrial Building Operating Expense Fund.
Section 32-23a. - Allocation of mortgage insurance premiums.
Section 32-23aa. - Compliance with state laws and regulations prerequisite for financial assistance.
Section 32-23b. - Short title.
Section 32-23bb. - Comprehensive Business Assistance Fund consolidated into Connecticut Growth Fund.
Section 32-23c. - Legislative finding.
Section 32-23d. - Definitions.
Section 32-23e. - Powers of the corporation.
Section 32-23f. - Bonds and notes.
Section 32-23g. - Disposition of authority funds.
Section 32-23gg. - Legislative determination.
Section 32-23hh. - Definitions.
Section 32-23i. - Bonds as legal investments.
Section 32-23ii. - Connecticut Works Fund. Subfunds.
Section 32-23jj. - Considerations in reviewing application.
Section 32-23k. - State pledge to bond holders and contractors.
Section 32-23kk. - Contract of insurance.
Section 32-23ll. - Bond issue.
Section 32-23m. - Liberal construction.
Section 32-23p. - Loans by the corporation in areas of high unemployment.
Section 32-23pp. - Policy to encourage pollution prevention and remediation.
Section 32-23q. - Exemption from maximum interest and charges on loans.
Section 32-23qq. - Environmental Assistance Revolving Loan Fund. Subfunds.
Section 32-23r. - Preference in employment by borrowers and mortgagees.
Section 32-23rr. - Definitions.
Section 32-23s. - Interpretation of certain amendments.
Section 32-23ss. - Bond issue.
Section 32-23t. - Legislative finding.
Section 32-23tt. - Definitions.
Section 32-23u. - Consolidation of financial assistance programs.
Section 32-23uu. - Connecticut job training finance program.
Section 32-23v. - Connecticut Growth Fund.
Section 32-23vv. - Connecticut job training finance demonstration program.
Section 32-23w. - Consolidation of financial assistance programs.
Section 32-23ww. - Displaced Defense Workers' Bill of Rights.
Section 32-23x. - Comprehensive Business Assistance Fund.
Section 32-23xx. - Electronic Superhighway Act of 1994.
Section 32-23yy. - High-Technology Infrastructure Fund.
Section 32-23z. - Business Environmental Clean-Up Revolving Loan Fund. Regulations.