Connecticut General Statutes
Chapter 507 - Connecticut Code of Military Justice
Section 27-159. - Jurisdiction of summary courts-martial.

(a) Subject to section 27-156, summary courts-martial shall have jurisdiction to try persons subject to this code, except officers, for any offense made punishable by this code.

(b) No person with respect to whom summary courts-martial have jurisdiction shall be brought to trial before a summary court-martial if he objects thereto, unless under section 27-154 he has been permitted and has elected to refuse punishment under that section. If objection to trial by summary court-martial is made by an accused who has not been permitted to refuse punishment under said section, trial shall be ordered by special or general court-martial, as may be appropriate.
(c) A summary court-martial may sentence to a fine of not more than twenty-five dollars for a single offense, to forfeiture of pay and allowances of not more than twenty-five dollars, and to reduction of enlisted persons to a lower grade.
(1967, P.A. 717, S. 19.)

Structure Connecticut General Statutes

Connecticut General Statutes

Title 27 - Armed Forces and Veterans

Chapter 507 - Connecticut Code of Military Justice

Section 27-141. - Definitions.

Section 27-142. - Applicability of chapter.

Section 27-143. - Dismissal of commissioned officer.

Section 27-144. - Applicability of code in and out of state.

Section 27-145. - Judge advocates and legal officers.

Section 27-146. - Apprehension of offenders. Quelling of disturbances.

Section 27-147. - Apprehension of deserters by civil officers.

Section 27-148. - Arrest or confinement of enlisted personnel and officers.

Section 27-149. - Restraint of persons charged with offenses.

Section 27-150. - Place of confinement.

Section 27-151. - Duty of community correctional center, jail and prison officers.

Section 27-152. - Punishment prohibited before trial.

Section 27-153. - Trial by civil authority.

Section 27-154. - Nonjudicial disciplinary punishments for minor offenses.

Section 27-155. - Kinds of courts-martial.

Section 27-156. - Jurisdiction of forces.

Section 27-157. - Jurisdiction of general courts-martial.

Section 27-158. - Jurisdiction of special courts-martial.

Section 27-159. - Jurisdiction of summary courts-martial.

Section 27-160. - Approval of Governor prerequisite to execution of dismissal or dishonorable discharge sentence.

Section 27-161. - Court-martial to have complete record of procedures and testimony.

Section 27-162. - Sentence of confinement in lieu of fine.

Section 27-163. - Convening of general courts-martial by Governor.

Section 27-164. - Commanding officer may convene special courts-martial.

Section 27-165. - Commanding officer may convene summary courts-martial.

Section 27-166. - Who may serve on courts-martial.

Section 27-167. - Military judge of general or special court-martial.

Section 27-168. - Trial and defense counsel.

Section 27-169. - Court reporters. Interpreters.

Section 27-170. - Absent and additional members.

Section 27-171. - Preferring of charges.

Section 27-172. - Protection against self-incrimination.

Section 27-173. - Preliminary investigation. Rights of accused.

Section 27-174. - Charges and investigation papers forwarded to Governor.

Section 27-175. - Advice of staff judge advocate and reference for trial. Corrections in charges and specifications.

Section 27-176. - Service of charges on accused. Time for trial.

Section 27-177. - Mittimus for confinement on failure to appear for trial. Bail. Confinement pending trial.

Section 27-178. - Procedure. Rules of evidence.

Section 27-179. - Censure of court or member, coercion prohibited.

Section 27-180. - Court-martial. Prosecution. Trial counsel. Defense counsel. Assistant counsel.

Section 27-181. - Sessions.

Section 27-182. - Continuance.

Section 27-183. - Challenges.

Section 27-184. - Oaths.

Section 27-185. - Statute of limitations.

Section 27-186. - Second trial for same offense prohibited.

Section 27-187. - Pleading by accused.

Section 27-188. - Obtaining of witnesses and evidence.

Section 27-189. - Refusal of witness to appear. Witness fees.

Section 27-190. - Contempt.

Section 27-191. - Depositions.

Section 27-192. - Sworn testimony in record of court of inquiry admissible, when.

Section 27-193. - Voting by members of court-martial. Rulings on questions. Determinations by military judge.

Section 27-194. - Two-thirds vote required for conviction and sentence. Majority vote for other questions. Tie vote.

Section 27-195. - Announcement of findings and sentence.

Section 27-196. - Record of proceedings. Authentication. Copy to accused.

Section 27-197. - Cruel punishments prohibited.

Section 27-198. - Governor to prescribe table of maximum punishments.

Section 27-199. - Forfeiture of pay and allowances. Running of period of confinement.

Section 27-200. - Place of confinement. Hard labor.

Section 27-201. - Authority of convening authority over execution of sentence.

Section 27-202. - Record forwarded to convening authority. Action thereon.

Section 27-203. - Record of general court-martial referred to staff judge advocate.

Section 27-204. - Return of record to court for reconsideration or correction of error.

Section 27-205. - Convening authority may order rehearing.

Section 27-206. - Approval by convening authority.

Section 27-207. - Review by Governor or Judge Advocate.

Section 27-208. - Effect of error of law. Approval of guilty finding may be limited to lesser offense.

Section 27-209. - Rights of accused before reviewing authority.

Section 27-210. - Vacation of suspension of sentence.

Section 27-211. - Petition for new trial.

Section 27-212. - Remission or suspension of unexecuted part of sentence. Substitution of administrative discharge for court-martial discharge.

Section 27-213. - Restoration of rights and property after sentence set aside or disapproved. Different form of discharge after new trial. Reappointment of officer after new trial.

Section 27-214. - Finality and binding effect of actions.

Section 27-215. - No trial for offense not committed on duty.

Section 27-216. - Principal defined.

Section 27-217. - Accessory after the fact.

Section 27-218. - Finding of guilty of offense included in charge or of attempt to commit offense charged or included in charge.

Section 27-219. - Attempt to commit an offense.

Section 27-220. - Conspiracy.

Section 27-221. - Solicitation to desertion, mutiny, misbehavior or sedition.

Section 27-222. - Procuring of enlistment or separation by false representations or concealment.

Section 27-223. - Effecting of enlistment, appointment or separation of ineligible person.

Section 27-224. - Desertion.

Section 27-225. - Absence without leave.

Section 27-226. - Missing movement.

Section 27-227. - Contempt towards President or Governor.

Section 27-228. - Disrespect towards superior officer.

Section 27-229. - Assaulting or disobeying command of superior officer.

Section 27-230. - Offenses against warrant officer, noncommissioned officer or petty officer.

Section 27-231. - Failure to obey orders or regulations.

Section 27-232. - Cruelty, oppression or maltreatment of subordinate.

Section 27-233. - Mutiny. Sedition.

Section 27-234. - Resisting or breaking arrest. Escape.

Section 27-235. - Illegal release of prisoner. Aiding escape.

Section 27-236. - Illegal arrest or confinement of another.

Section 27-237. - Unnecessary delay in disposition of case. Failure to observe trial provisions.

Section 27-238. - Misbehavior in presence of enemy.

Section 27-239. - Compelling surrender or abandonment to enemy.

Section 27-240. - Disclosure of parole or countersign.

Section 27-241. - Forcing of safeguard.

Section 27-242. - Illegal disposition of captured property. Looting.

Section 27-243. - Aiding enemy.

Section 27-244. - Improper acts as prisoner of war.

Section 27-245. - False official statements.

Section 27-246. - Misuse of military property.

Section 27-247. - Misuse of government property other than military.

Section 27-248. - Wrongful hazard of military vessel.

Section 27-249. - Drunken or reckless operation of vehicle.

Section 27-250. - Drinking or sleeping on duty; leaving post before relieved.

Section 27-251. - Dueling.

Section 27-252. - Malingering; intentional self-injury.

Section 27-253. - Riot. Breach of peace.

Section 27-254. - Use of provocative or reproachful words or gestures towards another.

Section 27-255. - Attempt to harm another.

Section 27-256. - Perjury.

Section 27-257. - Fraudulent claims. False oath. Forgery. Fraud.

Section 27-258. - Larceny; wrongful appropriation.

Section 27-259. - Conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman.

Section 27-260. - Crimes excepted from court-martial jurisdiction.

Section 27-261. - Court of inquiry.

Section 27-262. - Administration of oaths.

Section 27-263. - Code to be explained to military personnel.

Section 27-264. - Complaint against superior officers.

Section 27-265. - Investigation of complaint of damage by military personnel. Assessment of damages.

Section 27-266. - Execution of process and sentences by civil officers.

Section 27-267. - Issuance and execution of process by military courts.

Section 27-268. - Payment of fines.

Section 27-269. - Immunity for action of military court.

Section 27-270. - Presumption of jurisdiction of military courts and boards.

Section 27-271. - Governor may delegate certain authority.

Section 27-272. - Payment of court expenses.

Section 27-273. - Uniform construction.

Section 27-274. - Short title: Connecticut Code of Military Justice.