Section 26-50 is repealed.
(1957, P.A. 409; 1971, P.A. 872, S. 246; P.A. 83-191, S. 8, 9.)
Structure Connecticut General Statutes
Chapter 490 - Fisheries and Game
Section 26-2. - Members. Appointment. Compensation.
Section 26-3. - Powers and duties of commissioner.
Section 26-3a. - Acquisition of easements for maintenance of dams.
Section 26-4. - Appointment and duties of director.
Section 26-5. - Appointment of conservation officers, special conservation officers and patrolmen.
Section 26-6. - Powers and duties of conservation officers and patrolmen.
Section 26-6a. - Constables for fish and game protection.
Section 26-6b. - Search of containers by conservation officers.
Section 26-6c. - Immunity from attachments.
Section 26-7. - Volunteer assistants.
Section 26-8. - Ordinances controlling use of waters not applicable to department or employees.
Section 26-9. - Annual exhibition.
Section 26-14. - Federal aid for fish restoration projects.
Section 26-15a. - Appropriations to Bureau of Natural Resources. Federal aid. Annual report.
Section 26-16. - Public hunting and fishing lands and waters.
Section 26-17. - Release of fishing or hunting rights.
Section 26-17a. - Acquisition and preservation of tidal wetlands.
Section 26-18. - Fish or game for propagation.
Section 26-19. - Motor boats in Bantam River.
Section 26-20. - Signs on rights-of-way to state ponds or streams.
Section 26-21. - Notice not to be destroyed.
Section 26-22. - Control of aquatic plants and animals.
Section 26-23. - Abandoned or discarded fishing or hunting implements. Derelict lobster gear.
Section 26-24. - Use or disposal of seized articles.
Section 26-25. - Commissioner may declare closed season or extend open season.
Section 26-25a. - Regulation of feeding of wildlife on state-owned property.
Section 26-25b. - Disclosure of stocking schedules.
Section 26-25c. - Release of lighter-than-air balloons restricted. Penalty.
Section 26-26. - Enforcement in state boundary waters of fish and game laws.
Section 26-26a. - Northeast Conservation Law Enforcement Compact.
Section 26-26b. - Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact.
Section 26-27. - Licenses required for hunting, trapping and fishing. Exceptions.
Section 26-27a. - Junior licenses.
Section 26-27e. - Sport fishing licenses. Statement re discarding of fishing line or other litter.
Section 26-27f. - Three-day out-of-state bird hunting license. Fee. Regulations.
Section 26-27g. - Lifetime hunting and fishing licenses. Authorization. Regulations.
Section 26-28. - Hunting, trapping and sport fishing license fees.
Section 26-28a. - Combination licenses for servicemen. Fee.
Section 26-28b. - Marine waters fishing license. Exemptions.
Section 26-28c. - Marine waters fishing license fees.
Section 26-29. - Free lifetime fishing license for person who is blind.
Section 26-29a. - Free lifetime fishing licenses for persons with intellectual disability.
Section 26-29c. - Free private land deer permit for certain farmers.
Section 26-30. - Applications. Issuance of licenses.
Section 26-31a. - Instruction in fishing techniques.
Section 26-31b. - Hunting and fishing guide services. Licenses. Fee.
Section 26-31d. - Printed fishing guides for 2023 season. Public availability.
Section 26-32. - Permanent license.
Section 26-33. - Issuance of complimentary licenses to nonresidents.
Section 26-34. - License for nonresident servicemen.
Section 26-34a. - License for nonresident servicemen.
Section 26-36. - Record of licenses. Remittance of fees by town clerks.
Section 26-37. - Duplicate licenses.
Section 26-38. - Hunting by minors.
Section 26-39. - Hunting licenses for owners of packs of dogs.
Section 26-40. - Game breeders license. Possession of skunks or raccoons.
Section 26-40b. - Animals, the skin or body of which is not to be sold.
Section 26-40c. - Search and seizure.
Section 26-40e. - Killing, possession and sale of endangered and threatened species.
Section 26-42. - Licensing of raw fur dealers. Inspection. Regulations.
Section 26-43. - Sale of raw furs to unlicensed nonresident dealer.
Section 26-44. - Licensing of ferrets.
Section 26-45. - Bait dealer's license.
Section 26-46. - Reciprocal fishing privileges.
Section 26-47. - Permits to take wildlife damaging crops. License to control nuisance wildlife.
Section 26-47a. - Use of noise-making devices to repel marauding birds and wildlife.
Section 26-48. - Private shooting preserves; permits; regulations.
Section 26-48a. - Management of salmon, trout and turkey. Issuance of permits, tags or stamps.
Section 26-49. - Training of hunting dogs. Permits for liberation of artificially propagated birds.
Section 26-50. - Permits for training hunting dogs using liberated pheasants.
Section 26-51. - Permits for field dog trials. Fee.
Section 26-52. - Permits for shooting birds liberated at field dog trials. Fees.
Section 26-53. - Hunting licenses not required at field trials.
Section 26-54. - Permits for custodians of protected birds and quadrupeds.
Section 26-55a. - Possession of diploid grass carp.
Section 26-56. - Permits for importation of wild hares or rabbits.
Section 26-58. - Taxidermist's license.
Section 26-59. - Regulation of tanning, curing and mounting; permits.
Section 26-60. - Permits to collect certain wildlife for scientific and educational purposes. Fee.
Section 26-61. - Suspension of license, registration or permit. Restoration. Fines.
Section 26-62. - Hunting accidents; suspension of license or privilege to hunt.
Section 26-63. - Notice of action on license.
Section 26-64. - Fine for violations. Exception.
Section 26-65a. - Prohibition re reduction of state land where hunting is permitted.
Section 26-66. - Scope of regulations.
Section 26-66a. - Posting of warning signs by the department. Fees.
Section 26-67a. - Confidentiality of reports.
Section 26-67b. - Commissioner to advise law enforcement authorities re fish and game laws.
Section 26-67d. - Falconry: Definitions.
Section 26-68. - Emergency declaration of closed seasons.
Section 26-69. - Wildlife management practices.
Section 26-72. - Regulation of trapping of fur-bearing animals.
Section 26-73. - Hunting on Sunday. Bow and arrow hunting of deer on private property.
Section 26-74. - Use of motor vehicles, snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles in hunting.
Section 26-75. - Silencer on firearms.
Section 26-76. - Possession limit of game birds, wild quadrupeds, reptiles and amphibians.
Section 26-77. - Taking of waterfowl in open coastal waters.
Section 26-78. - Sale of birds, quadrupeds, reptiles or amphibians.
Section 26-78a. - Donation of game to charitable organizations.
Section 26-79. - Hunting in Putnam Memorial Camp grounds.
Section 26-80. - Disposition of birds, quadrupeds, reptiles or amphibians illegally taken.
Section 26-80a. - Illegal taking of moose or bear. Suspension of hunting license. Penalties.
Section 26-82a. - Private land revolver permit to hunt deer. Requirements.
Section 26-83 and 26-84. - Permits to hunt deer. Fee for permit to kill deer.
Section 26-85. - Jacklighting for deer. Forfeiture and disposal of weapons.
Section 26-86. - Deer, moose or black bear killed or wounded by motor vehicle.
Section 26-86b. - Tags. Report of kill.
Section 26-86e. - Regulation of hunting of doe deer.
Section 26-86f. - Hunting of fawn deer prohibited.
Section 26-87. - Taking rabbits by use of ferrets. Authorization. Penalties.
Section 26-88. - Use of explosives.
Section 26-89. - Cutting trees or using fire to take raccoon.
Section 26-90. - False statement, penalty. General penalty.
Section 26-92. - Wild birds other than game birds protected, exception. Game birds defined.
Section 26-92a. - State purchase of game birds.
Section 26-94. - Hunting of swan prohibited.
Section 26-95. - Trapping of birds.
Section 26-96. - Trap shooting.
Section 26-97. - Killing game birds in Westport Fire District prohibited. Penalty.
Section 26-99. - Establishment of fish and game refuges.
Section 26-100. - Posting notices.
Section 26-101. - Wildlife refuges and closed areas.
Section 26-102. - Fish spawning areas and refuges.
Section 26-104. - Bantam Lake sanctuary.
Section 26-105. - Lake Wononscopomuc sanctuary. Limited hunting.
Section 26-106. - Milford refuge.
Section 26-107. - Hunting and trapping on wildlife refuge or closed area.
Section 26-107f. - Program for the conservation of nonharvested wildlife.
Section 26-107g. - Citizen's Advisory Board for Nonharvested Wildlife. Membership. Duties.
Section 26-107h. - Annual report.
Section 26-108. - Inland waters and marine district defined.
Section 26-110. - Demarcation lines.
Section 26-111. - Regulation of fishing.
Section 26-112. - Scope of regulations.
Section 26-114. - Prohibited acts.
Section 26-114a. - Purchase or sale of snakehead fish prohibited.
Section 26-115. - Fisheries management practices of commissioner.
Section 26-117. - Fine for violation.
Section 26-118. - Fishing in reservoir.
Section 26-119. - Use of explosives or poisons.
Section 26-120. - Striped bass.
Section 26-121. - Taking of tomcod or frost fish in Saugatuck River.
Section 26-122. - Fishing through ice in Cranberry Pond, Cream Hill Lake and Lake Quonnipaug.
Section 26-123. - Fishing through ice in Long Meadow Pond.
Section 26-124. - Indian Pond.
Section 26-125. - Beach Pond and Killingly Pond.
Section 26-126. - Disposition of fish illegally taken.
Section 26-127. - Conservation of bait species. Daily limit.
Section 26-128. - Carp and goldfish.
Section 26-128a. - Taking of glass eels, elver eels and silver eels prohibited. Penalty.
Section 26-128b. - Trout. Elimination of closed season.
Section 26-129. - Forfeiture of fishing tackle.
Section 26-131. - Registration of private waters. Taking of fish without license.
Section 26-132. - Privately stocked waters.
Section 26-133. - Stocking with different species of fish.
Section 26-134. - Obstructing streams.
Section 26-135. - Pond weirs and nets.
Section 26-137. - Fishing near fishways.
Section 26-138. - Draining for taking fish.
Section 26-139. - Responsibility for draining. Penalty.
Section 26-140. - Fishing rights in stream crossing highway.
Section 26-141. - Fine for violation.
Section 26-141a. - Standards for flow of water in rivers or streams.
Section 26-141c. - Violation of regulations.
Section 26-142. - Registration of nets. Permits to tend or operate.
Section 26-142c. - Vessel permit exemption for taking lobsters or fish for personal use.
Section 26-142d. - Dual-landing agreements for Winter I Summer Flounder.
Section 26-143. - Nets to be marked.
Section 26-143a. - Nets to be buoyed and marked. Boats to display license or registration flag.
Section 26-149. - Commercial hatcheries. Fees.
Section 26-154a. - Use of purse seines in Long Island Sound.
Section 26-155. - Fish oil or fertilizer.
Section 26-156 and 26-157. - Crabs. Lobsters.
Section 26-157a. - Lobster management program.
Section 26-157b. - Reports. Penalty.
Section 26-157d. - Lobster restoration program. Regulations.
Section 26-157g. - Lobster v-notch restoration program.
Section 26-157h. - Lobster trap allocation buy-back program.
Section 26-158. - Sale of lobsters.
Section 26-159. - Sea sturgeon.
Section 26-159b. - Taking and selling of sea sturgeon prohibited.
Section 26-159c. - Commissioner to conduct public hearings in coastal areas.
Section 26-160. - Extension zones.
Section 26-164. - Inspection of license.
Section 26-166. - Obstructions.
Section 26-167. - Stealing fish, lobsters or equipment. Penalty.
Section 26-168. - Sale or taking of salt water fish.
Section 26-169. - Nets and seines prohibited in Darien, Stamford and Greenwich.
Section 26-170. - Use of seine in Norwalk Harbor.
Section 26-171. - Taking smelt in Greenwich.
Section 26-174. - Pawcatuck River.
Section 26-175. - Long Beach and Penfield Reef.
Section 26-177. - Mystic River.
Section 26-178. - Thames River.
Section 26-179. - Taking smelt in Groton.
Section 26-180. - Milford Harbor.
Section 26-181. - Chester Cove.
Section 26-182. - Wright's Cove.
Section 26-183. - Use of nets in Long Island Sound adjacent to Stratford.
Section 26-184. - Use of nets in Keney Cove.