Connecticut General Statutes
Chapter 263 - Harbors and Rivers
Section 15-15e. - Owners or operators of certain pilot boats to obtain certificate of insurance. Written procedures. Penalty.

(a) An owner or operator of a vessel used to transport a pilot licensed under the provisions of section 15-13 for the purpose of embarking or disembarking another vessel in open and unprotected waters shall obtain a certificate of insurance from an insurance carrier based on a survey conducted and documented by a qualified marine surveyor. Marine surveyors shall be guided by applicable United States Coast Guard regulations, if any, and standards set by insurance companies for the insurability of such vessel. All existing regulations of the Department of Transportation that specify procedures for embarkation and disembarkation of pilots and the operation of and equipment required on each such vessel, shall become duly adopted written procedures of the Connecticut Port Authority, effective July 1, 2016. After said date, any modification to the written procedures or additional written procedures that specify (1) the procedures for embarkation and disembarkation of pilots, and (2) the operation of and equipment required on each such vessel shall be adopted by the authority in accordance with the provisions of section 1-121. Such written procedures may establish standard rates for the use of each such vessel for such purpose. For the purposes of this subsection, “open and unprotected waters” means waters located east of the area depicted on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration charts of the eastern portion of Long Island Sound as “The Race”.

(b) Any person who fails to comply with subsection (a) of this section or any written procedures adopted thereunder shall be fined not less than five hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars.
(P.A. 97-304, S. 2, 31; P.A. 13-277, S. 7; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 15-5, S. 28.)
History: P.A. 97-304 effective July 8, 1997; P.A. 13-277 amended Subsec. (a) to require vessel owner or operator to obtain certificate of insurance rather than certificate of compliance, to delete provisions re certificate of compliance regulations and to make technical changes, and amended Subsec. (b) to increase minimum fine from $60 to $500 and maximum fine from $250 for each violation to $1000; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 15-5 amended Subsec. (a) to delete provisions re adoption of regulations by Commissioner of Transportation and add provisions re existing regulations of Department of Transportation to become written procedures of Connecticut Port Authority, and amended Subsec. (b) to make a conforming change, effective July 1, 2016.

Structure Connecticut General Statutes

Connecticut General Statutes

Title 15 - Navigation and Aeronautics

Chapter 263 - Harbors and Rivers

Section 15-1. - Harbor masters.

Section 15-2. - Compensation of harbor masters.

Section 15-3. - Powers of deputies.

Section 15-3a. - “Derelict vessel”, “harbor”, “navigable waters”, “navigable waterways”, defined.

Section 15-4. - Jurisdiction in Branford harbors.

Section 15-5 and 15-6. - New Haven Harbor: Jurisdiction in; removal of vessels from channel, penalty.

Section 15-7. - Jurisdiction, powers and duties of Bridgeport harbor master. Approval of harbor works. Appeal. Penalty.

Section 15-8. - Power to station vessels. Penalty for resisting.

Section 15-8a. - “Harbor”, “navigable waters” and “navigable waterways”, defined.

Section 15-9. - Vessels may be removed. Procedures. Notice. Regulations. Penalty.

Section 15-10. - Penalty for neglect of duty.

Section 15-11. - Channels from wharves.

Section 15-11a. (Formerly Sec. 15-31). - Removal and taking of derelict vessels.

Section 15-12. - Obstructions upon lands bordering navigable waters.

Section 15-13. - Pilots; qualifications; extension of route; license fee; bond; suspension or revocation of license; inactive status; limited licenses; written procedures.

Section 15-13a and 15-13b. - Validity of previously issued pilot's license; transfer of records. Licenses issued prior to January 1, 1972.

Section 15-13c. - Connecticut Pilot Commission. Members. Appointments. Duties.

Section 15-14. - Rates of pilotage.

Section 15-15. - Vessels requiring pilots.

Section 15-15a. - Regulations of the Department of Transportation to become written procedures of the Connecticut Port Authority.

Section 15-15b. - Reports by pilot.

Section 15-15c. - Exemption from pilot requirement.

Section 15-15d. - Pilotage concurrent with New York. Rotation system for assignment of pilots.

Section 15-15e. - Owners or operators of certain pilot boats to obtain certificate of insurance. Written procedures. Penalty.

Section 15-16. - Speed of vessels.

Section 15-16a. - Slow-no-wake zone on the Mystic River.

Section 15-17. - Baggage on boats to be checked.

Section 15-18 to 15-24. - Throwing refuse into harbor. Obstructions in New Haven Harbor restricted. Appeal from commissioner. Dumping in harbors. Jurisdiction of offenses. Dumping in Norwalk Harbor.

Section 15-25. - Removing, damaging or interfering with buoys, beacons, channel markers or navigational aids. Penalty.

Section 15-26. - Local agent of foreign vessel.

Section 15-26a. - Five Mile River Commission. Harbor superintendent.