Colorado Code
Part 6 - Default
§ 4-9-613. Contents and Form of Notification Before Disposition of Collateral: General

(A) Information not specified by said paragraph (1); or
(B) Minor errors that do not cause damages to a person who relies on the information.

To: [ Name of debtor, obligor, or other person to which the notification is sent ] From: [ Name, address, and telephone number of secured party ] Name of Debtor(s): [ Include only if debtor(s) are not an addressee ] [ For a public disposition: ] We will sell [or lease or license, as applicable ] the [ describe collateral ] [to the highest qualified bidder] in public as follows: Day and Date: ____________________ Time: ____________________ Place: ____________________ [ For a private disposition: ] We will sell [or lease or license, as applicable ] the [ describe collateral ] privately sometime after [ day and date ]. You are entitled to an accounting of the unpaid indebtedness secured by the property that we intend to sell [or lease or license, as applicable ] [for a charge of $__________]. You may request an accounting by calling us at [ telephone number ] or writing us at [ address ].
Source: L. 2001: Entire article R&RE, p. 1406, § 1, effective July 1.
Editor's note - Colorado legislative change: Colorado substituted the word "disposition" for the word "sale" in subsection (a)(1)(E) and substituted the phrase "cause damages to a person who relies on the information" for the phrase "seriously misleading" in subsection (a)(3)(B). Colorado added the phrase "or writing us at [ address ]" at the end of the notification form contained in subsection (a)(5).

This section applies to a notification of a public disposition conducted electronically. A notification of an electronic disposition satisfies paragraph (1)(E) if it states the time when the disposition is scheduled to begin and states the electronic location. For example, under the technology current in 2010, the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or other Internet address where the site of the public disposition can be accessed suffices as an electronic location.

Structure Colorado Code

Colorado Code

Title 4 - Uniform Commercial Code

Article 9 - Secured Transactions

Part 6 - Default

§ 4-9-601. Rights After Default - Judicial Enforcement - Consignor or Buyer of Accounts, Chattel Paper, Payment Intangibles, or Promissory Notes

§ 4-9-602. Waiver and Variance of Rights and Duties

§ 4-9-603. Agreement on Standards Concerning Rights and Duties

§ 4-9-604. Procedure if Security Agreement Covers Real Property or Fixtures

§ 4-9-605. Unknown Debtor or Secondary Obligor

§ 4-9-606. Time of Default for Agricultural Lien

§ 4-9-607. Collection and Enforcement by Secured Party

§ 4-9-608. Application of Proceeds of Collection or Enforcement - Liability for Deficiency and Right to Surplus

§ 4-9-609. Secured Party's Right to Take Possession After Default

§ 4-9-610. Disposition of Collateral After Default

§ 4-9-611. Notification Before Disposition of Collateral

§ 4-9-612. Timeliness of Notification Before Disposition of Collateral

§ 4-9-613. Contents and Form of Notification Before Disposition of Collateral: General

§ 4-9-614. Contents and Form of Notification Before Disposition of Collateral: Consumer-Goods Transaction

§ 4-9-615. Application of Proceeds of Disposition; Liability for Deficiency and Right to Surplus

§ 4-9-616. Explanation of Calculation of Surplus or Deficiency - Definitions

§ 4-9-617. Rights of Transferee of Collateral

§ 4-9-618. Rights and Duties of Certain Secondary Obligors

§ 4-9-619. Transfer of Record or Legal Title

§ 4-9-620. Acceptance of Collateral in Full or Partial Satisfaction of Obligation - Compulsory Disposition of Collateral

§ 4-9-621. Notification of Proposal to Accept Collateral

§ 4-9-622. Effect of Acceptance of Collateral

§ 4-9-623. Right to Redeem Collateral

§ 4-9-624. Waiver

§ 4-9-625. Remedies for Secured Party's Failure to Comply With Article

§ 4-9-626. Action in Which Deficiency or Surplus Is in Issue

§ 4-9-627. Determination of Whether Conduct Was Commercially Reasonable

§ 4-9-628. Nonliability and Limitation on Liability of Secured Party - Liability of Secondary Obligor

§ 4-9-629. Secured Party's Liability When Taking Possession After Default - Legislative Declaration - Fund