Colorado Code
Part 3 - Perfection and Priority
§ 4-9-331. Priority of Rights of Purchasers of Instruments, Documents, and Securities Under Other Articles - Priority of Interests in Financial Assets and Security Entitlements Under Article 8

Source: L. 2001: Entire article R&RE, p. 1365, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2002: (b) amended, p. 938, § 6, effective August 7.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 4-9-309 as it existed prior to 2001.

Consider, for example, a junior secured party in the business of financing or buying accounts who fails to undertake a search to determine the existence of prior security interests. Because a search, under the usages of trade of that business, would enable it to know or learn upon reasonable inquiry that collecting the accounts violated the rights of a senior secured party, the junior may fail to meet the good-faith standard. See Utility Contractors Financial Services, Inc. v. Amsouth Bank, NA, 985 F.2d 1554 (11th Cir. 1993). Likewise, a junior secured party who collects accounts when it knows or should know under the particular circumstances that doing so would violate the rights of a senior secured party, because the debtor had agreed not to grant a junior security interest in, or sell, the accounts, may not meet the good-faith test. Thus, if a junior secured party conducted or should have conducted a search and a financing statement filed on behalf of the senior secured party states such a restriction, the junior's collection would not meet the good-faith standard. On the other hand, if there was a course of performance between the senior secured party and the debtor which placed no such restrictions on the debtor and allowed the debtor to collect and use the proceeds without any restrictions, the junior secured party may then satisfy the requirements for being a holder in due course. This would be more likely in those circumstances where the junior secured party was providing additional financing to the debtor on an on-going basis by lending against or buying the accounts and had no notice of any restrictions against doing so. Generally, the senior secured party would not be prejudiced because the practical effect of such payment to the junior secured party is little different than if the debtor itself had made the collections and subsequently paid the secured party from the debtor's general funds. Absent collusion, the junior secured party would take the funds free of the senior security interests. See Section 9-332. In contrast, the senior secured party is likely to be prejudiced if the debtor is going out of business and the junior secured party collects the accounts by notifying the account debtors to make payments directly to the junior. Those collections may not be consistent with "reasonable commercial standards of fair dealing."
Whether the junior secured party qualifies as a holder in due course is fact-sensitive and should be decided on a case-by-case basis in the light of those circumstances. Decisions such as Financial Management Services Inc. v. Familian, 905 P.2d 506 (Ariz. App. Div. 1995) (finding holder in due course status) could be determined differently under this application of the good-faith requirement.
The concepts addressed in this Comment are also applicable to junior secured parties as purchasers of instruments under Section 9-330(d). See Section 9-330, Comment 7.

Structure Colorado Code

Colorado Code

Title 4 - Uniform Commercial Code

Article 9 - Secured Transactions

Part 3 - Perfection and Priority

§ 4-9-301. Law Governing Perfection and Priority of Security Interests

§ 4-9-302. Law Governing Perfection and Priority of Agricultural Liens

§ 4-9-303. Law Governing Perfection and Priority of Security Interests in Goods Covered by a Certificate of Title

§ 4-9-304. Law Governing Perfection and Priority of Security Interests in Deposit Accounts

§ 4-9-305. Law Governing Perfection and Priority of Security Interests in Investment Property

§ 4-9-306. Law Governing Perfection and Priority of Security Interests in Letter-of-Credit Rights

§ 4-9-307. Location of Debtor

§ 4-9-308. When Security Interest or Agricultural Lien Is Perfected - Continuity of Perfection

§ 4-9-309. Security Interest Perfected Upon Attachment

§ 4-9-310. When Filing Required to Perfect Security Interest or Agricultural Lien - Security Interests and Agricultural Liens to Which Filing Provisions Do Not Apply

§ 4-9-311. Perfection of Security Interests in Property Subject to Certain Statutes, Regulations, and Treaties

§ 4-9-312. Perfection of Security Interests in Chattel Paper, Deposit Accounts, Documents, Goods Covered by Documents, Instruments, Investment Property, Letter-of-Credit Rights, and Money - Perfection by Permissive Filing - Temporary Perfection Witho...

§ 4-9-313. When Possession by or Delivery to Secured Party Perfects Security Interest Without Filing

§ 4-9-314. Perfection by Control

§ 4-9-315. Secured Party's Rights on Disposition of Collateral and in Proceeds

§ 4-9-316. Effect of Change in Governing Law

§ 4-9-317. Interests That Take Priority Over or Take Free of Security Interest or Agricultural Lien

§ 4-9-318. No Interest Retained in Right to Payment That Is Sold - Rights and Title of Seller of Account or Chattel Paper With Respect to Creditors and Purchasers

§ 4-9-319. Rights and Title of Consignee With Respect to Creditors and Purchasers

§ 4-9-320. Buyer of Goods

§ 4-9-321. Licensee of General Intangible and Lessee of Goods in Ordinary Course of Business

§ 4-9-322. Priorities Among Conflicting Security Interests in and Agricultural Liens on Same Collateral

§ 4-9-323. Future Advances

§ 4-9-324. Priority of Purchase-Money Security Interests

§ 4-9-325. Priority of Security Interests in Transferred Collateral

§ 4-9-326. Priority of Security Interests Created by New Debtor

§ 4-9-327. Priority of Security Interests in Deposit Account

§ 4-9-328. Priority of Security Interests in Investment Property

§ 4-9-329. Priority of Security Interests in Letter-of-Credit Right

§ 4-9-330. Priority of Purchaser of Chattel Paper or Instrument

§ 4-9-331. Priority of Rights of Purchasers of Instruments, Documents, and Securities Under Other Articles - Priority of Interests in Financial Assets and Security Entitlements Under Article 8

§ 4-9-332. Transfer of Money - Transfer of Funds From Deposit Account

§ 4-9-333. Priority of Certain Liens Arising by Operation of Law

§ 4-9-334. Priority of Security Interests in Fixtures and Crops

§ 4-9-335. Accessions

§ 4-9-336. Commingled Goods

§ 4-9-337. Priority of Security Interests in Goods Covered by Certificate of Title

§ 4-9-338. Priority of Security Interest or Agricultural Lien Perfected by Filed Financing Statement Providing Certain Incorrect Information

§ 4-9-339. Priority Subject to Subordination

§ 4-9-340. Effectiveness of Right of Recoupment or Set-Off Against Deposit Account

§ 4-9-341. Bank's Rights and Duties With Respect to Deposit Account

§ 4-9-342. Bank's Right to Refuse to Enter Into or Disclose Existence of Control Agreement