Colorado Code
Part 5 - Default
§ 4-2.5-506. Statute of Limitations

Source: L. 91: Entire article added, p. 303, § 1, effective July 1, 1992.
Editor's note - Colorado legislative change: In the first sentence of subsection (1) of this section, after the words "must be commenced within", Colorado deleted the words "4 years after the cause of action accrued." and substituted the words "the time period prescribed in section 13-80-101, C.R.S.". Colorado deleted the second sentence (which read: "By the original lease contract the parties may reduce the period of limitation to not less than one year.") and substituted the following sentence: "This period of limitation may not be varied by agreement of the parties.". These changes parallel the changes that Colorado had previously made to section 4-2-725 (1).
Uniform Statutory Source: Section 2-725.
Changes: Substantially rewritten.
Subsection (1) does not incorporate the limitation found in Section 2-725(1) prohibiting the parties from extending the period of limitation. Breach of warranty and indemnity claims often arise in a lease transaction; with the passage of time such claims often diminish or are eliminated. To encourage the parties to commence litigation under these circumstances makes little sense.
Subsection (2) states two rules for determining when a cause of action accrues. With respect to default, the rule of Section 2-725(2) is not incorporated in favor of a more liberal rule of the later of the date when the default occurs or when the act or omission on which it is based is or should have been discovered. With respect to indemnity, a similarly liberal rule is adopted.
Cross References:
Sections 2-725(1) and 2-725(2).
Definitional Cross References:
"Action". Section 1-201(1).
"Aggrieved party". Section 1-201(2).
"Lease contract". Section 2A-103(1)(l).
"Party". Section 1-201(29).
"Remedy". Section 1-201(34).
"Termination". Section 2A-103(1)(z).

Structure Colorado Code

Colorado Code

Title 4 - Uniform Commercial Code

Article 2.5 - Leases

Part 5 - Default

§ 4-2.5-501. Default: Procedure

§ 4-2.5-502. Notice After Default

§ 4-2.5-503. Modification or Impairment of Rights and Remedies

§ 4-2.5-504. Liquidation of Damages

§ 4-2.5-505. Cancellation and Termination and Effect of Cancellation, Termination, Rescission, or Fraud on Rights and Remedies

§ 4-2.5-506. Statute of Limitations

§ 4-2.5-507. Proof of Market Rent: Time and Place

§ 4-2.5-508. Lessee's Remedies

§ 4-2.5-509. Lessee's Rights on Improper Delivery; Rightful Rejection

§ 4-2.5-510. Installment Lease Contracts: Rejection and Default

§ 4-2.5-511. Merchant Lessee's Duties as to Rightfully Rejected Goods

§ 4-2.5-512. Lessee's Duties as to Rightfully Rejected Goods

§ 4-2.5-513. Cure by Lessor of Improper Tender or Delivery; Replacement

§ 4-2.5-514. Waiver of Lessee's Objections

§ 4-2.5-515. Acceptance of Goods

§ 4-2.5-516. Effect of Acceptance of Goods; Notice of Default; Burden of Establishing Default After Acceptance; Notice of Claim or Litigation to Person Answerable Over

§ 4-2.5-517. Revocation of Acceptance of Goods

§ 4-2.5-518. Cover; Substitute Goods

§ 4-2.5-519. Lessee's Damages for Nondelivery, Repudiation, Default and Breach of Warranty in Regard to Accepted Goods

§ 4-2.5-520. Lessee's Incidental and Consequential Damages

§ 4-2.5-521. Lessee's Right to Specific Performance or Replevin

§ 4-2.5-522. Lessee's Right to Goods on Lessor's Insolvency

§ 4-2.5-523. Lessor's Remedies

§ 4-2.5-524. Lessor's Right to Identify Goods to Lease Contract

§ 4-2.5-525. Lessor's Right to Possession of Goods

§ 4-2.5-526. Lessor's Stoppage of Delivery in Transit or Otherwise

§ 4-2.5-527. Lessor's Rights to Dispose of Goods

§ 4-2.5-528. Lessor's Damages for Nonacceptance, Failure to Pay, Repudiation, or Other Default

§ 4-2.5-529. Lessor's Action for the Rent

§ 4-2.5-530. Lessor's Incidental Damages

§ 4-2.5-531. Standing to Sue Third Parties for Injury to Goods

§ 4-2.5-532. Lessor's Rights to Residual Interest

§ 4-2.5-533. Other Measures of Damages