Colorado Code
Part 5 - Default
§ 4-2.5-504. Liquidation of Damages

Source: L. 91: Entire article added, p. 302, § 1, effective July 1, 1992.
Uniform Statutory Source: Sections 2-718(1), (2), (3) and 2-719(2).
Changes: Substantially rewritten.
Many leasing transactions are predicated on the parties' ability to agree to an appropriate amount of damages or formula for damages in the event of default or other act or omission. The rule with respect to sales of goods (Section 2-718) may not be sufficiently flexible to accommodate this practice. Thus, consistent with the common law emphasis upon freedom to contract with respect to bailments for hire, this section has created a revised rule that allows greater flexibility with respect to leases of goods.
Subsection (1), a significantly modified version of the provisions of Section 2-718(1), provides for liquidation of damages in the lease agreement at an amount or by a formula. Section 2-718(1) does not by its express terms include liquidation by a formula; this change was compelled by modern leasing practice. Subsection (1), in a further expansion of Section 2-718(1), provides for liquidation of damages for default as well as any other act or omission.
A liquidated damages formula that is common in leasing practice provides that the sum of lease payments past due, accelerated future lease payments, and the lessor's estimated residual interest, less the net proceeds of disposition (whether by sale or re-lease) of the leased goods is the lessor's damages. Tax indemnities, costs, interest and attorney's fees are also added to determine the lessor's damages. Another common liquidated damages formula utilizes a periodic depreciation allocation as a credit to the aforesaid amount in mitigation of a lessor's damages. A third formula provides for a fixed number of periodic payments as a means of liquidating damages. Stipulated loss or stipulated damage schedules are also common. Whether these formulae are enforceable will be determined in the context of each case by applying a standard of reasonableness in light of the harm anticipated when the formula was agreed to. Whether the inclusion of these formulae will affect the classification of the transaction as a lease or a security interest is to be determined by the facts of each case. Section 1-201(37). E.g., In re Noack, 44 Bankr. 172, 174-75 (Bankr. E.D. Wis. 1984).
This section does not incorporate two other tests that under sales law determine enforceability of liquidated damages, i.e., difficulties of proof of loss and inconvenience or nonfeasibility of otherwise obtaining an adequate remedy. The ability to liquidate damages is critical to modern leasing practice; given the parties' freedom to contract at common law, the policy behind retaining these two additional requirements here was thought to be outweighed. Further, given the expansion of subsection (1) to enable the parties to liquidate the amount payable with respect to an indemnity for loss or diminution of anticipated tax benefits resulted in another change: the last sentence of Section 2-718(1), providing that a term fixing unreasonably large liquidated damages is void as a penalty, was also not incorporated. The impact of local, state and federal tax laws on a leasing transaction can result in an amount payable with respect to the tax indemnity many times greater than the original purchase price of the goods. By deleting the reference to unreasonably large liquidated damages the parties are free to negotiate a formula, restrained by the rule of reasonableness in this section. These changes should invite the parties to liquidate damages. Peters, Remedies for Breach of Contracts Relating to the Sale of Goods Under the Uniform Commercial Code: A Roadmap for Article Two, 73 Yale L.J. 199, 278 (1963).
Subsection (2), a revised version of Section 2-719(2), provides that if the liquidated damages provision is not enforceable or fails of its essential purpose, remedy may be had as provided in this Article.
Subsection (3)(b) of this section differs from subsection (2)(b) of Section 2-718; in the absence of a valid liquidated damages amount or formula the lessor is permitted to retain 20 percent of the present value of the total rent payable under the lease. The alternative limitation of $500 contained in Section 2-718 is deleted as unrealistically low with respect to a lease other than a consumer lease.
Cross References:
Sections 1-201(37), 2-718, 2-718(1), 2-718(2)(b) and 2-719(2).
Definitional Cross References:
"Consumer lease". Section 2A-103(1)(e).
"Delivery". Section 1-201(14).
"Goods". Section 2A-103(1)(h).
"Insolvent". Section 1-201(23).
"Lease agreement". Section 2A-103(1)(k).
"Lease contract". Section 2A-103(1)(l).
"Lessee". Section 2A-103(1)(n).
"Lessor". Section 2A-103(1)(p).
"Lessor's residual interest". Section 2A-103(1)(q).
"Party". Section 1-201(29).
"Present value". Section 2A-103(1)(u).
"Remedy". Section 1-201(34).
"Rights". Section 1-201(36).
"Term". Section 1-201(42).
"Value". Section 1-201(44).

Structure Colorado Code

Colorado Code

Title 4 - Uniform Commercial Code

Article 2.5 - Leases

Part 5 - Default

§ 4-2.5-501. Default: Procedure

§ 4-2.5-502. Notice After Default

§ 4-2.5-503. Modification or Impairment of Rights and Remedies

§ 4-2.5-504. Liquidation of Damages

§ 4-2.5-505. Cancellation and Termination and Effect of Cancellation, Termination, Rescission, or Fraud on Rights and Remedies

§ 4-2.5-506. Statute of Limitations

§ 4-2.5-507. Proof of Market Rent: Time and Place

§ 4-2.5-508. Lessee's Remedies

§ 4-2.5-509. Lessee's Rights on Improper Delivery; Rightful Rejection

§ 4-2.5-510. Installment Lease Contracts: Rejection and Default

§ 4-2.5-511. Merchant Lessee's Duties as to Rightfully Rejected Goods

§ 4-2.5-512. Lessee's Duties as to Rightfully Rejected Goods

§ 4-2.5-513. Cure by Lessor of Improper Tender or Delivery; Replacement

§ 4-2.5-514. Waiver of Lessee's Objections

§ 4-2.5-515. Acceptance of Goods

§ 4-2.5-516. Effect of Acceptance of Goods; Notice of Default; Burden of Establishing Default After Acceptance; Notice of Claim or Litigation to Person Answerable Over

§ 4-2.5-517. Revocation of Acceptance of Goods

§ 4-2.5-518. Cover; Substitute Goods

§ 4-2.5-519. Lessee's Damages for Nondelivery, Repudiation, Default and Breach of Warranty in Regard to Accepted Goods

§ 4-2.5-520. Lessee's Incidental and Consequential Damages

§ 4-2.5-521. Lessee's Right to Specific Performance or Replevin

§ 4-2.5-522. Lessee's Right to Goods on Lessor's Insolvency

§ 4-2.5-523. Lessor's Remedies

§ 4-2.5-524. Lessor's Right to Identify Goods to Lease Contract

§ 4-2.5-525. Lessor's Right to Possession of Goods

§ 4-2.5-526. Lessor's Stoppage of Delivery in Transit or Otherwise

§ 4-2.5-527. Lessor's Rights to Dispose of Goods

§ 4-2.5-528. Lessor's Damages for Nonacceptance, Failure to Pay, Repudiation, or Other Default

§ 4-2.5-529. Lessor's Action for the Rent

§ 4-2.5-530. Lessor's Incidental Damages

§ 4-2.5-531. Standing to Sue Third Parties for Injury to Goods

§ 4-2.5-532. Lessor's Rights to Residual Interest

§ 4-2.5-533. Other Measures of Damages