Colorado Code
Part 2 - Formation and Construction of Lease Contract
§ 4-2.5-217. Identification

Identification of goods as goods to which a lease contract refers may be made at any time and in any manner explicitly agreed to by the parties. In the absence of explicit agreement, identification occurs:

Source: L. 91: Entire article added, p. 286, § 1, effective July 1, 1992.
Uniform Statutory Source: Section 2-501.
Changes: This section, together with Section 2A-218, is derived from the provisions of Section 2-501, with changes to reflect lease terminology; however, this section omits as irrelevant to leasing practice the treatment of special property.
Purposes: With respect to subsection (b) there is a certain amount of ambiguity in the reference to when goods are designated, e.g., when the lessor is both selling and leasing goods to the same lessee/buyer and has marked goods for delivery but has not distinguished between those related to the lease contract and those related to the sales contract. As in Section 2-501(1)(b), this issue has been left to be resolved by the courts, case by case.
Cross References:
Sections 2-501 and 2A-218.
Definitional Cross References:
"Agreement". Section 1-201(3).
"Goods". Section 2A-103(1)(h).
"Lease". Section 2A-103(1)(j).
"Lease contract". Section 2A-103(1)(l).
"Lessor". Section 2A-103(1)(p).
"Party". Section 1-201(29).