Colorado Code
Article 60 - Oil and Gas Conservation
§ 34-60-106. Additional Powers of Commission - Rules - Definition

(3.5) The commission shall require the furnishing of reasonable security with the commission by lessees of land for the drilling of oil and gas wells, in instances in which the owner of the surface of lands so leased was not a party to such lease, to protect such owner from unreasonable crop losses or land damage from the use of the premises by said lessee. The commission shall require the furnishing of reasonable security with the commission, to restore the condition of the land as nearly as is possible to its condition at the beginning of the lease and in accordance with the owner of the surface of lands so leased.

(I) (A) Promulgate rules to establish a timely and efficient procedure for the review of applications for a permit to drill and applications for an order establishing or amending a drilling and spacing unit.
(B) Repealed.
(II) Promulgate rules, in consultation with the department of public health and environment, to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the general public in the conduct of oil and gas operations. The rules shall provide a timely and efficient procedure in which the department has an opportunity to provide comments during the commission's decision-making process. This rule-making shall be coordinated with the rule-making required in section 34-60-128 (3)(d) so that the timely and efficient procedure established pursuant to this subsection (11) is applicable to the department and to the division of parks and wildlife.

(15.5) The commission shall use a risk-based strategy for inspecting oil and gas locations that targets the operational phases that are most likely to experience spills, excess emissions, and other types of violations and that prioritizes more in-depth inspections. The commission shall:

Source: L. 51: p. 660, § 11. CSA: C. 118, § 68(11). CRS 53: § 100-6-15. L. 55: p. 654, § 8. C.R.S. 1963: § 100-6-15. L. 64: p. 509, § 1. L. 73: p. 1071, § 1. L. 77: (3.5) added, p. 1565, § 1, effective July 1. L. 79: (5) to (8) added, p. 1320, § 2, February 16. L. 81: (9) added, p. 1339, § 4, effective July 1; (9) amended, p. 2034, § 53, effective July 14. L. 85: (10) and (11) added, p. 1129, § 1, effective July 1. L. 86: (12) added, p. 1073, § 1, effective April 3. L. 91: (1)(f) and (9) amended, p. 1415, § 3, effective April 19. L. 94: (1)(d), (2)(d), (11), and (12) amended and (13), (14), (15), and (16) added, p. 1980, § 6, effective June 2. L. 96: (15) amended, p. 346, § 1, effective April 17. L. 2001: IP(13), (13)(a), (13)(b), and (13)(e) amended and (17) added, pp. 1303, 1304, §§ 2, 3, effective June 5; (14) amended, p. 491, § 6, effective July 1. L. 2005: (7) amended, p. 733, § 3, effective July 1. L. 2006: (17)(e) amended, p. 218, § 16, effective August 7. L. 2007: (2)(d) and (11) amended, pp. 1358, 1359, §§ 4, 6, effective May 29; (11) amended, p. 1344, § 1, effective May 29. L. 2008: IP(11)(a), (11)(a)(II), and (11)(b)(I) amended, p. 1033, § 1, effective May 21; (11)(a)(II) amended, p. 1912, § 122, effective August 5. L. 2013: (15.5) added, (SB 13-202), ch. 274, p. 1437, § 2, effective May 24. L. 2019: IP(1), (1)(f), IP(2), (2)(b), (2)(c), (6), (7), (13), and (15) amended, (2)(d) repealed, and (2.5), (11)(c), (18), (19), and (20) added, (SB 19-181), ch. 120, p. 513, § 12, effective April 16. L. 2021: (9) amended, (SB 21-264), ch. 328, p. 2107, § 3, effective June 24.

Cross references: (1) For the legislative declaration contained in the 1994 act amending subsections (1)(d), (2)(d), (11), and (12) and enacting subsections (13), (14), (15), and (16), see section 1 of chapter 317, Session Laws of Colorado 1994. For the legislative declaration contained in the 2007 act amending subsections (2)(d) and (11), see section 1 of chapter 320, Session Laws of Colorado 2007. For the legislative declaration in the 2013 act adding subsection (15.5), see section 1 of chapter 274, Session Laws of Colorado 2013.
(2) For the federal "Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970", see 29 U.S.C. § 651 et seq.