Colorado Code
Part 11 - Foreclosure Proceedings
§ 31-25-1110. Notice of Sale

Notice of sale shall be given by one publication in a newspaper of general circulation in such county, which notice shall be in substantially the following form:
"Notice of Sale of Property for Delinquent Special Assessments (here insert nature of assessment).
The undersigned, Treasurer of the .............. of .............., in the State of Colorado, pursuant to an order of the District Court of the ........ Judicial District of the State of Colorado, within and for the County of .............., authorizing the sale of property for the nonpayment of special assessments levied for (here insert nature of assessment) in the amounts set opposite the description of the various lots and tracts, will on the ............ day of ............, A.D., 20......, at the hour of ........ M., sell at public auction at his office in .............. County, Colorado, the following described property, to wit: (here insert description of property and amount of assessment)
Description Amount .................................................... Treasurer of ............................. County, Colorado. Dated .............., 20....."
Source: L. 81: Entire part added, p. 1621, § 21, effective July 1.