Code of Virginia
Chapter 9 - Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry Act
§ 9.1-920. Liberal construction

This chapter, being necessary for the welfare of the Commonwealth and its inhabitants, shall be liberally construed to effect the purposes hereof.
2003, c. 584; 2015, c. 709.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 9.1 - Commonwealth Public Safety

Chapter 9 - Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry Act

§ 9.1-900. Purpose of the Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry

§ 9.1-901. Persons for whom registration required

§ 9.1-902. Offenses requiring registration

§ 9.1-903. Registration and reregistration procedures

§ 9.1-904. Periodic verification

§ 9.1-905. New residents and nonresident offenders; registration required

§ 9.1-906. Enrollment or employment at institution of higher education; information required

§ 9.1-906.1. Emergency shelters; notification; registration

§ 9.1-907. Procedures upon a failure to register, reregister, or verify registration information

§ 9.1-908. Duration of registration requirement

§ 9.1-909. Relief from registration, reregistration, or verification

§ 9.1-910. Removal of name and information from Registry

§ 9.1-911. Registry maintenance

§ 9.1-912. Registry access and dissemination; fees

§ 9.1-913. Public dissemination by means of the Internet

§ 9.1-914. Automatic notification of registration to certain entities; electronic notification to requesting persons

§ 9.1-915. Regulations

§ 9.1-916. Requests for Registry data by Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission; confidentiality

§ 9.1-917. Limitation on liability

§ 9.1-918. Misuse of registry or supplement information; penalty

§ 9.1-919. Notice of penalty on forms and documents

§ 9.1-920. Liberal construction

§ 9.1-921. Exemption of information systems from provisions related to the Virginia Information Technologies Agency

§ 9.1-922. Use of Registry data by Statewide Automated Victim Notification (SAVIN) system; confidentiality

§ 9.1-923. Supplement to the Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry established