Code of Virginia
Chapter 9 - Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry Act
§ 9.1-913. Public dissemination by means of the Internet

The State Police shall develop and maintain a system for making certain Registry information on persons convicted of an offense for which registration is required publicly available by means of the Internet. The information to be made available shall include the offender's name; all aliases that he has used or under which he may have been known; the date and locality of the conviction and a brief description of the offense; his age, current address, and photograph; his current work address; the name of any institution of higher education at which he is currently enrolled; and such other information as the State Police may from time to time determine is necessary to preserve public safety, including but not limited to the fact that an individual is wanted for failing to register, reregister, or verify his registration information. The system shall be secure and not capable of being altered except by the State Police. The system shall be updated each business day with newly received registrations, reregistrations and verifications of registration information. The State Police shall remove all information that it knows to be inaccurate from the Internet system.
2003, c. 584; 2005, c. 603; 2006, cc. 857, 914; 2016, c. 335; 2020, c. 829.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 9.1 - Commonwealth Public Safety

Chapter 9 - Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry Act

§ 9.1-900. Purpose of the Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry

§ 9.1-901. Persons for whom registration required

§ 9.1-902. Offenses requiring registration

§ 9.1-903. Registration and reregistration procedures

§ 9.1-904. Periodic verification

§ 9.1-905. New residents and nonresident offenders; registration required

§ 9.1-906. Enrollment or employment at institution of higher education; information required

§ 9.1-906.1. Emergency shelters; notification; registration

§ 9.1-907. Procedures upon a failure to register, reregister, or verify registration information

§ 9.1-908. Duration of registration requirement

§ 9.1-909. Relief from registration, reregistration, or verification

§ 9.1-910. Removal of name and information from Registry

§ 9.1-911. Registry maintenance

§ 9.1-912. Registry access and dissemination; fees

§ 9.1-913. Public dissemination by means of the Internet

§ 9.1-914. Automatic notification of registration to certain entities; electronic notification to requesting persons

§ 9.1-915. Regulations

§ 9.1-916. Requests for Registry data by Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission; confidentiality

§ 9.1-917. Limitation on liability

§ 9.1-918. Misuse of registry or supplement information; penalty

§ 9.1-919. Notice of penalty on forms and documents

§ 9.1-920. Liberal construction

§ 9.1-921. Exemption of information systems from provisions related to the Virginia Information Technologies Agency

§ 9.1-922. Use of Registry data by Statewide Automated Victim Notification (SAVIN) system; confidentiality

§ 9.1-923. Supplement to the Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry established