A. When disclosure of a communication or information covered by the attorney-client privilege or work product protection made in a proceeding or to any public body as defined in § 2.2-3701 operates as a waiver of the privilege or protection, the waiver extends to an undisclosed communication or information only if:
1. The waiver is intentional;
2. The disclosed and undisclosed communications or information concern the same subject matter; and
3. The disclosed and undisclosed communications or information ought in fairness be considered together.
B. Disclosure of a communication or information covered by the attorney-client privilege or work product protection made in a proceeding or to any public body as defined in § 2.2-3701 does not operate as a waiver of the privilege or protection if:
1. The disclosure is inadvertent;
2. The holder of the privilege or protection took reasonable steps to prevent disclosure; and
3. The holder promptly took reasonable steps to rectify the error, including, if applicable, complying with the provisions of subdivision (b) (6) (ii) of Rule 4:1 of the Rules of the Supreme Court.
C. A court may order that the privilege or protection is not waived by the disclosure connected with the litigation pending before the court, in which case the disclosure does not operate as a waiver in any other proceeding.
D. An agreement on the effect of the disclosure in a proceeding is binding only on the parties to the agreement, unless it is incorporated into a court order.
E. This section shall not limit any otherwise applicable waiver of attorney-client privilege or work product protection by an inmate who files an action challenging his conviction or sentence.
2010, c. 350.
Structure Code of Virginia
Title 8.01 - Civil Remedies and Procedure
§ 8.01-386. Judicial notice of laws (Supreme Court Rule 2:202 derived in part from this section)
§ 8.01-387. Notice by courts and officers of signatures of judges and Governor
§ 8.01-390.1. School records as evidence
§ 8.01-390.2. Reports by Chief Medical Examiner received as evidence
§ 8.01-392. When court order book or equivalent is lost or illegible, what matters may be reentered
§ 8.01-394. How contents of any such lost record, etc., proved
§ 8.01-395. Validating certain proceedings under § 8.01-394
§ 8.01-396. No person incompetent to testify by reason of interest, or because a party
§ 8.01-396.1. Competency of witness
§ 8.01-401.2. Chiropractor, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant as expert witness
§ 8.01-401.2:1. Podiatrist as an expert witness
§ 8.01-405. Who may administer oath to witness
§ 8.01-407.1. Identity of persons communicating anonymously over the Internet
§ 8.01-408. Recognizance taken upon continuance of case
§ 8.01-410. Inmates as witnesses in civil actions
§ 8.01-412.2. Authorization of audio-visual deposition; official record; uses
§ 8.01-412.3. Notice of audio-visual deposition
§ 8.01-412.6. Promulgation of rules for standards and guidelines
§ 8.01-412.10. Issuance of subpoena
§ 8.01-412.11. Service of subpoena
§ 8.01-412.12. Deposition, production, and inspection
§ 8.01-412.13. Application to court
§ 8.01-412.14. Uniformity of application and construction; reciprocal privileges
§ 8.01-412.15. Application to pending actions
§ 8.01-413.01. Authenticity and reasonableness of medical bills; presumption
§ 8.01-414. Affidavit prima facie evidence of nonresidence
§ 8.01-415. Affidavit evidence of publication
§ 8.01-416. Affidavit re damages to motor vehicle
§ 8.01-418.2. Evidence of polygraph examination inadmissible in any proceeding
§ 8.01-419. Table of life expectancy
§ 8.01-419.1. Motor vehicle value
§ 8.01-420. Depositions as basis for motion for summary judgment or to strike evidence
§ 8.01-420.1. Abolition of common-law perpetuation of testimony
§ 8.01-420.2. Limitation on use of recorded conversations as evidence
§ 8.01-420.4. Taking of depositions
§ 8.01-420.4:1. Taking of depositions; corporate officers
§ 8.01-420.5. Estoppel effect of judicial determination of employment status
§ 8.01-420.6. Number of witnesses whose depositions may be taken
§ 8.01-420.7. Attorney-client privilege and work product protection; limitations on waiver
§ 8.01-420.8. Protection of confidential information in court files