An application to the court for a protective order or to enforce, quash, or modify a subpoena issued by a clerk of court under § 8.01-412.10 shall comply with the statutes and rules of court of the Commonwealth and be submitted to the court in the circuit in which discovery is to be conducted. A separate civil action need not be filed.
2009, c. 701.
Structure Code of Virginia
Title 8.01 - Civil Remedies and Procedure
§ 8.01-386. Judicial notice of laws (Supreme Court Rule 2:202 derived in part from this section)
§ 8.01-387. Notice by courts and officers of signatures of judges and Governor
§ 8.01-390.1. School records as evidence
§ 8.01-390.2. Reports by Chief Medical Examiner received as evidence
§ 8.01-392. When court order book or equivalent is lost or illegible, what matters may be reentered
§ 8.01-394. How contents of any such lost record, etc., proved
§ 8.01-395. Validating certain proceedings under § 8.01-394
§ 8.01-396. No person incompetent to testify by reason of interest, or because a party
§ 8.01-396.1. Competency of witness
§ 8.01-401.2. Chiropractor, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant as expert witness
§ 8.01-401.2:1. Podiatrist as an expert witness
§ 8.01-405. Who may administer oath to witness
§ 8.01-407.1. Identity of persons communicating anonymously over the Internet
§ 8.01-408. Recognizance taken upon continuance of case
§ 8.01-410. Inmates as witnesses in civil actions
§ 8.01-412.2. Authorization of audio-visual deposition; official record; uses
§ 8.01-412.3. Notice of audio-visual deposition
§ 8.01-412.6. Promulgation of rules for standards and guidelines
§ 8.01-412.10. Issuance of subpoena
§ 8.01-412.11. Service of subpoena
§ 8.01-412.12. Deposition, production, and inspection
§ 8.01-412.13. Application to court
§ 8.01-412.14. Uniformity of application and construction; reciprocal privileges
§ 8.01-412.15. Application to pending actions
§ 8.01-413.01. Authenticity and reasonableness of medical bills; presumption
§ 8.01-414. Affidavit prima facie evidence of nonresidence
§ 8.01-415. Affidavit evidence of publication
§ 8.01-416. Affidavit re damages to motor vehicle
§ 8.01-418.2. Evidence of polygraph examination inadmissible in any proceeding
§ 8.01-419. Table of life expectancy
§ 8.01-419.1. Motor vehicle value
§ 8.01-420. Depositions as basis for motion for summary judgment or to strike evidence
§ 8.01-420.1. Abolition of common-law perpetuation of testimony
§ 8.01-420.2. Limitation on use of recorded conversations as evidence
§ 8.01-420.4. Taking of depositions
§ 8.01-420.4:1. Taking of depositions; corporate officers
§ 8.01-420.5. Estoppel effect of judicial determination of employment status
§ 8.01-420.6. Number of witnesses whose depositions may be taken
§ 8.01-420.7. Attorney-client privilege and work product protection; limitations on waiver
§ 8.01-420.8. Protection of confidential information in court files