Code of Virginia
Chapter 5 - Personal Representatives and Administration of Estates
§ 64.2-550. Proceedings for receiving proof of debts by commissioners of accounts

A. A commissioner of accounts who has for settlement the accounts of a personal representative of a decedent shall, when requested to so do by a personal representative or any creditor, legatee, or distributee of a decedent, or may at any other time determined by the commissioner of accounts, even though no accounting is pending, conduct a hearing for receiving proof of debts and demands against the decedent or the decedent's estate. The commissioner of accounts shall publish notice of the hearing at least 10 days before the date set for the hearing in a newspaper published or having general circulation in the jurisdiction where the personal representative qualified. and shall also post a notice of the time and place of the hearing at the front door of the courthouse of the court of the jurisdiction where the personal representative qualified. The commissioner of accounts may adjourn the hearing from time to time as necessary.
B. The personal representative shall give written notice by personal service or by regular, certified, or registered mail at least 10 days before the date set for the hearing to any claimant of a disputed claim that is known to the personal representative at the last address of the claimant known to the personal representative. The notice shall inform the claimant of his right to attend the hearing and present his case, his right to obtain another hearing date if the commissioner of accounts finds the initial date inappropriate, and the fact that the claimant will be bound by any adverse ruling. The personal representative shall also inform the claimant of his right to file exceptions with the circuit court in the event of an adverse ruling. The personal representative shall file proof of any mailing or service of notice with the commissioner of accounts.
C. The commissioner of accounts may direct the personal representative, the claimant, or both of them to institute a proceeding in the circuit court to establish the validity or invalidity of any claim or demand that the commissioner of accounts deems not otherwise sufficiently proved.
Code 1950, §§ 64-161, 64-162; 1966, c. 335; 1968, cc. 385, 656, §§ 64.1-171, 64.1-172; 1981, c. 484; 1989, c. 492; 2012, c. 614.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 64.2 - Wills, Trusts, and Fiduciaries

Chapter 5 - Personal Representatives and Administration of Estates

§ 64.2-500. Grant of administration with the will annexed

§ 64.2-501. Oath of executor or administrator with the will annexed

§ 64.2-502. Grant of administration of intestate estate

§ 64.2-503. Oath and bond of administrator of intestate estate

§ 64.2-504. Bond of executor or administrator

§ 64.2-505. When security not required

§ 64.2-506. When letters of administration and order for obtaining probate in due form are required

§ 64.2-507. Clerks to deliver statement of responsibilities

§ 64.2-508. Written notice of probate, qualification, and entitlement to copies of inventories, accounts, and reports to be provided to certain parties

§ 64.2-509. List of heirs

§ 64.2-510. Affidavit relating to real estate of intestate decedent

§ 64.2-511. Powers of executor before qualification

§ 64.2-512. Funeral expenses

§ 64.2-513. Effect of death, resignation, or removal of sole executor

§ 64.2-514. Duty of every personal representative

§ 64.2-515. Duty of fiduciaries as to joint accounts

§ 64.2-516. Duties of fiduciaries as to certain obligations of the United States

§ 64.2-517. Exercise of discretionary powers by surviving executors or administrators with the will annexed

§ 64.2-518. When personal representative may renew obligation of decedent

§ 64.2-519. Suits upon judgment and contracts of decedent and actions for personal injury or wrongful death

§ 64.2-520. Action for goods carried away, or for waste, destruction of, or damage to estate of decedent

§ 64.2-520.1. Action for damages from legal malpractice concerning estate planning

§ 64.2-520.2. Reliance on certificate of qualification of a personal representative

§ 64.2-521. Personal representatives to sell real estate devised to be sold, and to receive certain rents

§ 64.2-522. Personal representatives to pay over sale proceeds and rents to persons entitled

§ 64.2-523. Personal representative may execute deed pursuant to written contract of decedent

§ 64.2-524. Validation of certain conveyances by foreign executor

§ 64.2-525. Debtor's appointment as executor

§ 64.2-526. What personal estate to be sold; use of proceeds

§ 64.2-527. Estate held for another's life; inclusion in personal estate

§ 64.2-528. Order in which debts and demands of decedents to be paid

§ 64.2-529. Creditors to be paid in order of their classification; class paid ratably; when representative not liable for paying debt

§ 64.2-530. Lien acquired during lifetime of decedent not affected

§ 64.2-531. Nonexoneration; payment of lien if granted by agent

§ 64.2-532. Real estate of decedent as assets for payment of debts

§ 64.2-533. Administration of assets for payment of debts

§ 64.2-534. Liability of heir or devisee for value of real estate sold and conveyed; validity of premature conveyances

§ 64.2-535. When sale and conveyance within one year valid against creditors; proceeds paid to special commissioner; bond to obtain proceeds

§ 64.2-536. Liability of heir or devisee; action by personal representative or creditor; recording notice of lis pendens; evidence

§ 64.2-537. Action to enforce claim of less than $100; notice

§ 64.2-538. Lien acquired during lifetime of decedent not affected

§ 64.2-539. Definitions

§ 64.2-540. Apportionment required

§ 64.2-541. Recovery by executor when part of estate not in his possession

§ 64.2-542. Transfers not required until tax ascertained or security given

§ 64.2-543. Contrary provisions of will or other instrument to govern

§ 64.2-544. Construction of direction to pay all taxes imposed on account of testator's death

§ 64.2-545. Transfer of assets to administrator de bonis non; administration of assets

§ 64.2-546. Action against representative of executor for waste

§ 64.2-547. Revival of judgment by administrator de bonis non

§ 64.2-548. Action against surety of personal representative; procedure

§ 64.2-549. Liability of personal representative or his surety

§ 64.2-550. Proceedings for receiving proof of debts by commissioners of accounts

§ 64.2-551. Account of debts by commissioners of accounts

§ 64.2-552. How claims filed before commissioners of accounts; tolling of limitations period

§ 64.2-553. When court to order payment of debts

§ 64.2-554. When distribution may be required; refunding bond

§ 64.2-555. When fiduciaries are protected by refunding bonds

§ 64.2-556. Order to creditors to show cause against distribution of estate to legatees or distributees; liability of legatees or distributees to refund

§ 64.2-557. Form for notice to show cause under § 64.2-556

§ 64.2-558. Distribution to persons standing in loco parentis to certain beneficiaries