Code of Virginia
Chapter 4 - Wills
§ 64.2-439. Revocation

The international will shall be subject to the ordinary rules of revocation of wills.
1995, c. 443, § 64.1-96.8; 2012, c. 614.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 64.2 - Wills, Trusts, and Fiduciaries

Chapter 4 - Wills

§ 64.2-400. Separate writing identifying recipients of tangible personal property; liability for distribution; action to recover property

§ 64.2-401. Who may make a will; what estate may be disposed of

§ 64.2-402. Advertisements to draw wills prohibited; penalty

§ 64.2-403. Execution of wills; requirements

§ 64.2-404. Writings intended as wills

§ 64.2-404.1. Reformation of will to correct mistakes or achieve decedent's tax objectives

§ 64.2-405. Interested persons as competent witnesses

§ 64.2-406. Repealed

§ 64.2-407. Will of personal estate of nonresidents

§ 64.2-408. Presumption of formal execution of wills made by persons in military service; will of personal estate of persons in military service and seamen

§ 64.2-409. Wills of living persons lodged for safekeeping with clerks of certain courts

§ 64.2-410. Revocation of wills generally

§ 64.2-411. Revival of wills after revocation

§ 64.2-412. Revocation by divorce or annulment; revival upon remarriage; no revocation by other change

§ 64.2-413. Effect of subsequent conveyance on will

§ 64.2-414. When wills deemed to speak

§ 64.2-415. How certain trust provisions, bequests, and devises to be construed; nonademption in certain cases

§ 64.2-416. Devises, bequests, and distributions that fail; how to pass

§ 64.2-417. When advancement deemed satisfaction of devise or bequest

§ 64.2-418. When children or descendants of beneficiary to take estate or trust

§ 64.2-419. Provision for omitted children when no child living when will made

§ 64.2-420. Provision for omitted children when child living when will made

§ 64.2-421. Construction of certain conditions of spouse's survivorship

§ 64.2-422. When omitted spouse to take intestate portion

§ 64.2-423. Repealed

§ 64.2-424. When direction to purchase annuity binding on legatee

§ 64.2-425. Interest on pecuniary legacies

§ 64.2-426. Testamentary additions to trusts by testator dying on or after July 1, 1994, and before July 1, 1999

§ 64.2-427. Testamentary additions to trusts by testator dying after June 30, 1999

§ 64.2-428. Distribution of assets by fiduciaries in satisfaction of pecuniary bequests or transfers in trust of pecuniary amount

§ 64.2-429. Construction of trust provisions otherwise eligible for the election permitted under § 2056(b)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code

§ 64.2-430. Certain marital deduction formula clauses to be construed to refer to federal marital deduction allowable if decedent had died on December 31, 1981

§ 64.2-431. Certain powers of appointment construed to refer to federal gift tax exclusion in effect on date of execution

§ 64.2-432. Certain formula clauses to be construed to refer to federal estate and generation-skipping transfer tax laws applicable to estates of decedents dying after December 31, 2009, and before January 1, 2011

§ 64.2-433. Definitions

§ 64.2-434. Validity

§ 64.2-435. Requirements

§ 64.2-436. Other points of form

§ 64.2-437. Certificate

§ 64.2-438. Effect of certificate

§ 64.2-439. Revocation

§ 64.2-440. Source and construction

§ 64.2-441. Persons authorized to act in relation to international will; eligibility; recognition by authorizing agency

§ 64.2-442. International will information registration

§ 64.2-443. Jurisdiction of probate of wills

§ 64.2-444. Clerks may probate wills

§ 64.2-445. Appeal from order of clerk

§ 64.2-446. Motion for probate; process against persons interested in probate

§ 64.2-447. Use of depositions

§ 64.2-448. Complaint to impeach or establish a will; limitation of action; venue

§ 64.2-449. Procedure in probate proceedings

§ 64.2-450. Probate of copy of will proved outside the Commonwealth; authenticated copy

§ 64.2-451. Appointment of curator; when made; his duties

§ 64.2-452. How will may be made self-proved; affidavits of witnesses

§ 64.2-453. How will may be made self-proved; acknowledgment of witnesses

§ 64.2-454. Appointment of administrator for prosecution of action for personal injury or wrongful death against or on behalf of estate of deceased resident or nonresident

§ 64.2-454.1. Will contest; presumption of undue influence

§ 64.2-455. Wills to be recorded; recording copies; effect; transfer to the Library of Virginia

§ 64.2-456. Bona fide purchaser of real estate without notice of devise protected

§ 64.2-457. Bona fide purchaser of real estate without notice of devise protected; later will

§ 64.2-458. Bona fide purchaser of real estate without notice of devise protected; intestacy