Code of Virginia
Chapter 4 - Wills
§ 64.2-428. Distribution of assets by fiduciaries in satisfaction of pecuniary bequests or transfers in trust of pecuniary amount

A. Where a will or trust agreement authorizes or directs the fiduciary to satisfy wholly or partly in kind a pecuniary bequest or transfer in trust of a pecuniary amount, unless the instrument shall otherwise expressly provide, the assets selected by the fiduciary for that purpose shall be valued at their respective values on the date of their distribution.
B. Whenever a fiduciary under the provisions of a will or other governing instrument is required to satisfy a pecuniary bequest or transfer in trust in favor of the testator's or donor's spouse and is authorized to satisfy such bequest or transfer by selection and distribution of assets in kind, and the will or other governing instrument further provides that the assets to be so distributed shall or may be valued by some standard other than their fair market value on the date of distribution, the fiduciary, unless the will or other governing instrument otherwise specifically directs, shall distribute assets, including cash, in a manner that is fairly representative of appreciation or depreciation in the value of all property available for distribution in satisfaction of such pecuniary bequest or transfer. This subsection shall not prevent a fiduciary from carrying out the provisions of the will or other governing instrument that require the fiduciary, in order to implement such a bequest or transfer, to distribute assets, including cash, having an aggregate fair market value at the date of distribution amounting to no less than the amount of the pecuniary bequest or transfer as finally determined for federal estate tax purposes.
C. Any fiduciary having discretionary powers under a will or other governing instrument with respect to the selection of assets to be distributed in satisfaction of a pecuniary bequest or transfer in trust in favor of the testator's or donor's spouse shall be authorized to enter into agreements with the Commissioner of Internal Revenue of the U.S. Department of the Treasury and other taxing authorities requiring the fiduciary to exercise the fiduciary's discretion so that cash and other properties distributed in satisfaction of such bequest or transfer in trust will be fairly representative of the appreciation or depreciation in value of all property then available for distribution in satisfaction of such bequest or transfer in trust, and any such agreement heretofore entered into after April 1, 1964, is hereby validated. Any such fiduciary shall be authorized to enter into any other agreement not in conflict with the express terms of the will or other governing instrument that may be necessary or advisable in order to secure for federal estate tax purposes the appropriate marital deduction available under the Internal Revenue Code, and to do and perform all acts incident to securing such deduction.
D. Where a will or trust agreement directs the fiduciary to satisfy a pecuniary or fractional bequest or transfer in trust of a pecuniary amount or fractional share in favor of the testator's or donor's spouse with amounts or assets having a value equal to the maximum marital deduction available under the Internal Revenue Code, the interest of such spouse shall vest immediately upon the testator's death in the case of a will, and upon the execution of the trust agreement in the case of a trust, regardless of when the exact amount of the bequest or transfer is finally determined.
Code 1950, § 64-71.2; 1966, c. 441; 1968, c. 656, § 64.1-74; 1978, c. 481; 2012, c. 614.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 64.2 - Wills, Trusts, and Fiduciaries

Chapter 4 - Wills

§ 64.2-400. Separate writing identifying recipients of tangible personal property; liability for distribution; action to recover property

§ 64.2-401. Who may make a will; what estate may be disposed of

§ 64.2-402. Advertisements to draw wills prohibited; penalty

§ 64.2-403. Execution of wills; requirements

§ 64.2-404. Writings intended as wills

§ 64.2-404.1. Reformation of will to correct mistakes or achieve decedent's tax objectives

§ 64.2-405. Interested persons as competent witnesses

§ 64.2-406. Repealed

§ 64.2-407. Will of personal estate of nonresidents

§ 64.2-408. Presumption of formal execution of wills made by persons in military service; will of personal estate of persons in military service and seamen

§ 64.2-409. Wills of living persons lodged for safekeeping with clerks of certain courts

§ 64.2-410. Revocation of wills generally

§ 64.2-411. Revival of wills after revocation

§ 64.2-412. Revocation by divorce or annulment; revival upon remarriage; no revocation by other change

§ 64.2-413. Effect of subsequent conveyance on will

§ 64.2-414. When wills deemed to speak

§ 64.2-415. How certain trust provisions, bequests, and devises to be construed; nonademption in certain cases

§ 64.2-416. Devises, bequests, and distributions that fail; how to pass

§ 64.2-417. When advancement deemed satisfaction of devise or bequest

§ 64.2-418. When children or descendants of beneficiary to take estate or trust

§ 64.2-419. Provision for omitted children when no child living when will made

§ 64.2-420. Provision for omitted children when child living when will made

§ 64.2-421. Construction of certain conditions of spouse's survivorship

§ 64.2-422. When omitted spouse to take intestate portion

§ 64.2-423. Repealed

§ 64.2-424. When direction to purchase annuity binding on legatee

§ 64.2-425. Interest on pecuniary legacies

§ 64.2-426. Testamentary additions to trusts by testator dying on or after July 1, 1994, and before July 1, 1999

§ 64.2-427. Testamentary additions to trusts by testator dying after June 30, 1999

§ 64.2-428. Distribution of assets by fiduciaries in satisfaction of pecuniary bequests or transfers in trust of pecuniary amount

§ 64.2-429. Construction of trust provisions otherwise eligible for the election permitted under § 2056(b)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code

§ 64.2-430. Certain marital deduction formula clauses to be construed to refer to federal marital deduction allowable if decedent had died on December 31, 1981

§ 64.2-431. Certain powers of appointment construed to refer to federal gift tax exclusion in effect on date of execution

§ 64.2-432. Certain formula clauses to be construed to refer to federal estate and generation-skipping transfer tax laws applicable to estates of decedents dying after December 31, 2009, and before January 1, 2011

§ 64.2-433. Definitions

§ 64.2-434. Validity

§ 64.2-435. Requirements

§ 64.2-436. Other points of form

§ 64.2-437. Certificate

§ 64.2-438. Effect of certificate

§ 64.2-439. Revocation

§ 64.2-440. Source and construction

§ 64.2-441. Persons authorized to act in relation to international will; eligibility; recognition by authorizing agency

§ 64.2-442. International will information registration

§ 64.2-443. Jurisdiction of probate of wills

§ 64.2-444. Clerks may probate wills

§ 64.2-445. Appeal from order of clerk

§ 64.2-446. Motion for probate; process against persons interested in probate

§ 64.2-447. Use of depositions

§ 64.2-448. Complaint to impeach or establish a will; limitation of action; venue

§ 64.2-449. Procedure in probate proceedings

§ 64.2-450. Probate of copy of will proved outside the Commonwealth; authenticated copy

§ 64.2-451. Appointment of curator; when made; his duties

§ 64.2-452. How will may be made self-proved; affidavits of witnesses

§ 64.2-453. How will may be made self-proved; acknowledgment of witnesses

§ 64.2-454. Appointment of administrator for prosecution of action for personal injury or wrongful death against or on behalf of estate of deceased resident or nonresident

§ 64.2-454.1. Will contest; presumption of undue influence

§ 64.2-455. Wills to be recorded; recording copies; effect; transfer to the Library of Virginia

§ 64.2-456. Bona fide purchaser of real estate without notice of devise protected

§ 64.2-457. Bona fide purchaser of real estate without notice of devise protected; later will

§ 64.2-458. Bona fide purchaser of real estate without notice of devise protected; intestacy